Doll Dungeon

Chapter 56

On the next day, Aisha and Milia came with Cain acting as their escort.

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“The reason why I came here today is regarding the construction of the guild.”

“I need your approval for the territory expansion!”

Could you please take turns talking?

“About the construction of the guild, I don’t mind if you want to build it inside the dungeon.”

Then, Aisha handed me a piece of paper.

“This is the blueprint for the design of the building.”

When I take a look at it, the building is quite large but it’s not that large when compared to the Doll Mansion.

“About the territory, if you don’t mind, here! I need you to approve this official document as a king.”

Everything in the document is completed without any single mistake.

“I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to the terms of this document. Moving on to the guild, I will have them build tomorrow.”


What are you so surprised about?

“Have you not seen how the town looks like? You have to wait until tomorrow to get this built.”

“…Understand. I will get the staff to come here tomorrow.”

I can’t believe it. I thought she would still force me to do it today.

Well, whatever she feels like, it would be no problem as long as I say no to her.

“Is there anything else you want to discuss?”

“Next, about the cheese…”

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Cheese is outside of my field.

“By your side.”


When Eins appeared, Milia was so surprised her eyes turn watery.

By the way, is this the first time she saw this?

Well, let just ignore it for now.

“I want to know more about the cheese.”

“I just taught how to make the cheese yesterday. To get the perfect cheese, you will have to wait a bit more.”

Well, it’s pretty much impossible to get it perfectly done in a day.

And there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it.

“I understand. Well then, I’ll be meeting you again next time.”

It seems to has ended already.

“That’s right. There’s one more important thing.”

Actually, I almost forgot that I have something to discuss with them…

“What is it?”

“It’s about our first contract, I’m ending it.”

“…Why is that?”

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I can’t think of any reason right now…

No, the reason why is because as a country it’s my obligation to protect those who seek protection here.

Even without the contract, this place will still be a safe spot for the adventurers.

Do I have any reason to abandon them?

“There will still be an auction but it will be within the management of this country. Ever since this country was established, I’ve been an easy target for you to capture but now it will no longer be the case. The gold collected from the taxes is already enough for me.”

With this, they can no longer take advantage of me, right?

“I see where you’re going here. Since this is no longer a dungeon but a country, it has become your duty to protect those who took refuge here. One thing after another, did you not benefit from the contract?”

“Actually, realizing that sooner saved me.”

I can get a lot of money if continue the contract, but honestly I never really need them…

“Okay then. We’ll be ending the contract.”

“Thank you very much.”

I’ve now become strong enough to go against the human.

Even without the contract, there will be no particular problem with it.

“Since there’s nothing else, I will excuse myself then.”

“Well then, see you again next time.”


A while after Aisha left, Aristo came.

“Lord Null, I’ve brought my successor here today.”

The man stepped forward after urged by Aristo.

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“My name is Rista. Pleased to meet you.”

He’s a polite person.

Soon after, he gracefully returns to Aristo side.

“He looks quite a nice guy.”

“I’ve been teaching him to be my successor ever since he’s 12.”

Ever since 12?!

No, this is not particularly strange…

At 12, I’m old enough to help with the housework.

“Really? I will be expecting a lot from you.”

“I will do my best to meet your expectations.”

What did I just say…?

Well, if you excuse me, I’ll be hiding after this.

“Do you have the blueprint for your branch design?”

“Yes, here it is. Do you want me to call for a skilled builder to come here tomorrow?”

About that, you don’t have to.

“Let’s build it here. It will be done by tomorrow.”

“Is such thing even possible?!”

Who do you think I am?

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“Am I not the master of Doll Mansion? I will do this much for the sake of my friend.”

“Thank you very much.”

Aristo thanked me with teary eyes.

I pass the blueprint to Eins.

“You may choose the location. Eins, I want you to accompany Aristo and the puppets.”

“Understood. Mr Aristo, let’s go.”

“Yes. Now then, Lord Null, I have to excuse myself.”

Now, what should I do with the auction house on the second floor?

Even if I can leave it as it is, that means you have to go to the mansion every time there’s an auction.

The location is good but now that I’ve become a king, this mansion is now similar to that royal palace.

As a king, I can’t let commoner easily enter this place.

Then, should I build a new auction house on the first floor?

But, I can’t let that big auction house go to waste…

What about changing the location of the entrance?

If I put it outside the mansion, even a commoner can enter the second floor.

No. They still have to climb up to the second floor of the mansion to use it.

How about making a new entrance?

While I’m at it, should I also increase the mansion defense?

And the dungeon floor, do I add more…?

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