Chapter 26…I Sleep Well

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[Part (2/2)]

In the car to school the next day.

 The secretary felt a touch of embarrassment in the atmosphere.

 Lu Mian flipped through the daily military newspaper as usual, while Song Huai laid silent by the window.

 Today, he didn’t even say hello to the secretary.

 Song Huai’s body was close to the left side of the car door, and his little butt no longer dared to move arrogantly to Lu Mian’s side.

 Since the morning, his face has been in a state of high heat, and even pouring a few handfuls of cold water is useless.

 God knows! He actually woke up in Lu Mian’s arms this morning!

 Thinking of this, Song Huai couldn’t bear the ten waves of groundhog screaming in his heart: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

 Thinking of Lu Mian’s morning look, Song Huai secretly glanced at the handsome man next to him ten times.

 He gazed at him, and found that the other party was also looking at him.

 Lu Mian looked away uncomfortably.

 They were almost about to reach the school.

 Song Huai took a deep breath before he boldly said, “I didn’t mean to do what happened this morning. I usually sleep well. I don’t know what went wrong today.”

 ”Yeah.” Lu Mian said briskly. His expression was a little unnatural, and he didn’t even look at Song Huai when he answered.

 Is he angry?

 Song Huai wanted to cry.


 The third session of mechanical theory in the morning.

 For the first time, Lu Mian did not ask Song Huai to answer questions.

 At the moment when he met the other person’s line of sight, the former also quickly looked away.

 Song Huai was unhappy all over.

 Lu Mian must be angry.

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 Well. He must feel that what he did was premeditated, and he was particularly casual.

 So in the car after school, Song Huai did not say more words sensibly.

 At seven o’clock, Song Huai lay on the bed and began to search.

 【Does men dislike it when the other party is too active?】

 The reply below made Song Huai feel cool.

 【Yes, if the other party is too active, it will make men lose interest. Interests in all aspects.】

     【I tell you for sure they’ll dislike it. If we haven’t known each other for long, but she takes the initiative herself. If I don’t need to coax her when she is angry. Anyway, she will come to me again soon. If the other party is too active, I will suspect that the other party’s motives are impure. I will think that they are the kind who sends themselves to the bed without knowing each other for a long time, it’s so cheap!】”We haven’t known each other for long” “Send herself to bed” “It’s so cheap”!

 These few sentences are like a knife poking at Song Huai’s heart.

 He counted the time since when he had known Lu Mian. Counting the last banquet meeting, he and Lu Mian had actually only known each other for less than two months.

 Well. Ruined. How come he forgot, he should’ve been reserved!

 That night, the Admiral in the opposite room stared at page 637 until ten o’clock in the evening. Until the lights in the entire villa area were turned off, he didn’t get to hear the knock on the door.

 The next morning, when the secretary saw Lu Mian, he couldn’t hold back and took two steps back.

 Lu Mian’s face clearly showed that he was in a bad mood, no one should go to provoke him.

 The secretary looked at the faint bluish black under the other’s eyes through the rearview mirror. He couldn’t help but gossip, “Admiral, Madam went to school early this morning.”

 ”Yeah.” Of course, Lu Mian knew that Song Huai didn’t come to his room last night. He hasn’t slept for almost the whole night, and he heard movement from outside at around five o’clock in the morning.

 Then, from the second floor window, Lu Mian watched Song Huai drive away with his school bag on his back.

 The secretary suddenly felt that the temperature in the car seemed to be a little lower, and he muttered to himself, “Why is it suddenly cold?”

 This sentence seemed to poke a certain nerve in Lu Mian. His fingertips slowly tapped on his thighs. Then, Lu Mian raised his eyelids and ordered, “Check the weather forecast, when will it rain this month.”

 At the end, he added another sentence, “Thunder.”


 ”What’s the matter? I didn’t have class today, and I made an appointment with my girlfriend to go to the movies. Why did they suddenly change classes?”

 ”I also think it’s strange how the mechanical theory of tomorrow will be held today. I haven’t had time to preview it, so pray that he won’t call me to answer a question by name.”

 ”What are you afraid of? Isn’t Song Huai there too? Who didn’t know that Song Huai was Admiral Lu’s proud protégé.” 1 protégé : a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person.

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 Amidst the students’ whispering, a solemn and cold Lu Mian walked into the classroom.

 Lu Mian stood still on the podium, looking around the classroom first.

 Song Huai used to sit in the first row. Lu Mian could see him as soon as he entered the door, but today the first row is empty.

 Lu Mian saw Gu Yang in the last row, but did not see Song Huai.

 His heart sank, and his voice became even colder, “Class.”

 After the lessons, Lu Mian left the classroom. The students in the classroom couldn’t help but complain.

 ”Did Admiral Lu take dynamite today?” “I was almost dying out of fright when he asked someone a question.”

 ”Chen Zhen was too unlucky. I think he was scared shitless when he was called. Looking at it like this, Song Huai is really a hero.”

 The sighs stopped abruptly as Lu Mian returned.

 When Lu Mian walked back again, the classroom that was in the turmoil was suddenly silent.

 When Lu Mian looked around, the hearts of the group of people, who were gossiping, almost jumped out.

 At the end, Lu Mian said, “Gu Yang, come out.” The named Gu Yang stood up suddenly, his back straight.

 Like other classmates, he was also very afraid of Lu Mian. So when he was named by the other at the moment, he was startled. Gu Yang walked out stiffly.

 Gu Yang thought that he was caught by Lu Mian for being inattentive in class. He was thinking about whether he should confess and request Lu Mian to be lenient for fear that Lu Mian would be strict with him.

 He heard Lu Mian asking, “Song Huai…Why didn’t he come today?”

 Gu Yang was dumbfounded, Lu Mian called him out to ask about Song Huai?

 Gu Yang said, “This morning, A’Huai… I mean Song Huai was called to the office by Teacher Niu, as if something was going on. He has already submitted the request for leave.”

 Hanriks has a special attendance statistics system. If there is nothing special, it does not need to be reported to the teacher. The system will automatically count and enter the total score.

 Lu Mian frowned when he heard the words asking for leave.


 After class in the morning, Lu Mian could go back directly or go to the military headquarters.

 However he waited patiently until the end of school in the afternoon.

 When school was over, he was the same as usual, waiting in the car for the child to rush towards him. The little guy would look around sneakily many times before getting into the car, for fear of being spotted.

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 Suddenly, the communicator rang.

 It was a message from Song Huai.

 【Dudududududu: I have something to do today. I will go home later. I’ll take a taxi and go back by myself.】

When Lu Mian saw this message, his hand holding the communicator tightened unconsciously.

 Had it not been for the secretary to remind him, the screen of the communicator would have been cracked.

 Lu Mian expressionlessly said, “Drive.”


 Dinner was eaten by himself alone.

 Lu Mian nestled in the room as usual.

 Today’s activity location is not limited to the desk. To be precise, Lu Mian is a little fidgety.

 He walked to the window from time to time and couldn’t help but look out.

 It was almost seven o’clock when there was movement outside.

 Lu Mian stood by the window and saw Song Huai getting off the taxi.

 He restrained his steps and waited patiently for a few minutes to pass. For ten minutes, not to mention knocking on the door, he didn’t even hear the footsteps in the corridor.

 Lu Mian looked down at the water glass that hadn’t moved on the table. After emptying the water glass, he went out and went downstairs to pour water.


 Song Huai received news from Teacher Niu before going to bed last night, asking him to go to school early this morning.

 Because of what happened yesterday, Song Huai just decided not to go in front of Lu Mian for the time being. He happened to meet the secretary when he went out this morning, so he told the secretary that he was going to school first.

 Teacher Niu called him to the office, and Li Ziqing also appeared in the office.

 It turned out that Capital Star’s three-year college competition is about to begin. According to the tradition of previous years, the top three students in the comprehensive examination will participate.

 Song Huai jumped to tenth place in the mid-term. If calculated according to the previous comprehensive results, he would not be able to reach the threshold. But what happened last time made the school feel ashamed of Song Huai. Coupled with the strong recommendation of Teacher Niu, the principal did not want to waste the good seedlings.

 He called the student with the third overall score over and took the exam on the spot.

 The better score between the two can represent the school.

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 Song Huai took the test for the whole day, and after round of intense corrections, he won the place.

 Because the competition is imminent, the time is very tight.

 Li Ziqing and Song Huai are both students in Class B. Teacher Niu asked them to communicate more and try to get a good grades.

 Song Huai sent a message to Li Ziqing when he arrived home, and Li Ziqing’s video call came in.

 Song Huai sat down in front of the coffee table in the living room. Teacher Niu just sent them sets of test papers from previous years in the group, and asked the two of them to study them.

 Lu Mian happened to see these scenes when he went downstairs.

 Before Song Huai had time to take off the schoolbag, he sat cross-legged on the ground, the communicator’s projection screen was turned on, and it displayed a young and handsome teenage face.

 Song Huai listened to the boy in the video, and seriously took notes on the paper.

 The conversation between young people is always lively and interesting, and Song Huai laughs crisply from time to time.

 The kid had never laughed so much in front of him.

 The Admiral standing on the stairs felt a little dull in his heart for no reason.

 He walked down the stairs. Song Huai was still chatting with others, and he didn’t even hear the footsteps behind him.

 Suddenly, Lu Mian heard Li Ziqing in the video say, “Are you at home now?”


 ”Can I go to your house another day?”

 If it’s at Song’s house , Song Huai is of course happy to invite friends to play at home. But…outsiders still don’t know the relationship between him and Lu Mian.


 Hearing these sentences, Lu Mian stopped.

 He saw a troubled expression on Song Huai’s face.

 ”Because, because it’s not very convenient.”

 Isn’t it inconvenient to let outsiders know that he lives with his own partner?

 At that moment, the Admiral, who had always been calm and self-sufficient, suddenly quickened his pace and walked into the video range.

 Song Huai turned his head when he heard the movement and saw Lu Mian standing behind him. Only half a step was left before he was about to enter the video range and seen by Li Ziqing.

 Fortunately, Song Huai responded promptly and immediately hung up the call.

 Lu Mian stopped and stared at Song Huai. The empty water cup held by Lu Mian made a cracking sound and exploded.

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