12. I did, but I didn’t

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Three days after the hunting competition.


I was purely amazed.

“The response is really explosive. It’s probably one of the best in the history of the empire.”

“You’re right.”

What the and Master I are looking at is a flurry of purchase inquiries towards the rose-gold rose.

There was a stack of papers that could be about three blocks long.

“Are these all inquiries about buying the rose-gold rose?”

“Only the written inquiries. Henness’s communication service is halted right now, and there’s no room in the guild because of people who come in and inquire.”

“Roselina, every item you bring is always a hit. You’re so successful that I’m sick of it, how do you feel?”

Morris, standing next to the master, asked in a friendly manner, now that they became acquainted a little more.

How does it feel to be successful?

“Of course it’s thrilling! It’s always new! Jackpot is the best!”

But there was a little bit of concern.

“The rose-gold rose processed in Henness doesn’t have any special effects. Then, won’t people’s desire to buy it disappear?”

Like the rose-gold rose, which was the prize for winning the hunting competition, it seemed that the rose gold crumbs that I summoned should be included.

‘I think I’ll fail if I try again.’

I remembered the moment I tried to summon gold, silver, and bronze in sequence before.

It seemed that gold was not summoned because my level was still low.

‘Rose-gold is gold, too.’

But the master relieved me of my worries.

“Since then, we’ve already announced to people that the product has no special effect. These inquiries are from only the inquiries that came in after that.”


“Yeah, so don’t worry.”

No wonder the master seemed to be friendly today.

‘Is it normal, in a way? I’m a huge investor of Henness now. ‘

Who else would be Hennes’ cash cow?

‘We’re the best partners for each other.’

While chatting with the master and Morris, I checked the time and got up.

“I’ll be on my way today. I have a previous engagement.”

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“Yes, I’ll see you soon.”

I left Hennes, was seen off by the master.

Today was the day designated by Argention.

‘You can’t make any other excuses since you chose it yourself.’

The carriage rushed towards the appointment.

The place of appointment was the restaurant where I first accepted the divorce.

Before long the carriage rattled to a halt.

When I arrived in front of the restaurant, I felt strange.

‘The beginning and the end will all be concluded here.’

I got off the wagon with a moist sensibility.

‘In the future, after acquiring this place, Roselina, a conglomerate that sweeps the continent, starts her business plan, and would make it a famous place.’

Because money makes money.

‘That’s a wonderful thing to say.’

I, holding onto my overwhelmed heart and raising my head.


I was shocked as it was.

What, what–

And echoes that resonated was like teasing me.


Even if I closed my eyes tightly and opened them again, nothing changed even when I rubbed my eyes.

“There was definitely a restaurant here…………”

I recited in vain looking at the empty space.

“It’s gone…………?”

Instead of a restaurant that had disappeared neatly as if only this place had been cut out, there was only empty land on the spot.

After transmigrating, my mind has never been this shaken.

I was not this shocked when Argention refused to divorce, referring to the check.

“Why the hell did the restaurant disappear overnight?”

The restaurant was the most popular place in the capital.

“It can’t have been ruined.”‘

The location was also in the best location.

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‘There’s no way they moved.’

The head chef of the restaurant was also in charge of the kitchen of the Imperial Palace.

‘There’s no way the chef changed jobs.’

Then why did the restaurant disappear?

As if the restaurant had never existed, there were no traces of it left.

The day before the hunting competition, I ate out at this restaurant with my father and Leodor.

Three days ago, there was definitely a restaurant here.

‘Then did someone destroy the building in three days without a word or sound?’

What happened? It was more unrealistic than Ropan’s “Ro” character being possessed by Ropan’s novel out of nowhere.

‘Looking at how clean it is without leaving a grain of dust, they probably did it on purpose.’

I don’t know the motive, but I can find someone who can use that kind of manpower and money.

I was convinced that the worst psychopath and sociopath in history was the one who did this at will.

‘He who committed this cruel crime should be put in a cell right now.’

The targets I selected on the list of suspects were as follows.

1. Sylvester’s Imperial Family

2. The three Duke Family

3. Henness

4. Other forces

“First is out.”‘

Why would the royal family eliminate a restaurant?

I don’t know if the chef caused any rebellion, but there was no such news.

‘Number two is Brighton, Blake, and Palesdon.’

First of all, it’s not Brighton.

Their recent revival has led to their return to its former reputation, but Brighton has yet to waste any money on this.

‘I don’t think so, either.’

Felix was the only one left at Blake.

Felix seemed to be ashamed based on his absence from the hunting competition, so there was no way he could have caused this disturbance.

‘Especially in this situation, if he is caught, it will lead to treason.’

Then Palesdon…………?

I shook my head.

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‘No, why would Argention do that? He asked for a divorce, and he designated this date today.’

However, the more I thought about it, the more the incident went into a maze.

I moved on to the next turn.


The master has no motive

He was a curiously unmotivated man.

He showed no enthusiasm for guild work, which made me wonder why he became a guild master.

I like that he didn’t like or hate anyone.

He sometimes showed passion only when he found a purification item or talked about business with me.

‘So is it number four, the Other Forces?’

Rather, this side was likely to be the most likely.

If someone puts their mind into it, even a marquis will be able to do something like this.

‘But why?’

Thinking of the motive for the crime, all my speculation has been in vain.

Without any association with political force, the restaurant became the capital’s best just because their food was delicious.

‘ Is that enough reason to get rid of a restaurant? ….……… Because of competitors?’

I was seriously contemplating, and at some point, I felt a presence approaching me.

” …………… Argention.”

” Good afternoon.”

” Look. The restaurant is gone.”

“Yes, I see.”

Argention was unmoved by the restaurant’s disappearance.

Like a man who already knows.

Wait a minute.

Already knows ……?


But my anxiety was creeping up.

Earlier, I laughed away, asking why Argention would do this.

The moment I saw his face, I realized I had made a wrong impression.

‘His eyes.’

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I had a premonition of danger, so I crept back.

“Yeah, the weather is so nice. Then I’ll go now.”

I tried to get back on the carriage I had been on, but even the carriage disappeared.

‘Oh, the coachman. How can you do this?’

I paid for a round trip, but he disappeared?

“Where are you going?”

At that time, Argention came a step closer, and their distance was suddenly reduced.

“Today, we promised to meet.”

“Yeah, yeah, we did. But the restaurant is gone. There is nothing we can do. Then I’ll see you next time.”

“Roselina. You did it last time.”

Argention, a little closer, whispered in a low voice.

Somehow his low voice seemed to cling to my ears.

It was strange because my stomach was strangely itchy.

“This is where our relationship ended.”

My voice was heard on top of Argention’s voice.

“This is where our relationship ends.”

What I said was correct, but why is he talking about it now?

Argention whispered again to me, who was hardened.

“There’s no place to prove it, so it’s invalid.”


What’s invalid?

But when I saw the glistening eyes of Argention, I closed my mouth tightly.

‘I’m not messing with a crazy guy.’

But in the end, I had no choice but to sigh.


It was because of the notification that suddenly appeared in the air.

[Quest  failed]

[Quest ‘s failure penalty is the enforced fate.]

[Fate will be enforced!]


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