Ch7 - Because my upper limit is Ji Yiwe

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The lights diminished at the auction, and patterns of large trees, mistletoe, and birds ascended gently. All of the cat systems immediately stopped chattering and peered closely at the field, and there was a period of silence. 


No. 6666 restrained his inner excitement as a rookie system, and his eyes on the electronic screen blink regularly. He was fortunate to have met such a knowledgeable instructor as Senior Sansan, allowing him to witness the entire auction from the box on the second floor.




“In this pattern, the big tree represents the main system, the mistletoe represents us, and the bird represents the host.” System No. 1001 spoke softly. Although the rookie guidebook contains a chapter on patterns, these symbolic objects must still be dictated. System No. 6666 vigorously nodded and was about to explain that he had written it down when he heard System No. 2333 speak next to him. 




“But, Aren’t we the ones who work all day?” System No. 2333 inquired. “What makes you think we’re parasitic?”



The other two systems: “…”

Sometimes you are very reasonable!



“So, Xiaoliu, just treat the main system as if it’s a leader who doesn’t work.” “Then treat the infinite space as a workplace, and who is the host?” 

System No. 233 mechanical cat’s ears twitched with pride.

“They are coworkers. Don’t hold back your partner once the necessary task has been completed. When it’s time to work, work hard, and when it’s time to fish, fish hard. Sometimes you can even treat the main system requirements as…”



No. 2333 had not yet completed speaking when No. 1001 gave him a disapproving look, clearly concerned that the wall has ears. He made no sound, and the eye emblem on the electronic screen vanished, replaced by four large words -[ Treat it as a fart.]


The other two systems: “…”

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Don’t throw strange words on your face!




System 6666 was having a very complicated day. Before today, no, before he met Senior Sansan, his mental image of the main system was of a gigantic shadow hidden in clouds, overlooking and regulating all the system cat balls. A rookie system like his would be forcibly put into the world from the start, and if it failed, it would be destroyed. So scary! 


“Are you thinking about that rule? It didn’t exist before, it was added later.” The screen of system No. 1001 went blank.


“It’s all because of…” 


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Because of me.” No. 2333 said guiltily, “Because I was in the main system space for more than three years, and the main system…”


Ktlr alwf, Vsrafw 2333 gfwfwyfgfv ab yf mjealber bo atf qjgalalbc’r fjgr jcv gjqlvis mjra atf rfmbcv tjio bo atf rajafwfca bc atf rmgffc. 

[I’m in a hurry.]



Vsrafw Rb. 6666: “…” 



Ca qgfrfca, atf uibbws jcv lcmbwqgftfcrlyif qglwjgs rsrafw tjr yffc gfvemfv ab atf qlmaegf bo j ifjvfg ktb kjr fjufg ab jmmbwqilrt cbatlcu lc tlr tfjga. Ktf jemalbc tjv jigfjvs yfuec ktlif atfs kfgf mbcnfgrlcu, jcv Vsrafw Rb. 2333 vjrtfv ab atf gjlilcu. Ktfgf kjr j iluta ybjgv atja mjc mtjcuf atf cewyfg, jcv tf lcafcvr ab jrrlra atf rwjii bcf lc rluclcu atf qglmf.



System No. 1001 has frequently attended auction sites. Even though the ultimate goal was [Great Lake], System No. 1001 bought off multiple high-level worlds with high quality as a guarantee.



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“If you participate in this kind of auction in the future, the most important thing is to set your [upper limit].” 


After helping to hold up the price board again, system number 2333 taught his junior.


“The source of this upper limit is the number of points your host can obtain in this world. Because, while there are numerous points to be obtained in the mission world, the host cannot take on all of them, and saving a life is the priority, so the upper limit must be established.” 


System No. 6666 finds this difficult. “I don’t know how much my host can take…”


The eyes on system number 2333’s electronic screen were misaligned. “So, in one world after another, you must strengthen your understanding of the host and cultivate a tacit understanding with the host. Every quest is a perilous adventure. Life and death can best reflect a person’s personality, and you’ll soon realize Your host is superior to yourself.” 


They are the most seamless partner and the closest comrade-in-arms. This is the relationship between the system and the host. This is the relationship between him and Ji Yiwei. System 2333 thought.



Because of the bond between the system and the host that Senior Sansan outlined to him, system number 6666 experienced an incomprehensible emotion in his heart. He genuinely wanted to ask senior Sansan if such a relationship existed between the senior and the host. Later, he felt that this inquiry was very repetitive. He had already felt the serenity in the No. 306 restricted area.



System 1001 abruptly speaks. “[Great Lake] is finally here.” 


As the finale of the auction world, the starting price of [Great Lake] starts directly from 2,000 points, and the price increases by more than 100 at a time. If 2,000 points are listened to by the experienced host, it will not be enough to get between the teeth. Ji Yiwei can collect 35,000 points in a mission world with many branches and no points… But these points have nothing to do with the system.




The system only had two sources of points: the 5% commission on each mission world and earning the difference through the self-operated system store. Senior systems will utilise the commission as the “upper limit” for pricing hikes because it was unreasonably low. They must rely on delivery if they are to make money.


The more complicated and advanced the world, the simpler it is for the host to spend a lot of money shopping in the system mall, which is why the systems compete for the advanced world. If systems only count on the commission. They will only starve to death, it was justified to bring more goods!


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No. 2333 murmured to himself as he held a price tag. This commission had always bothered him. The system followed the host through life and death and executed him if he failed, but the points he received were modest. The main system appears to be…


[ Greedy.] 


System No. 6666: “Who is greedy, Senior Sansan?” Strange thoughts of yours are manifesting on your screen!”



No. 2333 was reminded to raise the placard by System No. 6666. At this point, the price has been yelled down to 4,000, and they are clearly under pressure from others, so they only add 100 to their base.


System No. 2333 was enraged, popped his head out in a flash, sparks still flashing from his left ear, and yelled fiercely at the box next to him.


“No. 1234! You are doing it on purpose!”




No. 1234 in the other box suddenly sat proudly on it, its tail coiled into a spring. “Of course, I did it on purpose.” “Number 1001, aren’t you the first cat ball in the main system?” he scoffed. Then bid with me, and I’ll stick with you until the end! And number 2333! I’ll let you know today that I’m the first ball under the main system!” 


System No. 2333 and No. 1001 looked at each other without even a second of hesitation, and said simply. “Forget this title for you, we don’t want it.”


Any ugly title was not worth grabbing! 


System No. 1001 looked at the auction roster, the vertical line on the screen blinked and decided to give up. It doesn’t make sense to increase the price. He just upgraded the eight-level system before, and the points really can’t compete with the number 1234. Although Sheng Song hinted to him that he wanted the best high-level world,…he was not Sansan, who was completely devoted to the host. When Sansan said just now, he didn’t intervene, because he knew that system number 6666 would soon understand what the relationship between most systems and their hosts is.


They cooperate, but they don’t communicate with each other. If one needs to understand between calm and intelligent systems and hosts, this relationship is simply – mutual suspicion and defence. 

He was constantly on the lookout for Sheng Songshi, therefore he would never do anything for him. A simple equation.

The tail of System 1001 closed the roster, and the mechanical cat ears flicked to the side.

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“San San, there is no need to add. I also earned several high-level worlds this time, so there is no need to spend too much on [Great Lake].” ” 


Although [Great Lake]’s basic information claims to have more than 100,000 points For the amount of acquisition, my host can get up to 80,000 during Shengsong.” He paused for a while, “So my upper limit is 4,000, and even if you add the possible product profits, it will never exceed 5,000. Now my points: The reserves are not enough, and it is wise to stop in time.”


System No. 2333 was still very angry, and he “meowed” with No. 1234, who was also on the railing in another box, through the air. 


This system is so annoying! Always looking out for trouble! His cheese pie-flavoured supplement was also gone because of this guy!



“However, if you are really angry…” System No. 1001 blinked his eyes, “You can definitely increase the price, Sansan.” 


System No. 2333 was stunned when he heard this. The main system strictly prohibits the direct circulation of large amounts of points between systems, so he can’t help much. Before, he only thought that his friend wanted it, and he naturally had no idea, but now Xiao Yi asked him to increase the price.


System No. 6666 didn’t understand, so he couldn’t help worrying. “But, but, what a huge amount of points!” 


As a poor newcomer whose account has only been in double digits so far, 4,000 points was simply a number in a dream.


System No. 1001 shook his head and said firmly. “As long as Sansan starts to increase the price, then no system in the audience can compete with him, and no system can exceed his upper limit.” 




System number 2333 slowly raised his head, and before he knew it, his pair of mechanical cat ears also stood up. 




The eyes on the electronic screen were bent, and he said softly. “Because my upper limit is Ji Yiwei.” 

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