The Admiral Behind The Door

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[Part (2/2)]

     Seeing his achievements, Song Huai felt a burst of ecstasy after the initial shock.

 He squeezed out of the crowd under their suspicious and malicious gaze, and wanted to tell Lu Mian the good news.

 Before taking a few steps, Song Huai was yelled at.

 It was the squad leader of their class. The squad leader said to him angrily: “Song Huai, Teacher Niu is calling you.”

 At the door of the office, Song Huai heard comments coming from inside.

 ”This Song Huai is also too arrogant, cheating in the first grade! If this is not dealt with, how can I explain it to other hard working students!”

 Teacher Niu defended Song Huai: “Director, Song Huai is actually quite smart. He is more serious in some selected subjects. Let’s not rush in making a conclusion. First call the child over to ask about the situation, how about it?”

 Song Huai lowered his eyes, a little unhappy in his heart.

 But he knocked on the door politely.


 Song Huai walked into the door, and several teachers in the office looked at him with different expressions.

 Song Huai walked in front of Teacher Niu, looking very well-behaved.

 He didn’t give the teaching director a chance to ask questions, and directly said: “Teacher, I didn’t cheat.”

 Hearing this, the director sneered and put down the teacup in his hand.

 ”Song Huai, your rank in the last monthly exam was 323. Are you awakening your brain or getting blessed by God?” But no matter how the director satirized, Song Huai did not flinch.

 The director drank a big mouthful of water, pointed at Song Huai with anger, and said, “I thought it was the first time you did this, so I wanted to give you a chance to confess. Since you are so dishonest, all right! Check the surveillance! Check the surveillance now! “

 Song Huai said angrily: “Check it!”

 Teacher Niu grabbed Song Huai and apologized to the director: “Dr. Wang, Director, please help yourself with the tea, don’t be angry. Let me talk to this child.”

 Teacher Niu pulled Song Huai aside. Before he could say anything to Song Huai, he saw Song Huai with red eyes, still looking at him stubbornly: “Teacher Niu, I didn’t cheat, I took the test by myself!”

 Lu Mian worked so hard every day to make up lessons for him. Why do these people say that he cheated?

 Teacher Niu’s heart softened, and at the end, he sighed.

 He touched Song Huai’s head comfortingly: “I don’t have any reason not to believe in my students.”

 Originally, he also had some doubts about how Song Huai could suddenly get first place in the exam. So when the director said that he wanted to checked the surveillance, he wanted to protect Song Huai.

 Before investigating the surveillance, Song Huai stood in the office in front of all the teachers and said to the director: “Teacher, if the surveillance can prove my innocence, I want you to apologize to me.”

 Teacher Niu heard these words and grabbed Song Huai’s hand.

 Song Huai ignored him, only facing the director.

 The director was a little embarrassed when he saw that the other party was so emboldened. But Song Huai said this in front of so many people, and he couldn’t get off the stage at all.

 He thought again: This may be the opponent’s trick.

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 The director snorted: “You should pack up your things first and prepare to drop out.”


 At this time.

 Lu Mian, who was having a meeting in the palace, received a message from Song Huai.

 【Dududududu: ah ah ah ah ah ah I got first place in the test!】

Lu Mian looked at the text with a smile in his eyes.

 【Lm: Congratulations.】

 His Majesty, who was listening to the meeting, saw for the first time that Lu Mian actually responded to texts while the meeting was going on.

 For the next half an hour, the admiral, who had silenced the sound of the communicator in the previous meetings, looked down at the communicator every five minutes.

 The first phase of the meeting was over. The Imperial Emperor was about to come over and say a few words to Lu Mian, but the secretary was faster than him.

 The secretary came in at the end of the meeting and said a few words in Lu Mian’s ear.

 The look on Lu Mian’s face immediately changed, and then, he told the emperor that he had to leave ahead.

 Lu Mian used to be a workaholic. Apart from the outbreak of war, there has never been anything that could make him leave the meeting in the middle.


 The military department sent special vehicles that had been listed under the Lu army. As long as they were within the jurisdiction of the empire, all vehicles had to give way to vehicles with military plates.

 Even if Lu Mian is temporarily retiring from office, the Imperial Emperor still retained this privilege for him.

 It’s just that Lu Mian acted in a low-key manner, and never used this car outside of official business.

 When he walked outside the palace this time, he suddenly thought of this car.

 ”Where is 795 now?” The secretary had prepared in advance: “It’s right here.”

 The car with the military license plate can go ahead even when the signal light is red. The road was unimpeded, and Lu Mian was able to rush to school in just half an hour.

 As he went to the palace for a meeting today, he was wearing his professional uniform.

 When getting out of the car, he looked domineering.

 The leather army boots stepped on the floor calmly and forcefully. Lu Mian’s steps seemed orderly, but the secretary who was with him everyday sensed the fluctuation of his mood.


 The principal’s room.

 Song Huai was standing in front of the principal’s desk.

 The principal slammed the teacup viciously on the corner of the table, and the flying fragments almost scratched the director’s face.

 He stepped back in surprise, trembling all over.

 ”You spoke indiscriminately without knowing the truth, and slandered a student for cheating!!!! Are you even worthy of being a teacher!?”

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 The President scolded and discredited the director. When he turned to Song Huai, he smiled again: “Song Huai, what do you want to do about this matter?”


 Finally, Lu Mian reached the corridor where the principal’s office was located.

 Song Huai just came out of the principal’s office.

 Seeing Lu Mian suddenly, he didn’t restrain his emotions and trot towards Lu Mian.

 He threw himself into Lu Mian’s embrace. The momentum was too great, if Lu Mian hadn’t stood firmly, he would have to take two steps back.

 Lu Mian stagnated for two seconds because of Song Huai’s sudden movement, and then he noticed Song Huai’s movement of embracing his waist. The inexplicable and irritable mood eased a lot. After hesitating for a while, Lu Mian also stretched out his hand and touched the back of Song Huai’s head: “Did they embarrass you?”

 Song Huai looked animated, looking up at him with his small face, and said proudly. “The director apologized to me in front of the principal just now! I also did a set of papers in front of a lot of people! Only two points wrong!”

 He looked proud, and waited for Lu Mian’s praise. His thoughts were written on his face.

 When Lu Mian saw Song Huai showing such a distinctive look in front of him, he not only felt novel, but also his heart softened.

 He was originally afraid that Song Huai would be bullied, but he didn’t expect that the children could handle it well without him.

 ”Well, you did a good job.”

 Under Lu Mian’s gaze, Song Huai’s excitement faded quietly.

 Realizing what he had just done, he suddenly became shy again.

 Ahh… the brain was dazzled with tension and excitement! How dare he rush over and hug Lu Mian like this!

 However, Lu Mian did not push him away either.

 Lu Mian also touched his head.

 Song Huai thought secretly: Does Lu Mian like him a little bit too?



 When the director, who was beaten in public and severely criticized by the principal, walked out of the principal’s room, he suddenly trembled.

 Strange, why is it so cold outside?

 The sound of leather boots and military boots hitting the floor sounded. The director turned his head and saw Lu Mian who was expressionless.

 ”Director Wang, we need to talk.”


 Song Huai , who went back to the classroom, was pulled by Gu Yang and Li Ziqing – with a new round of questions.

 They checked the surveillance and he answered a new set of test papers in public. At this time, the news spread everywhere. Although everyone looked at Song Huai with surprise, their attitude also changed a little.

 In fact, Song Huai’s performance during this period could be seen most clearly by his classmates in class B.

 When Song Huai took a seat, two girls came to cheer him up: “Song Huai, don’t care about the nonsense those people are spouting, we believe you! Come on!”

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 The students around him also came to comfort Song Huai.

 Suddenly, a teacher’s voice came from the school loudspeaker.

 ”Hello. Hello, all the students and teachers in the school. This is Wang Peng. Today, I have wronged a student and said that he cheated without even finding out the truth. I…I am not worthy to be a teacher. Here, I want to sincerely apologize to Song Huai again. I’m sorry!”

 This broadcast was recorded and broadcasted for a whole day.

 After that day, the position of the director was changed, and Wang Peng was transferred to the school’s logistics team.

 When school was over, the squad leader walked up to Song Huai clearly in discomfort while blushing and bowed to him: “I’m sorry.” He stood back up, “I thought about it the whole day and God, I still want to apologize to you.”

 Song Huai was a little angry in his heart. He didn’t want to talk to the squad leader, but the other party stood in front of him.

 Song Huai thought of Lu Mian who was still waiting for him. He hummed and said : “It’s okay, you didn’t say anything to me personally”


 Song Huai slipped from the corner of the car, his face flushed because of running : “Sorry to keep you waiting.”

 Lu Mian was checking the notes of the meeting that he didn’t finish attending today. He took the time to look at Song Huai’s eyes. He immediately stretched out his hand to tidy up Song Huai’s hair that was tousled by the wind.

 Song Huai blushed and shrank to the side. Seeing that Lu Mian was dealing with official duties, he also obediently stayed silent.

 He began to look down at the school forum.

 At the moment, the homepage of the school is discussing what happened during the day. Because of the last stage play, Song Huai’s popularity on the forum has already begun to rise. Among them, his and Lu Mian’s CP fans were the most active.

 Coupled with the fact that he proved to be right today, Song Huai is now almost two-level reverse.

 When Song Huai saw so many people speaking up for him, his heart was full for a while.

 But he suddenly saw a post.

 【Black Cat: I heard that the old Wang next door was fired? 】

 【Lilili: Really? 】

 【Small picture trash: Shouldn’t a teacher with such a corrupted morality be dismissed? 】

【Black Cat: I heard that lm was behind it. 】

 【Tata: Is it true upstairs? 】

 【Bunny Jing: What nonsense from upstairs, how can the admiral get mixed up in this kind of mess! 】

【Small picture trash: Exactly! The rumor upstairs @Black Cat come out and delete the post.】

【Black Cat: Didn’t you see the test paper for this mechanical principle course? What are the questions on the test paper that you haven’t seen?!】

【Ninety-nine: What do you mean upstairs! Are you venting your anger through rumors? There’s something wrong with your brain.】

This post was too popular, and the floor was covered with thousands of comments.

 By the time he went to bed at night, Song Huai was still paying attention to the dynamics.

 He put on his vest and fought like crazy inside.

 It was fine for these people to suspect that he cheated, but they actually suspected Lu Mian to leak the question!

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 Song Huai refreshed the page. But then, the post was gone!

 The knock on the door sounded at this time.

 Song Huai looked at the time and found that it was already ten o’clock in the evening. He was usually asleep at this time.

 Song Huai ran to open the door, while Lu Mian was standing outside.

 ”What’s the matter?”

 Lu Mian stood silently for a while, and then said: “It’s late, you should rest.”

 Song Huai said, “Yes.”

 After he answered, Lu Mian was still standing outside, with no intention of leaving.


 After dinner today, Lu Mian stayed in the room all the time.

 He looked up every few minutes. Usually at seven o’clock sharp Song Huai would knock on the door of his room and then the two of them would start doing make-up lessons.

 It was already almost nine but still no one came.

 Just after the exam, Song Huai was wronged again today, and it’s normal not to want to study.

 Ten o’clock is Song Huai’s bedtime every day.

 Usually at this point in time, the child would wear fluffy pajamas, hold a bunny and knock on his door, begging for a goodnight kiss.

 At nine thirty, Lu Mian turned the pages impatiently.

 At nine fifty, Lu Mian stood up and began to pace inside the room.

 At ten o’clock, his eyes fell on the door.

 And finally, he twisted the doorknob and knocked on the opposite door.


 Song Huai asked Lu Mian softly again when he saw that Lu Mian was still not leaving.

 After a while, Lu Mian said, “Don’t take things to heart.”

 Song Huai’s heart was warm, it turned out that Lu Mian was caring about him.

 He said: “I-I was very angry at first, but then I thought about it again. They didn’t even know that you were helping me do make-up lessons. I didn’t have good grades before, and it’s normal if they don’t believe me. That’s…that’s… “

 Lu Mian asked: “What is it?”

 Song Huai said, “You don’t even doubt it?”

 Lu Mian didn’t seem to understand: “What’s there to doubt?” When he realized that Song Huai was asking him why he didn’t doubt him.

 He said: “You are very smart and you work hard. What you got was everything you deserved.”

 Song Huai was embarrassed by what he said, and said “good night” softly then quickly closed the door.

 The admiral stood outside the door with a confused face.

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