"Relax, lift your leg higher and don't tense up your muscles. It won't hurt soon, don't worry. I'll be gentle…" Steve's kind voice could not soothe Lucy's anxiety.

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Lucy laid on a soft mat as her face flushed red, her body fragrance wafting from her as her small frame jerked with apprehension. She looked at Steve, who was on top of her, with a mix of fear and unease. But, she still listened to Steve obediently. Steve lifted Lucy's dainty foot with one hand and gently placed his other hand on Lucy's stomach, caressing her nervous body and placing her legs in a 90-degree angle.

"Take a deep breath…breathe out slowly…turn and face your back towards me…" Lucy turned her body submissively, and something electrifying passed through her, causing her to cry out, "Ahh, it hurts! But it feels good. It tingles…oh…"

"Yes! There it is! Go harder!" Hearing these moans, Steve was overcome with lust. He was barely able to control his burning desire, but he managed to restrain himself and said, taking a deep breath, "I'll really go for it if you keep this up…" Steve crouched near Lucy's neck, his hot breath warming her ears.

"But that felt really good…" Lucy's voice trembled, but afraid of provoking Steve, she bit her lip and controlled herself.

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"Hng…hngg…uhn…uhn…" These contained sounds were even more seductive and caused Steve to burn with need. He wished he could let off some steam. Lucy was focused on training, and wouldn't have really understood the lust in Steve's eyes even if she were to notice it.

Steve helped Lucy change her position again, and Lucy felt her speed of cosmic force absorption increase yet again. She let Steve move her body as he wanted and breathed according to the breathing technique that Steve taught her, so her speed of absorbing cosmic forces got faster indeed. Lucy had seen Steve's shocking speed of cosmic force absorption, and so she asked him to correct her "Fundamental Practices of Energy Absorption" postures. Over the next three days, Lucy achieved astonishing results, and her level of absorption had reached 11 times the original.

The only issue was that when Steve guided Lucy, it was inevitable that bodily contact would occur, and sometimes he might touch some sensitive places. The tingly sensation and electrifying feeling were even similar to the ecstasy of an orgasm, causing Lucy to emit sensual sounds full of passion.

Steve looked at the petite frame of the girl in his arms while running his hands over every inch of her skin. The young lady's face was flushed and demure. Any man would find it hard to resist the temptation. His big hands passed by her enormous breasts again, and this time he could not help but hold them with both hands and squeeze them gently, molding them into different shapes. The softness of them caused his hands to linger with no intention of moving away. Looking at Lucy blushing, she was like a ripe and juicy apple and he wanted nothing more than to take a bite. But in order not to interrupt Lucy's training, he controlled himself from going that far. Lucy felt Steve violating her breasts again and could not help but exclaim, "No! Wait, I still have to train."

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After spending more than an hour training, they finally finished and both of them were soaked with sweat, as if they had just experienced an intense exercise. Steve looked at Lucy, who was breathing heavily, and finally could not resist as he pounced on her and kissed her with a fiery passion. Lucy hands went to the back of Steve's neck and responded to his kiss with fervor.

"Do you know how hard it was for me to stop myself just now?" Steve breathed heavily while removing Lucy's clothing. Lucy saw the lust in Steve's eyes, and she raised her hands up to help him remove her clothes. Her shocking breasts jumped out like two bunnies. Lucy was not wearing a bra to help her train more easily. Her pink nipples were as tempting as ripe cherries due to the teasing they had received earlier. Now Steve could not resist the temptation and put his mouth on them, sucked on them like a babe, and even bit them lightly.

"Ahh," Lucy moaned. Steve's hands were not idle, and played with the other breast, the huge breast, that he was unable to hold in one hand. He molded it into all sorts of different shapes. Eventually, Steve was not satisfied with just this, and his hands slowly slid downwards and felt the edge of Lucy's shorts. To make it more convenient to move around, Lucy was wearing a pair of denim shorts that showed off her snow-white, long legs. Both of his hands caressed Lucy's long legs as he unbuttoned her denim shorts and revealed the pink underwear beneath.

"No…" Lucy finally came to her senses and held down Steve's hands, forbidding him from taking her shorts off. Giving him a tender look, she said, "I don't want my first time to be in a place like this…" Steve felt another surge of lust. The beautiful young lady in front of him was a virgin. Nonetheless, Steve respected Lucy's wishes and swallowed back the feeling as he removed his hands.

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"I'm going to devour you when we get back," Steve said hoarsely. Lucy looked down bashfully, and then noticed Steve's engorged groin. She could not bear to leave Steve hanging and miserable.

"How about I use other methods to help calm you down?" Lucy said. Before waiting for Steve to react, Lucy squatted down and began to undo Steve's belt, pulling down his briefs. Without warning his "little brother," thicker her arm and about 11 inches long, jumped out and hit Lucy in the face, making a "pak" sound.

Lucy barely felt the blow to her face as she looked at the enormous "little brother" with an astonished look in her eyes. She had of course heard of male reproductive organs before, but she never knew they could be so thick and long. Additionally, his was as hard as steel. Nervous, but curious, Lucy reached out and held the "little brother" in her hands. Her dainty hands did not take fully cover the "little brother" and so, there was quite a big part left exposed.

"Ohh…" Steve made a noise as Lucy's cool, small hands brought some relief to his burning "little brother." The only thing was, after waiting for a while, he did not see Lucy doing anything further.

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"What… what do I do next?" Lucy's face was so red, Steve could see heat emanating from it. She had no knowledge about this matter. Steve started perspiring from embarrassment himself. After a few words, he found out that due to Sofia's over-protectiveness, Lucy's sexual knowledge was next to nothing. All she knew was that females and males had different reproductive organs, and that children could only be conceived through intercourse. But as for pleasing the other party and how to have intercourse, she had no inkling as to how it worked.

Lucy had no sexual experience at all. The thought that such a pure and beautiful lady would succumb to him caused Steve to become hornier, and his "little brother" jerked a few times, then grew even thicker. Lucy was shocked, as she could not understand why Steve got more excited.

"Move your hands up and down, then…"

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