“Don’t be ridiculous! I see you’re on the side of the Duchess of Palesdon and talking nonsense. That’s why women…”

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Countess Maria was bewildered by the accusations pouring on me.

‘I have to speak up. This is not nonsense. This is real……’

But she couldn’t speak.

As soon as she saw the cold eyes towards her, her whole body froze.

It was then.

“Nonsense? Count Molzigat, are you confident that you will not regret your statement?”

Roselina came and stood beside Countess Maria.

In that state, she took half a step forward and covered the Countess of Maria from the eyes of the Count of Molzigat.

“Lady Roselina…..”

Roselina was like a hero today.

Countess Maria bit her lips as she was about to cry.

“I won’t forget the disrespect you’ve done to my wife just now.”

Then came the voice of Countess Maria’s husband.

“Master of the Magic Tower?!”

Count Molzigat was embarrassed when the count stepped out after Roselina.

“What do you mean, rude? Come on. I’m just trying to talk to the clueless women.”

Count Molzigat was embarrassed and said something he shouldn’t have said.

The master of the magic tower, who looked down at him coldly, turned his back and headed to the emperor.

“Your Majesty, I have something to tell you right now, so I’m here.”

“You are always welcome to visit us.”

Tension flashed across the emperor’s face.

The master was the head of all the mages on the continent. Strictly speaking, he could be seen as equivalent to the emperor.

The benefits the empire received were great just for him to marry and stay in the empire.

“Forget about what happened just now. I will severely punish the Count of Molzigat.”

“That’s not the problem. Your Majesty, we have found a clue to cure the curse of the rose.”

“Well, is that true?”

Surprised, the emperor sprang up from his seat.

It was already said by Countess Maria.

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However, the weight of what she and the Master of the Magic Tower, who rarely appear in society, said was different.

“Yes, a special mana was detected in the Rose of Harmony that the Duchess of Palesdon introduced. I’m on my way back from a quick check.”

It was an affirmation from the master of the magic tower himself and no one else.

The banquet hall was greatly moved.

“Is it able to cure the curse of roses? It’s been a disease that no one has been able to cure since the Empire was established.………!”

“Isn’t this thanks to the Duchess of Palesdon? No one else would have known about the existence of Rose of Harmony!”

“My grandmother is lying ill from the curse of the rose. I’ll do anything if I can find a cure!”

Apart from liking roses, there was always fear in their minds. It was because of the fear of not knowing when and where the curse of roses would appear.

Can they forget that fear?

People rejoiced in the daze.

Of course, the happiest person is no one else…

‘I, I’m not dreaming, am I?’

It was Roselina.

I thought it was a lottery, but it was a Super Bowl

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‘It’s sweet…’

How can it be so sweet?

“I didn’t know the potential of the Rose of Harmony would explode like this.”

Tears welled up when I thought of the gold I would rake in from now on.

Then, soon, she became conscious of the conversation between the emperor and the Master of the Magic Tower.

“Then we can continue our research!”

“I asked Hennes, the sales guild, to secure the quantity of Rose of Harmony, and they said they’ll need permission from the Duchess of Palesdon.”

The eyes of the emperor as well as the nobles gathered on me.

Their faces all said, ‘Is it you again this time?’

‘Yes, of course it’s me.’

I could see the emperor trying to talk to me.

They’re asking for her cooperation in the study of Rose of Harmony.

“Before that…”

There is work to be done.

I stared at Count Molzigat.

His face turned pale before he knew it, and he was in a cold sweat.

And the familiar window above her.

[Reverse the hindrance of the disruptor] (4)

After a long time, a troublemaker appeared.

You have to tread on the saboteurs who are trying to ignore your achievements.

Conditions: Eliminate the Count of Molzigat, a low-level sabotage

– Reward: 10 Fate Energy]

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Count Molzigat was so insignificant that there were only two sentences in the quest.

‘Even his name was not given sincerity.’

The system always marks the full name of the disruptors, but this time, only the surname of the Count of Molzigat appears.

‘He’s an unnamed extra.’

It was a waste of time for this kind of guy.

Feeling my gaze, Count Molzigat trembled.

Then he falls to his knees.

“D, Duchess of Palesdon! It’s my fault. Please help me! I was out of my mind for a moment and couldn’t believe what I said!”

It was a quick turn of the tide.

‘But I don’t care about your circumstances.’

I turned my back on him and looked at the emperor.

“I am willing to cooperate if I can cure the symptoms of the disease that is shaking the empire. However…”

“Yes? Say whatever conditions you have. I’ll give you permission.”

“I’m not going to share any of this with the Count of Molzigat here.”

“Of course. I’ll do as you please.”

The quick-witted emperor quickly cut off Count Molzigat.

‘He was a man who wouldn’t affect the empire even if he disappeared.’

I didn’t want to know much, but the system window listed information about Count Molzigat.

He was one of the most incompetent person in the Empire.

Also, the Count of Molzigat was a stigma.

He has the title of the kind of person who wouldn’t go around the day without insulting me quite a bit.

‘Ugh, this person.’

He’s pathetic.

But Count Molzigat fell down and clung to my feet.

“Please, help me just once! My son is in a critical condition! Do me a favor by saving my child! I admit all my faults. I’m so sorry, but my son is innocent. Punish me but spare my son.………”

The eyes of some feeble-minded nobles were shaken by the words of Count Molzigat.

But I didn’t care a bit.


“If you could help me once, I’d be grateful for life, and I’d always remember the name of the Duchess………… What?”

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I chuckled and shook off Count Molzigat’s arm, which clung to my ankle.

And I recited the information that the system window told me.

“Count of Molzigat. Your son is notorious for molesting women and has bad manners. I even heard that when the count’s son appears in shops, the most expensive thing disappears. But there’s nothing wrong with that, right?

“Oh, how can I………”

“And he deliberately drove his carriage and took the lives of people walking along the street. But why should I help?”

When there was nothing to say back, Count Molzigat trembled.

“I, I won’t forget this!”

Then he rose and disappeared like a flash.

‘Man, I’m not scared at all.’

There was no proper villain for a villain who shouted, “We’ll see!”

‘Thanks to you, the quest is complete.’

[<Defeat the low-level sabotage Count Molzigat> has been confirmed]

[Quest <Interrupt the intruder>] (4)You have completed >.]

[10 Fate energy will be given as a reward]

I got the fate of energy by saying a few words, so I laughed satisfactorily.

“I accept your dance request.”

“You won’t regret your choice.”

The series of disturbances were resolved, so I accepted the roses that Calix had offered.

Calix, who answered quite gracefully, was cute because he had well received etiquette education.

“Calix. Shall we go?”

“Yes, let’s go!”

We went to the dance floor together, whispering with a smile.

“The two of them look great together.”

“Lady Rosalina is so coveted. How would she like to be a part of our family?”

“Your Majesty, you and I agree. I wish Calix would do well.”

It seemed like the emperor and his wife were talking about something while looking at Calix, but no one could hear it.

The chandelier was shiny and the music was beautiful.

That’s how the night deepened.

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