Doll Dungeon

Chapter 50

To govern three remote villages from within the dungeon, that wouldn’t be an easy task for me to do.

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In that case, I will combine the three villages together and place them near the entrance of my dungeon.

Wait. How about inside the dungeon instead?

But, is it possible to make a large town inside the dungeon? If so, I can use the land outside and turn it into something like a farm.

Still, three villages will require more than a farm. It must be at least a large one.

Or would it just be better for me to take the entire Forest of Beginnings…?

“What can I do with the territory?”

“Yes? You can do whatever you want. Unless it goes against the alliance contract, then please don’t think about it, okay?”

That means pioneering the forest will be impossible.

I have to think another way…

…Actually, there is. Let me see.

Taking the contract from the desk.

“What’s the matter?”

Placing it back. I point out the content of the contract.

“You wouldn’t mind if I develop the Forest of Beginnings, right?”


Aisha hurriedly picked up the contract and began to check it.

“As I confirmed earlier, it contains only two details which are ‘to participate in the war against the Demon King army for a day’ and ‘to send relief if Gallia is under attack’. Am I right?”

That means I will not be breaking the contract no matter what I do in the Forest of Beginnings.

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Well, it’s a breach of contract for different contract.

Aisha gently puts the contract back on the desk.

“…I understand.  I acknowledge that it is not a breach of the alliance’s contract. But, that means you will be violating the non-aggression treaty, doesn’t it?”

It certainly is.

“I don’t mean the entire of Forest of Beginnings. Assuming we did, only the part of the forest near the kingdom will be gone. When the time comes, you can take refuge in there and use it to protect yourself.”

It can also be a place where the adventurers to escape to.

This much wouldn’t be a problem, right?

Also, if we didn’t clear the forest other than the side of the kingdom, the hunting ground for the beginner adventurers will be somewhat far away and it will be difficult for them to go there.

“…I understand.”

Aisha nodded with a sour and defeated expression on her face.

She isn’t convinced but still seems to acknowledge it.

“That means the territory will be like this way from now on?”

I look at both of them.

“Yes. There will be no problem.”

“So, are you going to increase your territory?”

Milia asked while tilting her head.

Come to think of it, I never said I accept it.

“Let’s do that. Otherwise, it will be a little inconvenient later on.”

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With that over with, I can hear from Milia, with her hand on her chest, saying “What a relieve.”

“One more thing. We have to discuss the place for the construction site of the guild.”

“The site location of the guild?”

Isn’t that too early?

We only start talking about the territory just about today, you know?

“Please decide now. There won’t be any problem so please rest assured. We will hand them to you as soon as the construction is completed. Just to make sure, it’s still can’t be built in the dungeon right?”

Aisha tilted her head.

Anyway, I did think of making the town inside the dungeon.

But it wouldn’t be funny to have the guild in it too.

“How about placing the guild on the first level?”

“…You want the guild to be here?”

Isn’t it impossible to decide this immediately?
Even though she has the full authority as representative, she is still just a representative.

Well, that’s the way it is I guess.

“Is it okay if I don’t have to decide today? I will need to clear the Forest of Beginnings first before the construction of the town can begin. So, can’t we decide after that?”

“I guess so. Then, I will ask about it on some other day.”

The discussion concerning the guild ended quite early.

But I do hope to finish this as soon as possible anyway…

“By the way, it seems the noble were saying they felt sorry for leaving the Forest of Beginnings. If you really think so, can you perhaps increase the territory I have on the plain by a little bit and not just the forest? That’s right, how about by a kilometre?”

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“One kilometre is it?”

Just to have forest alone seems to be inconvenient.

I will get as much as I can from them.

“I understand! We will discuss it later.”

I thought she would be reluctant to it…

“Well then, we’ll be going now.”

“Erm, Mr Null! I am sorry for my sudden visit today. But, I’m really glad Mr Null is very kind!”

This person, couldn’t she at least not ruin my relaxing mood right now?!

As Aisha was about to open the door, a knock can be heard from the outside.

“What is it?”

“Excuse me. I’ve come to tell you the lunch is now ready. I already have prepared for everyone shares.”

Eins came into the room and said so.

It’s good to prepare lunch for everyone but it’s unnecessary.

“Really? So, shall we go now? Will you join us for lunch today?”


Cain’s men replied while shaking their head vertically.

But still, their reaction is too quick.

“We will join you.”

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It seems Aisha and the female adventurers will also come.

“Well, if that so, I will join too!”

Milia will be too.

“Now then, let’s immediately go there.”

Walking side by side with Cain, we follow Eins to the dining room.

“Ah, that’s right!”

As I heard a voice from behind, I stopped and looked back.

It seems that Milia remembered something on her way to the dining room.

“What’s wrong?”

“Since Mr Null has taken off the head of the enemy general in the war, that means you’ll get prize money from the Fifteen Countries Federated States!”

Was the prize money on the head of the general?

“And I heard countries other than Gallia were quite unwilling to give reward only to Gallia country, especially in form of prize money!”

I heard that you can get along with people by paying them.

I also heard that there are people can’t be changed by money.

I wonder who is it?

Well, if nothing happens, then nothing will happen.

“I understand. Even if I were to build a country, it’s still something I need in the future. I will gracefully accept it.”

“If that so, I will bring it at a later date!”

Since the talk is over, I continue walking to the dining room.

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