Giving Him a Jade Pendant (2)

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Her fingers finally touched his back, and then hooked his waist rope, slowly fumbling.

Shen Rongyu’s belt was too tight, so Ji Qingzhou’s fingers inevitably stroked his body.

Ji Qingzhou couldn’t believe she still couldn’t find the knot. Her fingers flexed from the back of his waist to the front, passing over the most sensitive part of his waist.

Shen Rongyu instantly stiffened. He somewhat regretted teasing Ji Qingzhou and deciding against pointing it out to her, because she…

Honestly, Ji Qingzhou’s movements didn’t mean to seduce him. She was really just looking for the knot, and since Shen Rongyu didn’t remind her, she could only find it herself.

Her movements were slow, which was almost torturous for Shen Rongyu.

Ultimately, he lowered his voice, tinging it with an ambiguous meaning: “In front…”

Before he could finish speaking, Ji Qingzhou found it. When she touched the silver button, she felt that she was the densest fool in the world.

W-Why is it in front? Moreover, it was a silver buckle. She always thought it was an ornament.

After committing such a foolish blunder, she was at a loss, and her hands again trembled.

She pressed the hitch lock behind the silver clasp, but it didn’t open.

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So she bent her finger and pressed it again, really anxious.

And through two layers of clothing, was Shen Rongyu’s lower abdomen, and blocks of well-defined muscles tightened.

At long last, the buckle opened with a “ka-cha”, rescuing both Ji Qingzhou and Shen Rongyu.

The belt slipped down and fell to the ground with tassels and pearls at the tips. Ji Qingzhou clumsily hung the jade pendant on the belt. Her fingers hooked the end of the belt and let it pass through the jade pendant cord.

Ji Qingzhou breathed a sigh of relief after finally fastening it up. T-This task was much more challenging than solving a hundred formations.

At the beginning, she was really shy, but when she couldn’t find the knot around Shen Rongyu’s waist, she began to focus on finding the answer.

When the epiphyllum jade pendant was hung, Ji Qingzhou lowered her head and suddenly registered what she had just done.

Her hands shook anew, thus flopping to press the silver buckle latch time and again.

Ji Qingzhou’s face flushed red, and her hands shook incessantly. Nothing seemed to work.

She had been on it for a long time, which was no less a test for Shen Rongyu. When Ji Qingzhou stretched out her fingers to hook the belt, he actually regretted it.

“Let me do it.” Shen Rongyu’s voice was no longer smooth and gentle, but flustered.

His fingers covered Ji Qingzhou’s fingers, and then slowly locked the silver buckle. His fingertips were burning.

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For Shen Rongyu, this was a feeling of being out of control.

Ji Qingzhou finally thanked him, “Thank you, Xiao Yu-shixiong.”

She withdrew her hand, but Shen Rongyu was still gently rubbing his belt, again and again, as if he was diverting his attention.

Ji Qingzhou quickly backed away, and her body seemingly bounced off. Awashed with nervousness, she took a huge step back, but she forgot that they were standing on the bamboo platform in the middle of the autumn pool.

She took two steps back and fell into the water.

As soon as her soles touched the water surface, she felt a weightless sensation. Shen Rongyu leaned down and embraced her waist.

Shen Rongyu moved swiftly. The hair above his forehead fell on her cheek. With the warm wind of autumn, it brushed on Ji Qingzhou’s face, hot and ticklish.

She could barely think straight, and the root of all this was herself—that ugly jade pendant.

Shen Rongyu did not let her body touch his own, brought her back, and once her condition was stabilized, he quickly released her.

Ji Qingzhou lowered her head and wanted to look elsewhere to distract herself.

But Shen Rongyu squeezed her chin lightly and refused to let her lower her head. Ji Qingzhou’s head was forced up, and her eyes had no choice but to fall on his face.

Ji Qingzhou still didn’t dare to look into his eyes, and her gaze shifted to the side of his ear.

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There she found that the tips of Shen Rongyu’s ears were red, and his clenched jaw highlighted the tightness of his cheek muscles.

Ji Qingzhou didn’t know what was going on with him, but she knew it must have something to do with her.

Therefore, she apologized once again. “I’m sorry.”

After she said this, Shen Rongyu released the hand holding her chin. He turned around, picked up the Burial Snow Sword on the table, and said unhurriedly, “Go back.”

In the past, Ji Qingzhou always initiated going back first, but today it was he who mentioned it first, which was a bit strange.

On the way back, Ji Qingzhou stood on the Burial Snow Sword and began to comb for the reason.

After a brief contemplation,she decided that it might be because the jade pendant she carved was ugly, and he regretted it after wearing it.

So Ji Qingzhou cautiously asked Shen Rongyu after a lengthy struggle, “Xiao Yu-shixiong, if it really doesn’t look good…”

Shen Rongyu interrupted her, “It’s beautiful.”

Ji Qingzhou felt that he was talking nonsense with his eyes open.

So she asked, “Then why are you unhappy?”

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Shen Rongyu wasn’t unhappy. He was just…

He fell silent.

Ji Qingzhou apologized while he was indecisive: “Xiao Yu-shixiong, I’m really sorry. I’m too stupid, and I have never given someone a jade pendant.”

Shen Rongyu answered her: “No.”


Shen Rongyu sighed softly, with a hint of suppressed dumbness in his voice: “Fool.”

Ji Qingzhou had heard such a similar sound that the red qi representing Shen Rongyu made in their cultivation space after rubbing against her for a long time.


Before she knew it, Shen Rongyu brought her down from the Burial Snow Sword.

Shen Rongyu turned and left, speeding away, as if a white shadow whisked by.

Ji Qingzhou pressed her fingers against the door frame and dug into it several times.

She didn’t want to understand what happened to him.

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