Doctor Resignation

Chapter 27

“Look, Erhan.”

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It was already night, and I was talking with Erhan while packing medicines for him to help his growth and supplemented the body’s energy in hot climates like Irvine.

“If you feel too tired from the heat, take this red-packaged medicine, and if you feel a little dizzy, the blue-packaged medicine…”


He sighed as he looked at the piles of drugs.

“They’re too many. You said you would visit often. You can bring it with you then.”

“You never know when the sea road may be blocked,” I said, stroking Erhan’s hair.

In fact, I couldn’t say that we would be completely cut off after exchanging only a few letters.

“It must be hard for you to stay away alone, but thank you for your quick decision and I’m sorry I gave you this prescription.”

“It’s nothing,” Ehran said with a mature tone. “It’s more important for you to be healthy and live a long time.”

“I know.”

“I’d like to ask Lise to follow me, but…”

I also wanted to do that. I thought I would feel much more relieved if I followed him to Irvia.

However, strictly speaking, I was Viscount Perelman’s assistant, and he also had to go out regularly to find his daughter, so I always had to stay in the castle. Moreover, in Irvia, Erhan didn’t need a doctor because he only needed to recover.

Rather, it was reasonable to stay next to the Duchess, who was managing the estate. This was because the Duchy would be paralyzed if the Duchess got sick or suffered a serious problem. Not to mention that because Baron Ishid and Frederick were nearby, so the danger was certainly higher around here.

“If it’s not possible, I can’t help it.”

“I will write frequently.”

Of course, it will only be until next spring when the sea road gets blocked.

“Lise, don’t forget me.”

“How can I forget Master Erhan? I will never forget you. I’ll be looking forward to you coming back to this land in good health every day. I mean it.”

If Erhan doesn’t come back healthy, it’ll all be in vain. I held his hand desperately.

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‘You have to grow up well even without me…’

“Ah, Lise. Can you pack some of this also while packing the medicine?”

“Yes, what is it?”

“It’s a snack that Frederick gives me every time he comes. He said this snack is much better for me to eat instead of rice, but I haven’t eaten much these days.”

What is he talking about? What did Frederick feed Erhan?

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It’s been a long time since my brother gave it to me… And I didn’t usually eat them these days after you came.”

Of course, I thought I knew all his diet, but I didn’t expect this to happen. I confiscated all the snacks from Erhan.

It couldn’t have been good for him if Frederick was secretly him feeding this.

No… Maybe…

“Please leave this behind.”


“It’s from a long time ago. It must have gone bad.”

“My brother said it’s okay to eat even after a long time.”

“I have a much better understanding of medicine than Sir Frederick. You can’t. You’ve been doing fine until now even if you didn’t eat this, right.”


“Anyway, you can’t. I haven’t heard of anything where you must eat things like snacks instead of rice.”

After resolutely interrupting him, I searched the drawer and found all the snacks, but only a few. At this point, it was extremely suspicious that Frederick was secretly feeding Erhan something.

I sat at the bedside to watch Erhan fall asleep, holding back my urge to go right away to the lab to analyze the snacks.



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“Come and lie down together. It’s uncomfortable.”

I always refused to lie down together, but I thought it was the last night before he came back as an adult after 5 years, so I thought there was nothing I couldn’t do.

I lay down together on his large bed and stared at him, face to face. I said once again as I stroked his cheek, which had grown quite fat.

“Be healthy, and please come back safely.”

“Lise, I think I really like you.” Erhan grinned.

“Why do you look so sad, you’ll come several times a year right?”

‘No. we won’t see each other in 5 years.’

“I’m sad because we have to say goodbye to each other. I’m worried a lot.”

“I will not forget.”

Erhan whispered.

“Honestly, when you told me to stay in Irvia for five years, it was true that I felt resentful with you and Viscount Perelman for a moment… But I know you’re all doing it because you’re worried about me.”

“You’re still young, and I think the treatment won’t be that hard. It’s all for Master Erhan to be healthy.”

“Lise, you said we were the only one to each other… Closer than friends.”

“Yes, I did.”

“Even if I’m not there, you can’t tell the same thing to other people.”

“I will never.”

I replied with a carefree smile. In fact, there was no one to say that.

“For five years, I’ll just think about you every day. I promise, so just come back healthy.”

“Me too.”

Erhan held my hand tight.

“I’ll only think about Lise every day for five years.”

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We were both talking contentedly until we both fell asleep.




“Who is he? Hmm?”

A young man with black midnight eyes was smiling, holding my cheeks. No, his lips were smiling, but there was no glint of a smile in his eyes at all.

His black eyes were burning with anger and I could feel my back getting cold for a moment.

‘Is this a dream?’

The man’s hands were so big that they could cover my face, and we even were lying side by side on the bed. His little finger slightly touched my earlobes, and my shoulders flinched.

“What kind of guy are you having an affair with, are you going to leave me?”

His eyes narrowed.

“Tell me his name, it’s okay. I won’t kill him.”

“T-That’s not it…”

“I can’t believe you’re resigning. How can you think of that? Why?”

His long fingers carefully stroked my ears and stroked my hair. Heat rose from our already close bodies.

“That’s too much, Lise.”

Our faces were so close to each other that I could count his long eyelashes.

“When I was thirteen, and was away and separated from you for a while, I felt that I was the most pathetic person in the world. And now you’re saying you’re going to leave me? Does that even make sense?”

I thought I was saying something, but strangely I couldn’t hear my voice. Only his low voice could be clearly heard.

“For five years that I haven’t met you, I’ve only thought about you every day as I promised.”

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The red lips were so close, almost touching.

“What do you think it’ll be like, now that I can see you every night?”

Finally, I managed to speak. With my eyes open wide, I heard what my lips were saying.

“Resignation is my right.”

The voice sounded just like mine, but it was not a child’s voice. Finding out that I am not a thirteen-year-old girl in the dream, but an adult.


Eventually, his hand pushed my body and kissed me. A strange sound came out of my lips.

“Uhn, haah…”

“You only answer so coldly except when I’m seducing you like this.”

He bit my finger slightly with his front teeth and curved his eyes.

“You’re driving me crazy.”

His tongue began to wrap and gently licked my fingers. The problem was that my gaze kept turning towards his red lips and neck. He wasn’t using the word ‘seduction’ for nothing.

This sinful man!

I shook my head because I thought I was going to be in big trouble.

‘Wake up, Lise! Are you crazy? No matter how handsome and well-built he is, why can’t you beat your instincts!’

Did my brain have a property that made it so well governed by the eyes? Feeling tickled, I shook my head without hesitation, and then forcibly opened my eyes.

All of a sudden, the decadent black-eyed man in front of me was gone.

There was only the 13-year-old Erhan sleeping while holding my hand. His hands and my hands were as small as maple leaves.

‘It’s a really strange dream.’

Like all dreams, after a few minutes, I will forget it, but I jumped up at the steamy scene with the same setting as this bed.

‘This is not the time for this. Let’s analyze the ingredient of that damned snack.’

I packed up those ominous snacks and quickly left Erhan’s room.

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