Mimetic weapons could display the same fighting capacity as the real person. They were similar to being like clones of their user, which could continue to grow like the user. However, this clone had many functions, as it depended on the user's imagination.

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Just then, Rex suddenly sprang up from the ground. His lightning punches were as fast as thunder! The Power of Thunderbolt preemptively struck people, and instantaneously bombarded the mimetic weapon. Its whole body was filled with layers of thunder and lightning.
This was Rex's usual tactic. His Power of Thunderbolt was not strong enough to form a destructive thunder and lightning attack, but it was enough to paralyze the enemy. His speed also became an advantage over the enemy.
Rex's fist was about to hit the mimetic weapon on the chin and blast it up into the air…
Suddenly, the mimetic weapon reached out and grabbed Rex's fist, easily blocking his attack.
"This is impossible! You were already paralyzed by me!" Rex looked shocked.
The mimetic weapon could not speak. After grabbing Rex's fist, it threw a right-hook directly onto Rex's face again.
"A Sound of Thunder!" Rex was anxious and shouted loudly, as an astonishing Power of Thunderbolt erupted from his body. However, the influx of the Power of Thunderbolt pouring into the body of the mimetic weapon was unable to cause any damage to it.

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Rex was knocked to the ground like an artillery shell, and his face was as swollen as a pig's head. However, he still had the strength to fight.
The physical damage that was caused by his fists had not been lethal, as the strength of the two was too similar. As such, the loser would be the first one to fall.
This had always been the case in group battles between the recruits and the veterans. The outcome would be determined when a group could not hold out any longer and fell.
As such, there was no better way to improve communication than to have a good fight. Especially in military base camps, the stronger one who prevailed would be more respected.
Rex stood below, looking at the mimetic weapon that was descending slowly from mid-air. With a gloomy face, he asked, "What on earth are you, and why are you immune to my thunder and lightning?"
The Beast Soul Armors also had their own clones, but the clones were actually condensed by the original force. As Rex's Power of Thunderbolt was transformed from the original force, it should have an effect on the clone of the magical beast.
The mimetic weapon did not reply, but rushed forward. One of its arm suddenly transformed into a knife and slashed towards Rex. He responded quickly by pounding a sledgehammer down with his hand.

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"Whether you are a clone of an armor or a weapon, I will still smash you!" Rex shouted angrily.
The two collided rapidly, and the scene was instantly filled with dark shadows and flashing lights. The crowd could hardly spot them amid the craziness!
Without the help of the Power of Thunderbolt, Rex's power was greatly weakened. He could only fight head-on with the mimetic weapon by his own strength.
In a short time, it was difficult to distinguish who would be the winner. Still, Steve was confident, as the mimetic weapon was both a matter and spiritual body, making it immune to the Power of Thunderbolt. Moreover, it could absorb the cosmic force automatically and maintain itself in a strong state!
As such, there would be a time when Rex's original force would be exhausted, but the original force of the mimetic weapon would never be exhausted! In fact, if the weapon was carried by one's side, it was equivalent to an additional constant source of original force, which could never be exhausted!
Of course, the speed whereby the mimetic weapon provided the original force had to be slower than the speed that it absorbed the original force. Otherwise, the original force would also be exhausted.
Antonio looked upset. Before Steve launched his attack, he had managed to hold down two people with his weapons, causing the veterans team to be reduced to a three-man team from a five-man team.
"The three of you are not my worthy opponents," Steve said to Antonio in a calm tone.

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"You're too confident. I'm different from Benson. You can't beat me!" Antonio's body suddenly became huge, his muscles bulging. His aura was even getting stronger even than before. With two red knives in his hands, he looked like a mighty devil.
Antonio suddenly rushed forward. He had a knife in his right hand and was slashing forward. His strong power split the surrounding air and a loud explosion could be heard. His domineering ferocity and irresistible force almost split Steve in two, as Steve was not using his Protective Energy Shield to fend off Antonio's attack.
Six Ice Wing Flying Knives crossed together to form a snowflake-shaped iron shield to block the attack.
Powerful forces collapsed, and the Ice Wing Flying Knives were repulsed. Steve was blown three meters away by the huge impact.
"What massive power… It's at least 5% stronger than before..." Steve was shocked.
"Data collection… Antonio used a temporary incremental armor, and his strength increased by 8%. Master, please do not go head-to-head with him," The Heart of the Universe instantly analyzed.

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A 7% increase in strength meant that Antonio was stronger than Steve in terms of strength! Though Steve's basic cell value was only 300 points, there was an increment of 21%. Thus, his strength had reached 363 points, which was also an improvement as compared to his previous basic cell value of 350 points.
Antonio's basic cell value had increased by 7%, placing it at 350 points, and his strength had reached 378 points, which was 18 points stronger than Steve's. Thus, Antonio had an advantage in terms of strength. So if they were to go head-to-head with each other, Steve would be at a disadvantage.
Knowing this, Steve immediately chose to withdraw and not confront Antonio.
But then, Antonio's left-handed knife swept across the space all of a sudden. The ferocity of its approach was enough to split steel.
The Ice Wing Armor blocked the first attack, but was not in time to block the second attack. Just then, Steve responded quickly. The wings behind the Silver Shark Armor flapped and immediately retreated.
Suddenly, the ground began to move like liquid, and a stone wall rose behind Steve, blocking him. Not only was there a wall behind his back, but there was also one on his right side, preventing him from escaping.
"Parkes again..." Steve looked over and saw that Parkes had controlled the earth to form a stone wall to block his escape route.
Steve changed his direction and was ready to flee the attack by flying upwards...
"You can't run away!" Suddenly, there was a loud shout that came from above. Helena had just descended from above with a sharp sword in her hand. Now, even the route above him was blocked!

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