Episode 1: Does the Assassin Girl Dream?

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Midnight Fairy Tale

A man stood by the window, gazing outside.

The window frame had an old, weathered look, evoking a sense of history. The glass fitted into it was thick, boasting a crystal-like transparency. The room was dimly lit, with moonlight stealthily seeping in, casting a pale, bluish glow.

From the vantage point, he could see the city wrapped in the darkness of the night, with sparse lights dotting the capital—a deserted cityscape that belied the bustling daytime activities.

Every now and then, a breeze would sway the trees along the streets, causing gentle ripples in the waterways of the fountain. Yet, apart from that, there was only silence.

“Finally, tomorrow…” He murmured to himself while taking in the view. A deep smile etched across his face.

If someone had witnessed that expression in that very moment, it would have sent shivers down their spine. It was a smile akin to that of a carnivorous predator before its defenseless prey, brimming with ferocity and arrogance. His raised lips revealed canine-like fangs, resembling sharp tusks.

“The Chancellor is still unaware… There’s no turning back now. I have emerged victorious,” he muttered, stifling his laughter while his throat rumbled.

It appeared to be a bedroom, featuring a generously sized bed adorned with exquisite carvings and a canopy, providing ample space for three people to sleep comfortably.

The room exuded an unimaginable opulence, boasting landscape paintings meticulously crafted by a renowned artist hailed as the finest of their time, delicate porcelain adorned with carefully selected color schemes, and a plush carpet with an intricately woven pattern that showcased the immense effort invested in its creation—the epitome of luxury extended endlessly throughout the space.

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The man’s voice filled the room, unheard by any other ear. He couldn’t afford to have anyone by his side.

After years of longing, he was finally on the cusp of seizing power in the kingdom. His deepest desire was about to become a reality at last.

It was crucial that not a single piece of information leaked out. The man had no true confidants he could trust implicitly. However, as long as they were adequately compensated, there would always be subordinates willing to diligently carry out their assigned tasks. And that would suffice.

Relying on confidants was a risky endeavor, fraught with the ever-present danger of betrayal. He had firmly believed in that principle all along. Now, his unwavering conviction was on the brink of yielding its fruit.

“It’s been such a long time… Oh, how long has it been… Heheh… Hahaha!”

Once upon a time, his ancestors had occupied the highest echelons of nobility as dukes. However, they had succumbed to a political strife, and their estates were seized, resulting in their precipitous descent to the rank of a mere count.

Those days are drawing to a close. Yes, starting from tomorrow!

“How delightful, absolutely delightful… This is the most exquisite sensation!”

In a state of exhilaration reaching its zenith, he stretched out his arms in a theatrical gesture and cast his gaze skyward. It was precisely at that moment…


Suddenly, a chilling and piercing pain engulfed him, not at his neck, but at the back of his head. It felt as though something cold and lethal had slipped in like a knife, severing the core of his being with a disconcerting clarity.

In a state of panic, he attempted to turn around, but his body refused to obey. No, it wasn’t a matter of his body cooperating or not. He couldn’t even comprehend the situation. His breathing became labored, struggling to find a steady rhythm. No, he couldn’t even grasp that much.

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The medulla, a vital part of the brain known as the brainstem which linked to the spinal cord, transmitting commands to the nerves that branched throughout his entire being—that fundamental connection had been brutally severed by the piercing blade.

The man himself lacked the precise knowledge of this gruesome reality. Nonetheless, even as his body crumbled, he mustered an astonishing determination and mental fortitude, contorting his form in a desperate attempt to comprehend what had just occurred. And what his eyes beheld was a shadow cloaked in darkness.

Standing before him was a girl exuding an abyss of boundless emptiness.

Her black attire seemed to be woven from the very essence of darkness, simple yet functional, allowing effortless movement.

Her slender limbs gave an impression of fragility, yet emanated a sharpness that hinted at their potential to inflict harm with the slightest touch.

Her long black hair danced ever so subtly, as if absorbing the surrounding light.

Her complexion resembled the pale glow of moonlight.

Her face exuded a chilling serenity, yet her expression remained stoic, drawing one’s gaze inexorably toward an unfathomable abyss.

She had just claimed the man’s life, but her face remained devoid of emotion. It appeared cold and heartless, eliciting a furious glare from the man.

Even though his lifelong ambition, fueled by generations of grudges, was on the brink of fulfillment, with just one more day, or even half a day remaining…

Even though the intensity of his expression, filled with his own grievances and those of his ancestors, was so palpable that it could have been enough to snuff out his life…

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The woman’s visage remained motionless, without the slightest flicker.

And then…

His body collapsed.

His breath, his heartbeat, seemed to cease.

He sensed the slow, gradual approach of death.

No, I don’t want this… I don’t want to die! He tried to scream, but his voice failed him. In the end, the man’s consciousness slipped away into darkness.

After confirming his lifeless state by touching his body several times…


She vanished into the darkness, as if dissipating into thin air.


The next morning, the count’s death sent shockwaves through the capital.

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Inside the securely locked room, there were no signs of forced entry or any indication that tools had been used. It seemed as if no one had entered or exited the room.

The captain of the guard, investigating the scene of the assassination in what was commonly known as a locked-room mystery, let out a sigh and muttered, “Not again.”

Jurastina, the capital of the Kingdom of Jurastin. In this thriving city, fueled by the wealth derived from its vast and fertile lands, a whispered urban legend circulated among its inhabitants.

According to the tale, if one found themselves alone in a room late at midnight, a ghost would slip through the window and stealthily enter. Once marked by its blade, there would be no escape, and life would quickly meet its end.

Those unfortunate souls who had fallen victim to that blade would come to know the truth behind the legend, but naturally, they would never be able to return to life to tell the tale.


Author’s Note:

The one who greeted the girl was a villain.

What goes through the mind of a death-dealing merchant who doesn’t regard others as human, and a girl who doesn’t consider herself as one?

Up next: The Girl Known as Ghost

The assassin girl does not dream.

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