Steve didn't realize that the influence of the Fantasy Serum and Red Night's Blood was so great that even The Erinnyes had written a column about it. Plus, a large advertisement banner had been hanging for more than a day or two, which was attracting copious amounts of attention!

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Everyone was abuzz, as they were discovering that there was a limited amount of the serums. Although Steve had stocks of the serums ready now, he would not take them out to make transactions while he was in The Erinnyes.
He closed the interface and looked at the acquisition page. He saw that all of the items sold there could not be purchased on the outside, or else they were illicitly sold items. Apparently, the Erinnyes could get contraband goods for someone, but they would charge a huge fee for it.
After browsing the page for a while, Steve found it to be very confusing, as it had items for every level. However, the system did have a setting where it would filter out any unrelated items for the user.
Since I won't be able to buy it at the mall and I don't have any points, I can only buy it here...
Steve entered an acquisition message regarding F-grade top notch armor, F-grade top notch machines, F-grade weapons of mass destruction and E-grade weapons. The person selling their items could then privately reply in a message to him, divulging further information about the items. He would then pick from among these items, choosing the ones with the most fair prices.
Not long after his message was sent, notification alerts sounded at the back of the system. Steve opened it and saw that the numbers on his private message were increasing at an alarming speed.

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"F*ck, there's so many!" Steve exclaimed.
"Master, the acquisition information that you entered was too general, so everyone selling their weapons would naturally come to you," explained Nieer.
"What can we do to solve this problem?" Steve asked.
"I can help master to revise the acquisition information. What requirements do the weapons that master wants to acquire have?" asked Nieer.
"Well... The original-level armors should at least increase the strength of the original being by 100 combat points, and the armor should have more than 500 points of combat power. As for the lethal weapons, we should at least destroy the defense of original beings with combat points more than 500. Also, for weapons of mass destruction, the greater the power, the better." Steve gave the specifics of his own requirements.
Steve was in a bit of a hurry, as he knew that the later the F-grade weapons arrived, the weaker their auxiliary effects would be. This was because, when the basic cell value of a person reached 4,500 points, the human body itself would then be the best weapon. In fact, the body would be so powerful, even bullets would not be able to injure it. Also, it would be even faster than bullets!

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Therefore, in the earlier stages, weapons could bring about a stronger combat value, but in the later stages, the combat value of the weapons would decrease. For example, Steve's Red Eagle Revolver could initially bring about 20 points of combat power, but now, there were only about 10 points left.
So, if Steve were to reach the level of original beings, the Red Eagle Revolver would have little to no effect. Therefore, the items purchased by Steve were more effective for original beings, but at the same time, the price of the weapons were also more expensive.
Nieer changed the acquisition content according to Steve's request. As expected, the notifications became significantly less, then stopped completely.
"Remove all weapons that don't have the requirements..." Steve opened his inbox, while Nieer began to delete the weapons that he did not need.
Finally, there were still more than 300 sets of original-level armor, more than 200 machines, and more than 1,000 weapons of mass destruction remaining. As for the E-grade weapons, there were none.
This result was normal, as Steve only had level-one authority. He could see the acquisition information published by those with level-two authorities and above, but the acquisition information published by Steve could only be seen by those with level-one authorities.

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"Depending on the distance of the sellers, these items could be obtained soon. However, the Erinnyes have exclusive transport channels and will not expose any information about the buyers' and sellers' locations," Nieer responded.
Steve nodded, while he started browsing through the original-level armors and machines. He then began to pick among them slowly.
The best five sets among all of the battle armors could increase the combat power by 200 points, assuming that one had a basic cell foundation value of 300. Then, it would start diminishing gradually, until the basic cell value was at 600. At that point, it would become useless.
However, they each had their own strengths. Some of them had strong defenses, but could not attack. Some of them were fast, but their defenses were weak. Some of them could fly in the sky and swim in the water…
Plus, with the increase of 200 points, the corresponding cosmic force consumption would also increase. Steve purchased all five battle armors that could add another 200 combat points. At the same time, he also selected 20 other armors, which could be used in more general battles.
Besides buying a few for himself, he also bought several sets for Elizabeth, Sophia, and Lucy. Elizabeth would not encounter any danger in school, but armor could improve her safety in all other places.

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As for Lucy and Sophia, Steve would never be stingy in spoiling his own woman. Moreover, they'd have to carry out dangerous missions later on, so it would be more convenient for them to have armor to aid them.
Hence, he picked a total of twenty-five sets of armor, the cheapest of which was about two million in original gold. The most expensive was seven million!
The cost of a machine was much more expensive than the armor. Of the 200 machines, the strongest one had 600 combat power, which made it more powerful than the Robot Thunderbolt Gorilla! As such, it could easily kill any original beings.
Steve selected carefully for a while, ultimately choosing 10 machines. He didn't buy too many, as one's own consciousness was required to operate the machines. As such, the machines would synchronize with the brain, which would cause a huge burden on the brain.
Not only was he concerned with the effect on the brain, Steve also didn't buy all the machines because forming an army of machines that could allow him to sweep through everything seemed dangerous. After all, the destruction that such a fleet could cause would be endless!
However, there were some weapons of mass destruction on the list, most of which were disposable consumables or that took a long time to recharge after one use. Steve decided to buy all of these weapons, in case he were to need them.
Then came the mono weapons of mass destruction. After Steve had selected a dozen of those, he purchased more auxiliary weapons, such as one for escaping, catching prey, restraining the enemy, and so on.
This batch of purchases tremendously changed Steve's equipment arsenal. If he were to battle Stuart now, Steve was confident that he would be able to bury Stuart via these weapons!
"Congratulations master, because you've spent more than 300 million in original gold, you'll automatically be upgraded to level-3 authority and receive a reward of 1,000 points!" Nieer reported. "Level-3 authority means that you can attend the monthly auction held by The Erinnyes, where many more treasures will appear!"

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