"My sister's here…" Lucy spit out Steve's "little brother," wanting to stop, knowing her own sister was not far away. The thought of the shame and embarrassment she would feel if her sister found out that she was cavorting with Steve was overwhelming—she'd want the earth to swallow her up.

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"Keep quiet!" Steve suddenly held onto Lucy's tiny head and stuffed his "little brother" forcefully inside her mouth, plugging it up. This also hid his phallus in her mouth.

"Mmmph…" Lucy shouted, but her mouth was blocked up by Steve's "little brother," not letting her speak.

"If you continue making noises, we'll be heard by Sofia and Stuart," Steve lowered his voice and said. But then his lower body moved back and forth of its own accord, his "little brother" entering and exiting Lucy's mouth. A stirring sensation he'd never had before caused Steve to be even more aroused, and his member grew bigger and longer.

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He thought back upon Sofia's arrogance back when they were allocating team members. She would never have thought that her precious sister would be blowing his "little brother" under his belt, her mouth used as he pleased. Steve got more excited and pressed down on Lucy's head, moving in and out. Lucy no longer dared to make any noise, she was so afraid that her sister would discover them here. But thinking of Sofia not far away as she was doing unspeakable things filled her with contradictory feelings of shame and excitement. She felt roused and sensitive.

Steve was still following Sofia and Stuart's movements with his eyes. They blasted open a main door and a group of three-eyed cat beasts came pouring out, standing on their hind legs, weapons in hand. They charged towards Sofia and Stuart, both of whom were oblivious to the fact that Steve and Lucy were performing sexual acts in the next building.

Steve put his hand inside Lucy and felt her nether regions sucking on his middle finger, the fleshy walls squirming around. They clamped on his middle finger tightly, as wanting to swallow his whole hand. If not for the terrible timing, Steve wanted to push down Lucy's body and insert his "little brother" inside her. He would hump the hell out of the beautiful girl in front of him, riding waves of pleasure. A long time passed before Sofia and Stuart finally managed to eliminate all the devil-eyed black cats. At the very moment they did, Steve finally shot out all his pent-up lust.

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"Aaah!" Steve growled and penetrated her mouth deeply as he held onto Lucy's head, reaching all the way into her throat. Half of "little brother" was swallowed. Semen kept shooting out and Lucy could not move; she could only force herself not to gag as she swallowed Steve's semen bit by bit. Right at that moment, Sofia below looked in Steve and Lucy's direction.

"Sofia, what's the matter?" Stuart asked.

"I heard a noise coming from there." Sofia pointed in Steve and Lucy's direction. Stuart's gaze followed suit as he glanced at his scanning appliance and said, "The life radar shows that there's no one there." Sofia's dainty brows furrowed. That area was giving her an uneasy feeling.

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"Sofia, we don't have much time. If we don't get the treasure before Collic returns, neither of us will get out of here alive. Let's hurry," Stuart said. "Besides, we're the only ones who know where Collic's experiment lab is. No one else would be here." They were short on time, so Sofia could only suppress her doubts and follow Stuart into the tunnel.

On the other side, Steve had managed to avoid Sofia's gaze and heaved a sigh of relief. He removed his "little brother" from Lucy's small mouth. Even though he had just come, his "little brother" was still energetic and hard. Lucy laid back on the soft mat and gasped for breath, a string of white semen hanging off the corner of her mouth. The two of them cuddled affectionally before putting their clothes back on, but Steve took away Lucy's soaked underwear and this caused her quite a bit of embarrassment. But Lucy's powerful level of cell activation quickly allowed her swollen lips to return to their normal state.

"The both of them haven't returned yet, let's go down and take a look," Steve said.

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"I did not expect this experiment lab to be here, right in front of us!" Lucy exclaimed. The entrance to the lab was covered by a huge board. It was no wonder that they could not find it at first. The two of them waited for a while, but they did not sense any activity underground.

"You wait out here, I'll go down and take a look," Steve said. Lucy had just had her first sexual experience and had not gained back her full strength. Besides, the situation inside was unclear and one of them needed to stay outside in case of trouble. Lucy nodded her head, and Steve entered the underground tunnel.

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