By the time I and Phil finished changing clothes, the test was about to begin.

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               So we had to hurry to the waiting room for the examinees and join Raquel.

               It seems that father, mother, and Mr. Posford have already headed for the spectator seats in the stadium where the test will be held.

               I heard that the ability test held at the admission of the Spiritual Arts Academy, especially the ones for the battle department act as a proxy war for the aristocrats.

               In this country, the ability one has as a spiritualist is directly connected to the aristocrat’s fame.

               Therefore, most of the students that enter this academy are sons of aristocrats or large merchants, in short, golden spoons.

               The same is true for me and Phil.

               In the end, this ability test is mostly to so that each house can show their next generation’s talent.

               This is also probably the first opportunity for many children to raise their family’s name on their own.

               Just by looking around for a bit, I can see many nervous faces.

               Here and there I can see many parents trying to calm down their children.

               I’m not nervous right now, probably due to that talk with Azalea. Not to mention Phil.

               However, from the side, I, Phil and Raquel would look the same to the others.

“The battle department exam is a mock combat done with a graduate student from a higher grade. In other words, Jack, you will be fighting against a second-grade student”

               Raquel informs me, so I nod.

“How strong is a second-grade student?”


               Raquel thinks a little.

“… Do you remember that female thief from the group [Crimson Cats] that you fought last year?”


               Of course, I remember.

               If I made a mistake, I would have died to her…

“From what I’ve heard… I think she would be at the level of a fourth-grade student”


               … Fourth-grade?

               That Vicky…!??

“Even if you consider her skills as a thief, well… Maybe she would be up to third-grade. This would be considering if she took the admission exam for the third-grade.

If it was as rumored, someone capable of transferring themselves with the [Absolute Rift], that alone would put that person on first-grade

Above that would be [Dan], and that person would barely reach the border for that grade, but that would still not be enough”

               It’s natural to have talent.

               It’s natural to make an effort.

               What Raquel said is now becoming reality to me.

“… That means that I will be fighting someone that is stronger than Vicky”

“That’s right… But, Jack. I’ll put a handicap on you”



“Fight so that you don’t give up the information that you posses a real [Spirit possession]”


“With a handicap…!? Against someone stronger than Vicky…!?”

“No. It’s just putting some restrictions. You can jump up to 300 kilometers with [Veiled Wings of Freedom]. Just don’t use the incarnation avatar”

               When I try to fight seriously, I unknowingly let out the incarnation avatar of my spirit.

               In other words, she’s telling me to not allow the enemy to force me into getting serious.

“Then, this sword too—”

               I have a sword hanging on my waist—

               It’s a sword that can only be used by me, made by the world’s heaviest metal, Hihirokane.

“— Then I can’t use this [Dawn Sword] neither, right?”

“Of course. Just leave it hanging on your waist”

               True, if I leave it somewhere and my spiritual art goes off, then it would create a crater in the floor…

“But why do that…? Is it part of the training?”

“Jack— The existence of a true spirit avatar incarnation isn’t as light as you think.

An incarnation avatar is a strategic existence that affects the nation’s power just by being there… If an incarnation avatar is discovered, I don’t know what they will do.

If that happens, I won’t be able to protect you”

               I remember when I was kidnapped by the thieves.

               I have seen Raquel her voice only once.

               I must not worry this strict and gentle master ever again.

               Never again.

“It’s fine”

               Raquel smiles and puts her hands on my shoulders, maybe I was looking uneasy.

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“It has been one year since that fight with that thief, you have gotten stronger. So show that strength to the world”

               I answer her gaze with strong determination.

“— I understand”

               From that time when I killed Vicky—


               Since those nightmarish days that sank me into despair and fear while remaining helpless.

               How stronger have I become?

               I’ll check it with my own eyes.

“Master—, Master—!”

               Phil, who had been left unattended, raises her hand to appeal her existence.

“For me? Is there anything for me?”

“Phil can do it normally. You don’t have to worry about anything”

“Oh—, I see!”

               Is she worried?

               … Well, Phil’s extraordinary ability is something that I clearly understand.

               The intelligence test will be completed easily.

“Then, let’s go see the other children’s exams. It’s important to know how the test will be in advance”

               Phil and I respond to Raquel and follow her.


               Not only inside this stadium, but in the whole spiritual arts academy, it seems that they have a barrier that prevents murderous acts due to accidents that have happened before.

               Inside that barrier, even if the chest is pierced by a sword, it will only hurt a bit and the person won’t die.

               Similarly, even if someone is poisoned, that person will only feel sick and paralyzed, and won’t actually die.

               In contrast, the concept of [Spiritual Power] exists as an alternative.

               The power of the barrier that protects the spirit user is affected by the spiritual power from that same user, and when it’s exhausted, that user is forcibly prohibited from moving, and the body will enter a recovery phase to replenish the spiritual power.

               This is called [Element Out].

               The mock battles of the battle department admission test has a rule that getting Element Out by accumulating damage or one of them surrenders, the test will end.

[Third Test Arena! 7th Dan Chuck Edwoods, from Joel Flanagan! For 4th grade Examination!]

               The first stadium, which is the largest stadium.

               A broadcast using Spiritual Arts rang throughout the entire area about one of the multiple test sites, showing the examinee, his name and test grade.


“Huh, so that is Viscount Flanagan’s child?”

“It’s a big deal to be able to take the fourth-grade exam”

“He just wants to make himself look bigger. It’s something that he would do”

               I could hear some whispers around.

               Scary. This aristocratic society is terrifying.

               From what I’ve seen, it seems that the examinees around here are mostly of the 5th grade.

               Even if they fail, it’s highly likely that they will make it to 6th grade or below.

               By the way, if someone fails even 6th grade, that person will be put in an apprenticeship class called quasi 6th grade without any questions.

               Rumors are that 90% of the children that are put in 6th grade will drop out voluntarily in less than half a year…

               Because of that, many students would try to take the 5th grade test instead of the 6th one.

               Up to 4th grade, students can take the exam freely without having a recommendation letter from the academy.

               It seems that passing the condition for passing is not decided simply by the victory or defeat in the mock battle, but by the teachers analyzing the content of the battle itself.

               In fact, most of the students were defeated by their opponent, the student.

               Well, it’s natural.

               They have been studying at this school for a long time.


               There are exceptions to everything.


[Second test area! 8th Dan Ruby Bergson, from Hozea Bergson! The exam grade is… 3rd grade!]

               The moment he said that, the inside of the venue started buzzing.

“This is the first 3rd grade tester this year! No, but speaking of Bergson…”

“That [Trash picking Bergson]…! Did he throw his trash into this traditional academy without any discipline!”

“But, it’s certain that he was allowed to take the 3rd grade exam… Shall we take a look at him?”

               Bergson, the trash picker…?

               I was distracted by the words muttered.

“Bergson 8th Dan is famous for picking up wandering children from the slums and then adding them as his subordinates”

               Raquel said softly from my side.

“He’s hated by aristocrats who value blood and tradition because his subordinates are excellent”

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               I see…

               If you reverse it, then it’s a group solely focused on performance.

               I focus on the second test area.

               A man in a school uniform stands at the end of the circular stage.

               This is the 3rd grade examiner.

               And on the other side—

               There is a girl.

               Probably around the same age as me and Phil, so about 9 or 10 years old.

               She’s wearing a large beret over her light brown hair.

               And the rest of her outfit is extremely light.

               While other freshmen emphasize mobility while not trying not to lose dignity, her outfit seems to ignore all of that as she is dressed in clothes that could be bought at a second-hand clothing store, so putting it bluntly, she’s wearing shabby apparel.

               It’s like she’s saying [I’m from a slum, so what?].

               Just by looking at her dignified posture, she’s conveying her annoying personality.

               Well, not that I hate it.

[Start the test!!]

               Neither side moved immediately after the start was announced.

               Is the graduate student wary due to her being the first 3rd grade examinee this year?

               On the other hand, the girl is being cautious.

               The stalemate continued for a while—

               Until the graduate student decided to move.

               Guoo!! He blew a gust of wind.

               I faintly heard the girl hiding her face and screaming [Uwaa!?].

               That is bad.

               If she hides her face, she will block her own vision…!

               Then I heard a humming sound.

               It’s the sound of a blade of compressed air made by manipulating the atmosphere with a spiritual technique.

               There two major advantages in the spiritual art of the wind type.

               One is that the attack is invisible to the other party.

               And the other is that the attack doesn’t block the user’s view.

               Depending on the surrounding environment, it’s unlikely that the user will lose sight of the opponent due to their own attack.

               In order to make full use of that, the graduate student must be preparing for the next attack.




               Phil and I scream at the same time.

               No, the entire audience is confused.

               She disappeared.

               The girl that everyone was keeping their eyes on disappeared.

               Then, the next moment, the girl appears again.

               She’s already behind her opponent, the graduate student.

               There’s a small dagger in her right hand—

               And it’s already deeply stuck inside the graduate student’s throat.

               She was certainly surprised when he blew that gust of wind.

               She unknowingly blocked her own view by putting her arms in front of her face—

               Everyone, including me, thought so…

               However, she’s behind the graduate student and stabbed her dagger in him.

               And I saw her lips move.

“— Just kidding”

               Element Out.

               The man, who lost all of his spiritual power due to that single critical hit to his throat loses strength and collapses.

[Game over! This is Ruby Bergson’s victory!!]

               While listening to the announcement, I was thinking.

               … Was it acting?

               It was probably from the time of that stalemate when she was giving that vigilant atmosphere.

               A trap to make the opponent think that his attack was successful—

               … What kind if child is she?

               I was already feeling like taking off my hat, but this was just the beginning—


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[First test area! 9th Dan Gawain Mc Donnell, from Denholm Bastade! 3rd grade examinee…!!]

               When that was announced, the buzz inside the stadium started again.

“Hmm! So, it’s that [Iron Shogun], his excellency Bastade!”

“So he had taken in a student”

“Speaking of Mc Donnell, he’s a famous knight whose family has continued protecting the kingdom for eight generations. Lets see how this goes…”

               Standing in the first test area is a boy with heavy armor like a heavy infantry soldier.

               There’s an age limit of 12 years for admission to this academy.

               In other words, he shouldn’t be older than 12 years old…

               He’s so big. How tall is he?

               He’s so tall I would believe him if he said he’s a high school student.

[Let the match begin!!]

               Since the match started, the boy in armor didn’t move a step while holding up his sword and shield.

               Even if the opponent attacks, he doesn’t move even a step.

               He’s taking all of his opponent’s attacks with his body and shield.

               A tough body, and extraordinary endurance that can’t be described with words.

               By squinting hard enough, I discovered part of the secret.

               Every time he was attacked, his shield and armor were damaged and broken.

               However, what I noticed was that it was then fixed.

               Even if it breaks time and time again, his armor will return to being pristine new…

               But does that affect his endurance?

               The armor doesn’t block all that damage.

               The impact should have passed through the body…

               However, he looks calm, as if it was just a breeze.

               The reason can’t be understood from a distance.

               His opponent should’ve tried to find it too.

               The time came in the form of numbness on the graduate’s part.

               But that was the boy’s aim.

               With his excellent sword handling, he began to control the close combat without any danger.

               After a few minutes, he was the only one standing at the test area.

[Game over! Victory is for Gawain Mc Donnell!!]


The moment the girl appeared in the stadium everyone was excited.

               Red hair that shines like flames.

               And crimson dress reminiscent of a rose, probably set up intentionally.

               Azalea Austin—

               On the circular area, her appearance caused more vigor than anyone else.

               … Actually, I just saw that dress.

               I was thinking that maybe she was thinking of taking the exam with that dress on, but it seems that it was true.

               But… What is this?

               There is a terrifying looking guy in the are against her.

               It seems that it’s worse when looking at him from a distance.

“Ji-kun, look over here”

               Suddenly, Phil pinched my cheeks with both hands and turned my face to hers.

“Wha… What?”

“Just look here! Don’t look at her!”

               She’s so hostile…

               It’s the first time Phil is acting this aggressive towards someone else.

               Why is she acting like this?

               Maybe she thinks that she will steal me from her?

               … Ah.

               Maybe… Phil has not meet a girl of the same age?

               It’s probably the first time she met a girl of the same age who I also know, though I’m pretty sure she has girl friends that I don’t know.

               Eh, then is she going to act like this every time I meet a girl?

               … It may be best if I devise some countermeasures.

[Fourth test area! Azalea Austin, from the Flame God Amaterasu! The examinee is going for… 3rd grade!!]

               … She’s a 3rd grade too?

               There were some children that have taken the 3rd grade test so far, but only two have finished with a victory.

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               Not that it’s necessary to win, but how will she do?

               Azalea picks the hem of her dress and moves her feet back while bowing towards the graduate student. She’s showing courtesy.

               It’s an aristocratic and elegant act, but the message it transmits is [I’m not nervous, so I can manage to do this].

               This may be a fierce battle…

               As if to support my expectations—

[Let the match begin!!]

               The opponent moved with haste.

               Water began appearing out of nowhere and a barrage started to fall towards Azalea!

               Spirit [Focalor]’s [Gen’s ocean hand]…!!

               It’s a simple spiritual technique that manipulates water.

               And, as far as I know, Azalea’s spiritual art is extremely simple.

               Spirit [Aim]’s [Dawn’s light].

               A spiritual art that manipulates fire.

               When I asked Raquel earlier, she said that Amaterasu, the Flame God that teaches Azalea is a school that specializes in [Dawn’s light].

               It’s said that it’s one of the most influential spiritual dojos.

               This time, the compatibility is the worst.

               For me, [Dawn’s light] is a spiritual art that I know very well.

               It’s a technique that I fought for the first time when I was 1 year old.

               Therefore, I know it very well.

               That her spiritual art is extremely vulnerable to water.

               I can only think that the person that assigned the opponent knew about it.

               What a bad taste.

               To hit a freshman with a graduate with the worst compatibility…

               Azalea didn’t even move one step in front of the barrage of water.

               Is her leg frozen in place, or is she unable to move due to the dress?

               No, in the first place, there is no way she can avoid that even if she ran away.

               Azalea just stood there with no choice but to let her dress get filled with holes.

               — That.

               Is what everyone, including me was thinking.

               The next moment.

               The barrage of water was swallowed by a huge wall of flames.

               The wall of flames became vapor and scattered, and Azalea reappeared while in her luxurious dress.

               With a fearless smile on her neat face—

               She clearly said.

“[Flames are weak to water], did you really graduate with that mentality?”

               Then she started to overrun him with fire.

               It was Azalea’s undisputed victory.

[Game over! This is Azalea Austin’s victory!!]


“Jack, it’s about time”

               As soon as Azalea’s match was over, Raquel said softly.

               … Time?

“Phil still has to wait a bit more, so you can go to your parents for a while”

“Okay! Good luck, Ji-kun! I’ll be watching!”

“Yeah. Leave it to me!”

               Phil raised her hand and I gave her a high five.

               Then Phil ran towards her parents.

               Raquel and I then walk towards the waiting room for the examinees.

               With every step that I took I felt that the noise began disappearing.

“I’ll say this again. You are really strong, strong enough to not lose to anyone”

               While walking, Raquel said so.

“But right now no one knows you. You are just one of the rumored talents, with vague information”

               While telling me that as if pushing my back—

               However, Raquel.

               My teacher is.

               With that smile on her face pushing my back.

“— Let them know. The existence of Jack Lieber”

               I smile and strongly answer her with “Yeah!”.

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