Chapter 39… This is what my boyfriend prepared for me

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   After dinner, Lu Mian stood up and asked Song Huai, “Can you go?”

 When he got out of bed this morning, Song Huai didn’t listen to the command, he kept pinning on the crazy and charming man, and accidentally knocked his leg.

 It was Lu Mian who carried him back to the room to wash, and carried him downstairs to eat.

 Song Huai originally shook his head, then nodded again.

 At the end, he shyly clasped his fingers and said, “It still hurts a little bit.”

 Lu Mian didn’t say a word, his muscles were strong, and he easily hugged Song Huai.

 Song Huai subconsciously hugged Lu Mian’s neck. From this angle, he just saw Lu Mian’s clearly defined jawline.

 So handsome.

 Song Huai couldn’t miss it at all.

 Lu Mian lowered his eyes slightly, and the kid who was caught immediately arched into his arms shyly.

 ”Admiral, madam, early—” The secretary was already waiting by the car. He saw Lu Mian come out with Song Huai in his arms and didn’t complete the greeting.

 Good guy, feeding people dog food early in the morning.

 Originally thought that Lu Mian would put Song Huai on the left seat, but unexpectedly, Lu Mian directly carried the person into the seat on the right.

 Moreover, Lu Mian didn’t seem to mean to let Song Huai down. Song Huai changed from the posture of being held by him outside to the posture of sitting on his lap and surrounded by Lu Mian.

 The car started with a jolt, and only then did Song Huai come back to his senses.

 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! He was actually held by Lu Mian on his lap while he was awake!

 This is a scene that he will imagine every time he rides the same car as Lu Mian. He didn’t expect that it would be easily realized by knocking a leg. If he knew that , he would knock it earlier.

 And at this moment, the admiral’s military uniform is neat, and his whole body is full of unattainable abstinence. He put his arms around Song Huai, who was sitting on his lap, while the other hand was still reading the Daily Military News.

 Song Huai also didn’t want to look at Lu Mian like a nympho. In the past, he could stick out his small head to talk to the secretary, but now the car is inexplicably installed with a baffle, and there is really no place to rest his sight, and he can’t keep staring at the same person either.

 Song Huai saw that Lu Mian was reading the newspaper seriously. He first glanced at Lu Mian secretly. But when he saw that the other party didn’t respond, he gradually became more courageous and began to look at Lu Mian openly.

 The child’s gaze was too fiery, and when the admiral saw that his goal had been achieved, he suddenly glanced at Song Huai and their eyes collided.

 Two blushes quickly appeared on Song Huai’s face.

 Lu Mian asked, “What’s the matter?”

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 Lu Mian wouldn’t ask him when he was caught in the past. Sometimes he looked away as embarrassedly as Song Huai. Why is he asking such a question today?

 It may be that Lu Mian hugged him and let him sit on his lap. The gesture of sticking with that person intimately probably gave him courage.

 Song Huai raised his face and hummed, “What’s wrong with looking at my boyfriend?”

 Lu Mian was happy, but his expression was well controlled.

 The car was driving normally on the road. Suddenly, a car overtook from the right lane without warning, and the two cars almost collided. The secretary suddenly braked, Song Huai’s body leaned forward uncontrollably due to inertia, and Lu Mian pressed the back of the person’s head and pressed it into his arms.

 Song Huai’s mouth was caught off guard against the side of Lu Mian’s neck.

 His face was completely red.

 Song Huai was not very consious in the two previous intimate actions, but now both of them are awake.

 Lu Mian’s back was also stiff because of this unexpected little action.

 Song Huai looked up at Lu Mian like a little hamster. But Song Huai still keenly sensed that Lu Mian didn’t feel offended.

 He probed his head for a while, and suddenly he became courageous. He leaned back on Lu Mian’s shoulder, put his hands around the other’s neck, and gently pressed it again on Lu Mian’s neck.

 The admiral, who was teased by his little boyfriend, couldn’t read the newspaper at all.


 Song Huai’s leg actually stopped hurting a long time ago. His skin was very white, and bruises appeared soon after being hit, so it looked serious.

 This morning, Lu Mian wouldn’t let him get off the car at the corner and told his secretary to drive the car directly into the school.

 Early in the morning, there were no students near the administrative building. In order to prove to Lu Mian that he was really all right, Song Huai performed a kick on the spot. Then, the little bunny ran away like an arrow.

 The Empire’s National Day is coming soon, and the National Day is a ten-day holiday as usual.

 Hanriks only has half a day of class today, and all self-study is arranged in the afternoon . Students who do not want to go to self-study can also go home early.

 There were two swimming lessons in the morning, Song Huai couldn’t swim, and Gu Yang gave up swimming after he almost drowned last time. With the approval of the teacher, the two went to the playground with badminton rackets to play badminton.

 Lu Mian’s exclusive office window in the administrative building is facing the playground. This is the office area that Lu Mian asked to change a few days ago.

 Teacher Niu, who was asked to report on the work, was trembling. He was called by the dean to report on the work today, but he never thought that it was to report to Lu Mian.

 In fact, Lu Mian is still a member of the military. He just has a name in the school and usually does not get involved in school affairs. What is he going to report to Lu Mian? Or, what does Lu Mian want to hear?

 Teacher Niu stood dryly, and Lu Mian stood at the window with his back to him. When Teacher Niu entered the door, he kept looking out of the window.

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 ”Admiral, Admiral.” Teacher Niu was so nervous that he almost stammered.

 Only then did Lu Mian turn around: “I came to you this time to talk about the situation of your students. As the head teacher, you should know better.”

 ”What about the students?”

 Teacher Niu was stunned for a moment. But thanks to his quick mind, he immediately remembered the gossip he had seen on the forum before.

 ——Song Huai is Lu Mian’s proud disciple.

 So Lu Mian came to him this time to ask about Song Huai’s situation. It just so happened that Song Huai was about to represent the school in the competition, and mechanical theory was also a part of the competition. Lu Mian also wanted to care about the situation of the students in all aspects.

 Unexpectedly, Admiral Lu who looks cold-hearted is actually warm-hearted.

 Teacher Niu was silently moved for a while, but he was not so nervous when he looked at Lu Mian again.

 ”Admiral Lu, then I’ll start with Song Huai.”

 Sure enough, Lu Mian nodded.

 He may not be good at talking about other things, but when it comes to this group of students in the class, Teacher Niu understands each one of them. He makes a home visit every semester to learn about students’ family relationships. Every week, he will talk to a classmate, and he will do a group psychological investigation and counseling every two months.

 Compared with other teachers in the school, Teacher Niu is young and easy to get along with the students. They have a good relationship with him, and call him Old Niu in private.

 Speaking of his students, Teacher Niu began to gush.

 The more he talked, the more energetic he became, and he walked behind Lu Mian unknowingly.

 Through the corner of the window, he saw Gu Yang and Song Huai who were playing badminton.

 Teacher Niu said: “This is a swimming class, but Song Huai seems to have drowned in water when he was a child, so he is very afraid of water. When his classmates went to the swimming pool to swim, he sat on the shore and watched. But I always felt that this child actually wants to swim, alas.”

 Lu Mian knew that Song Huai was not afraid of water.

 The mermaid family loves water by nature. Song Huai has never swam in the swimming pool because he is afraid of showing his fish tail in front of everyone and revealing his identity.

 Song Huai, with such a rambunctious temperament, must have wanted to swim with friends.

 Thinking of the way the little mermaid shrunk in the bathtub at that time, the bathtub with limited space could not even fit his beautiful tail.

 Lu Mian’s expression darkened.


 In the afternoon, the students went home one after another.

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 Song Huai packed his schoolbag. Because the competition was about to start after the holiday, the schoolbag was stuffed to the brim.

 Song Huai and Gu Yang said goodbye and walked out with a heavy schoolbag.

 Lu Mian sent him a message just ten minutes ago, saying that there was still something to do. He wanted to wait for Lu Mian to go home together.

 Song Huai took a long time to clean up the books, and Gu Yang talked to him for a while. Many students in the class have already left.

 Song Huai thought that Lu Mian sent him to school today, and suddenly wanted to go to the administrative building to find Lu Mian.

 Song Huai was just a few steps out of the classroom when he was suddenly stopped.

 The secretary nodded at him: “Madam, please come with me.”


 Song Huai never thought that the secretary took him to the school’s swimming pool.

 There was no one in the swimming pool at the moment.

 The secretary got the key out of nowhere and opened the door to let someone in.

 ”In the future, when there are no lessons, you can come here to swim.”

 ”Is it really possible?” Song Huai blinked twice, in disbelief.

 He glanced at the wide swimming lane and was extremely excited.

 Mermaids have a natural thirst for water. Every time he sees his classmates swimming freely in the swimming pool, he is envious, and especially wants to go swimming. Speaking of which, he had never swam in such a public place.

 Song Huai put down his schoolbag and looked back at the secretary, as if he was worried about something.

 The secretary adjusted his glasses: “The Admiral arranged for me to guard outside. No one will come in to disturb you. You can call me if you have anything. This is the key to the hall, and you can lock the door if I am not there. “

 After explaining everything, the secretary turned and left, and went outside to watch the door.

 As soon as the secretary left, Song Huai no longer had any worries.

 He couldn’t wait to take off his clothes, like a happy little frog, and jumped into the pool with a “pop”.

 Splashes of water splashed on the water surface, and after the water wave shook for a while, it slowly returned to calm.

 A few minutes later, Song Huai got out of the water. Under the clear water, his legs had turned into a beautiful fishtail with a golden gradient.

 This was Song Huai’s first time swimming in such an open space. He was so excited that he started swimming around in various areas.

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 There was no one in the hall. The little mermaid waved his tail, and various patterns emerged one after another.

 When Lu Mian came in, he saw Song Huai jumping out of the water.

 The body presents a flexible and graceful arc, and the golden fishtail reflects a dazzling luster in the sun.

 This scene is extremely dazzling.

 The well-informed admiral held his breath involuntarily at that moment.

 Song Huai was almost scared to death when he heard someone coming in. Seeing that it was Lu Mian, he got out of the water again, leaned his arms against the edge of the pool and looked up at Lu Mian with a small face.

 Lu Mian squatted down, stretched out his hand and touched the top of the little mermaid’s wet head, his eyes were deep: “Are you happy?”

 Song Huai’s face rubbed against the palm that Lu Mian didn’t have time to retract, his eyes shining brightly: “Happy.”

 Song Huai’s voice was soft and waxy. Because of the excitement, the tip of his face and nose were flushed red, and he looked extraordinarily endearing.

 When Lu Mian got up, Song Huai suddenly fluttered his fish tail, propped up his palm, and jumped up gently. Lu Mian subconsciously reached out to catch the person.

 Lu Mian’s hands wrapped around Song Huai’s waist in time, and further down was the fish tail covered with bright scales.

 Song Huai wrapped his arms around the opponent’s neck, and the fish tail curled into an S shape because of excitement.

 Lu Mian raised his head slightly. Song Huai lowered his head and leaned on his shoulder.

 He excitedly said in his ear, “How do you know that I want to swim? I’m really happy.”

 At this moment, Song Huai spoke with a bit of a nasal voice, and everything seemed to be coquettish.

 He also unconsciously rubbed against Lu Mian’s shoulder, expressing his feelings concretely.

 He carefully pecked and kissed Lu Mian’s lips: “This is what my boyfriend prepared for me.” The word boyfriend seemed to stimulate Lu Mian, and his eyes darkened instantly.

 Afterwards, his free hand pressed the back of Song Huai’s head down. In an instant, their lips and teeth were entangled together.

T/N: Thank you for reading (~˘▾˘)~

Let me know if you find any mistakes and I’ll correct it. You can also ‘buy me a coffee’ if you like it…..

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