Chapter 45… The Admiral who admits that he is jealous

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[Part (1/2)]

When going to school the next day, Song Huai consciously stopped the vehicle at the street corner.

The previous car was sent for maintenance, and the new car had no screen in between. The secretary who was driving subconsciously looked in the rearview mirror— his immediate boss.

Lu Mian’s expression seemed a little unpredictable. Following Lu Mian’s secretary’s intuition for many years, this was definitely not a good look.

Song Huai, who didn’t know anything, muttered, “Allen, you almost drove too far.”

Song Huai was about to push the door to get out of the car, but found that it couldn’t be opened, and looked at the secretary strangely.

Without the order of his immediate boss, the secretary did not dare to open the door, and only dared to look at Lu Mian’s face tremblingly.

The air pressure in the car seemed to have dropped a bit. After a while, Lu Mian raised his eyelids and glanced at the secretary, who immediately opened the door for Song Huai.

Song Huai jumped out of the car in a few steps and happened to meet a classmate to greet him.

“Song Huai, did your family send you to school?”

“Yes, yes.” Song Huai looked back with some trepidation and found that the car that usually drove away was still standing there.

In order not to let people find out that the person in the car was Lu Mian, Song Huai laughed and pulled the person away.

After Song Huai’s figure completely disappeared from sight, Lu Mian folded his long legs, and put his fingers on the newspaper. His eyes were heavy, and no one knew what he was thinking.

The secretary started the car and said after a while, “Admiral, if you don’t want your wife to get out of the car, you should take the initiative to explain it to him.”

Lu Mian raised his eyelids and looked at the secretary who was looking at the car’s rearview mirror. Under the strong pressure, he swallowed his saliva and continued desperately, “Madam’s thoughts are very simple. If you don’t tell him, he won’t understand.”

Lu Mian clearly wanted to keep the person. There were various reasons for getting off the car on the street corner before. But obviously, Lu Mian didn’t want to pay attention to those reasons now.

Seeing his little boyfriend taking the initiative to stop the car and hurriedly calling his classmates away because of being afraid that people would find out about their relationship, Lu Mian felt a little irritable and depressed as if something was blocking his chest. It made him frown uncontrollably.

This is an experience he had never had before.

When it comes to falling in love, no one has an exception, not even an Imperial Admiral.

He couldn’t help guessing, couldn’t help observing, speculating, and guessing what Song Huai was thinking.

Why was he reluctant to let others know about their relationship? Because he was an old man? That’s right, considering his age, he was more than a decade older than Song Huai. What Song Huai liked is the face he could still see now. Then, ten or twenty years later, when he gets old, will Song Huai still like him?

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Lu Mian rested his chin on his hand on one leg, looked out the window, and fell into contemplation.

When the car stopped, the secretary suddenly heard the cold and insubstantial voice of the boss from the back seat: “What’s the name of the place you often go to after work?”

The secretary, whose boss was suddenly concerned about his personal life, was horrified: “Movies?”


Also, he doesn’t often go to the movies either.

The secretary didn’t know what Lu Mian wanted to ask, and because of his busy work, he was almost always on call, and he didn’t often do many activities after work.


“Yes, that is it.” Lu Mian said solemnly, “Book me one membership too.”

Secretary: ? ? ?

The admiral, who did not notice the horrified secretary at all, just lowered his head to examine his body seriously: Although he did not train as intensively as before after retiring from the battlefield, he exercised everyday. Even when he was rehabilitating in Puzhao Xing, he exercised.

Lu Mian seriously recalled Song Huai’s performance when he looked at his body. Those restless little hands kept rubbing his abdomen and back muscles. From this point of view, Song Huai still liked it very much.

Lu Mian touched his chin again, and continued to instruct: “Also prepare a set of skin care products you usually use, change to a new set of shaving tools.”

Secretary: “Yes.”

“Song Huai”

“Song Huai”

“Song Huai, you’re here.” As soon as Song Huai entered the classroom, many more classmates greeted him.

He was a little flattered for a while, and looked sideways, smiling friendly.

The study committee member who had spoken to him before came to him: “Song Huai, why did you ask for leave yesterday?”

“Yeah, the Admiral didn’t come yesterday.”

Was the news leaked?

The study committee member stopped teasing him when he saw that he blushed so easily and was so cute. She quietly approached and said, “Actually, the classmates in the class are very curious about what’s going on with you and Lu Chengze.”

The rest of the gossipy classmates also joined in: “Yes, we have watched the video and post, but everyone was embarrassed to ask you. Lu Chengze hasn’t come to school these few days, and everyone is guessing now.”

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“Yes, Song Huai, just tell us, is the surnamed Lu pestering you?”

Gu Yang broke through the gossipy crowd and held Song Huai’s shoulder: “Were Peng Ze and a few others not there to see it at the time? It’s the one surnamed Lu who has been stalking our family’s A’ Huai.”

Although it was not the first time that Song Huai has been surrounded by so many people. It was the first time that he was treated with no malice. He was not used to it for a while and was a little restrained when speaking.

“I-I don’t like him.”

Although there was no further explanation, this sentence had already revealed a lot of information.

“Let me just say, what’s so good about the one surnamed Lu? Doesn’t he just look good and have the advantage of the Lu family! Besides, our Song Huai looks good too!”

“It seems like the gossips before were also because of the love of the one surnamed Lu. Song Huai, you did the right thing. This kind of person , you should just stay away from him!”

“Yes, yes!”

“Then there is one more thing. Ah, Song Huai, I heard that Admiral Lu sent you back on the day of the party?”

“Really? Really!”

These girls chattered, and you can tell what it is by just looking at it.

Gu Yang protected Song Huai with his calf, and said, “A’ Huai was drunk, and I asked the general to send him back. If you have any questions, just ask me, we have to study hard with the cub, to win glory for the school!”

When it comes to studying, it suddenly became a lot quieter.

Suddenly, I don’t know who said, “Come on, Song Huai! Let’s fight for our class!”

“Yes! Go for it Song Huai! Kill that surnamed Lu.”

“The team competition.”

“What happened to the team competition? Keep pressing him!”

“Come on!”

“Come on, Song Huai!”

Song Huai was so happy when he received so much encouragement from unfamiliar people early in the morning that he couldn’t hide his expression. His eyes bent when he laughed and it looked super cute. It made the girls in the class scream again.

At this moment, the Admiral who came to inspect each class with the dean for personal gain just happened to pass by Song Huai’s classroom.

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He saw his little boyfriend surrounded by a group of girls. The people around him were chatting and talking, and the little boyfriend smiled brilliantly.

That smile was so dazzling that the dazzling Admiral was jealous.


In the afternoon, Song Huai was called by Teacher Niu to the office again to talk about the competition. The competition was scheduled for next Wednesday.

“Yesterday you asked for leave and didn’t come. I told Li Ziqing about this earlier, and now I will tell you again. By the way, I remember that your birthday seems to be the day after tomorrow. My best wishes for your birthday in advance.”

Song Huai nodded: “Thank you, teacher!”

It has been a while since the school was over, and Lu Mian was still waiting for him.

Thinking of this, Song Huai’s pace quickened a bit. It developed from a brisk walk to a trot.

When Song Huai was about to run to the corner, he was stopped by someone, “Dudu!”

When Song Huai was called to the office, Lu Chengze was also called by the teacher to talk because he had taken several days off.

Seeing Song Huai appear in the office, Lu Chengze’s indifferent eyes lit up for a moment. But Song Huai obviously didn’t see him, or even if he did see him, he pretended not to.

After the teacher to finish speaking, Lu Chengze chased after him. But Song Huai had already run away.

Lu Chengze stretched his long legs: “Dudu!”

Hearing someone calling him, Song Huai subconsciously stopped and turned around.

Lu Chengze grabbed the boy’s hand, for fear that Song Huai would run away.

Seeing that it was Lu Chengze, Song Huai suddenly shook off his hand.

With his hands empty, Lu Chengze’s heart also felt empty for a moment.

Song Huai looked at Lu Chengze’s slightly haggard appearance, and an idea suddenly came to his head. He looked around. The classmates were almost gone by now. There were only a few people scattered around, all staring at them with a look of finding gossip. But it should be impossible to hear what they were talking about from a distance.

Song Huai raised his face, his brows were full of pride: “Why did the eldest nephew call me?”

Hearing this title, Lu Chengze’s face became ugly for a moment.

Thinking that Lu Chengze despised himself so much before, but now he has become the partner of the other party’s uncle, and his seniority should be higher than Lu Chengze’s, Song Huai felt extremely nauseous.

Song Huai asked Lu Chengze: “What? Do you want to say hello to your elders? Forget it today, your uncle is still waiting for me.”

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Lu Chengze felt extremely bitter. He would be stupid if he couldn’t see the situation clearly. His heart hurt. He didn’t want to miss this opportunity again— he heard that they went to collect the certificate yesterday.

Lu Chengze suppressed the bitter taste in his heart, and his throat began to dry out: “Don’t be like this, Dudu, can we talk?”

Song Huai looked at him with a wary expression: “I have nothing to say to you.”

Lu Chengze was still thinking about what to say when he felt a sudden chill on his back. A sense of danger captured him in an instant.

Lu Chengze raised his head abruptly, just in time to see Lu Mian’s eyes, who was sitting in the car with the window down.

Lu Chengze had been afraid of Lu Mian since he was a child. The latter’s powerful, sharp and indomitable aura made him unstoppable.

Lu Chengze delusionally stretched out to grab Song Huai’s hand, and froze mid-air.

Song Huai turned around and hurried towards the car.

Lu Mian was angry.

Song Huai was keenly aware of it as soon as he got in the car.

Although the other party didn’t give Song Huai any bad looks, nor did he have a cold war with Song Huai, Song Huai inexplicably sensed that Lu Mian was angry.

Song Huai moved his butt slowly and approached Lu Mian.

Pretending to be calm, the admiral slanted his eyes and watched the little boyfriend putting his face on his arm like a sticky kitten.

Song Huai took Lu Mian’s arm and rubbed his face gently: “Are you upset?”

“No.” Lu Mian turned a page of the newspaper in his hand without looking sideways.

Seeing that Lu Mian ignored him, Song Huai angrily withdrew his hand, but he was easy to coax and had a big heart. After a while, he fell asleep again leaning on Lu Mian’s shoulder.

When Song Huai was snoring softly, Lu Mian turned his eyes to the side and traced Song Huai’s eyebrows.

He closed his eyes, suppressing the anxiety in his heart.

Early in the morning, he got anxious when he saw Song Huai getting out of the car. Seeing Song Huai being surrounded by a crowd, laughing and chatting with others, he felt anxious. Again seeing Song Huai and Lu Chengze talking increased his anxiety.

After a long while, Lu Mian opened his eyes and poked Song Huai’s bulging cheeks with his fingers.

The sleeping child seemed to smack his lips unhappily. Both hands subconsciously wrapped around Lu Mian’s arm again.

The mood of the Admiral was a little better now.

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