Because his task was finished, there was still an hour left before the end of work and the engineering department could not arrange more tasks for them, they were sent back to their own department in advance.

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Just when Zhuang Yanyu was released, the supervisor still did not forget to ask Zhuang Yanyu again: “Xiao Zhuang, you really don’t want to come to our engineering department? You can apply for salary and benefits. You are young and young people are at the right age of working hard, to earn money to buy a house or something.”

Zhuang Yanyu still refused.

Seeing Zhuang Yanyu leaving without hesitation, the supervisor could not help regretting in his heart.

Seeing this, one of his technical assistants¹ couldn’t help saying: “Actually, I think it’s okay. Although this person rewrote the first half of the EL system, his rewriting was based on our original structure. It’s not particularly difficult to do.”

The assistant felt that the supervisor was a bit too exaggerated; he could also do it if it were him.

After all, all the original data was there, which meant that the start had been made, the background and character design were done, so the rest could be written according to this background and any engineering and technical personnel could do it.

The supervisor glanced at him and knew that the other party was dissatisfied because he valued people from other departments, so he said: “You can, but why did you not find out? Xiao Zhuang found out when he came, why don’t you continue talking?”

Technical assistant touched his nose in embarrassment: “This… isn’t this still collecting data.”

The supervisor: “Okay, okay, I know you are all talented, don’t be lazy, go to work quickly.”

The supervisor did not think this was a simple matter. He could guarantee that even if his subordinates could upgrade the system, they would not be able to write such a perfect version in just two hours.

Anyway, he was very optimistic about Zhuang Yanyu.

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The technical assistant saw that the supervisor not only did not give up, but also directly called the personnel department to apply for Zhuang Yanyu’s resume.

When he learned that Zhuang Yanyu did not graduate from any TOP² school in the country, but graduated as an undergraduate instead of a postgraduate student, the assistant felt inexplicably relieved.

No wonder he could only enter the service center, it seems that his education capital was not enough.




As the end of work approached, everyone’s mood became lighter.

Zhou Quan talked about things in the engineering department incessantly. His words were always exaggerated. Through the embellishment of his words, on how Zhuang Yanyu showed his talents in the engineering department, about how all the people in the engineering department were impressed by Zhuang Yanyu’s technology.

“Is it true? Xiao Zhuang is so powerful?”

“I’m going, so Xiao Zhuang has a chance to go to the engineering research and development center? The salary there is double!”

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“Xiao Zhuang, you have to treat us!”

Everyone chatted enthusiastically, but when they turned around, they saw Zhuang Yanyu sitting there in a daze, his eyes not focusing on anywhere, and he was completely motionless.

Zhou Quan asked: “Xiao Zhuang, what’s wrong with you? Do you regret the rejection?”

Zhuang Yanyu didn’t move.


Zhou Quan: “Xiao Zhuang? Xiao Zhuang?”

Xiao Zhuang finally moved, and gave Zhou Quan a look slowly: “?”

Zhou Quan: “What are you doing? You didn’t respond when I called you just now.”

Zhuang Yanyu: ” Oh, it was stuck just now.”

Zhou Quan: “Huh?”

Zhuang Yanyu patted his head, as if such a pat could make the stuck brain work again.

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He had just been calculating the probability of meeting Wen Chenxi again in the company. There were too many decimal points as the probability was too small, which made him get stuck.

The human brain was indeed inferior to the chip.

Zhou Quan took a closer look at Zhuang Yanyu, found that he(ZY) really didn’t care much about the engineering department and that he(ZQ) did not even understand what he(ZY) was thinking.

When it was time to get off work, Zhuang Yanyu immediately got up and left.

Zhuang Yanyu lingered near the elevator for a while, but he didn’t see any high-level employee taking the employee elevator. It seemed that the elevator on the high-level side had really been repaired.

Zhuang Yanyu went home disappointed.

What he did not know was that his information was being placed in front of Wen Chenxi at this moment.

Wen Chenxi was looking at Zhuang Yanyu’s information.

When Special Assistant Lin submitted the materials, he had already memorized all the materials on Zhuang Yanyu, his tone simple and capable: “Zhuang Yanyu, from the technical service department, has just joined the company for two months. The department manager guaranteed his application, ended his internship ahead of schedule, and changed to a full-time employee.”

Wen Chenxi’s eyes fell on Xiao Zhang’s ID photo in the upper right corner.

The young man in the photo looked more like a little boy. His face was very clean and handsome.

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His pupil color was dark, his eyes were bright and energetic. That kind of spirit gave people a kind of feeling that he was upright and heroic.

But in fact, the boy in reality was more three-dimensional and beautiful than the facial features in the photos.

And his family relationship and social relationship were also very simple, so simple that less than one-third of a piece of A4 paper was filled.

“Just joined the company for two months.”

“Yes, Mr. Wen.”

Lin Tezhu asked suspiciously: “Mr. Wen, do you want his information, because you suspect…”

Weilan Technology was a leading domestic technology company. There were not many competitors, especially since recently the company had just signed a contract with the military and government.

The new project involved a lot of confidentiality agreements. In order to avoid the infiltration of ‘spies’ from other countries or other companies, the company had already issued a notice. The security during this period would be rather troublesome to review and they also would not let go of any possible suspects.


1 -> assistant, the original name was ‘backbone'(骨干), but I figured it did not sound right.

2 -> TOP, it was already written in English capital letters in the raws.

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