Stuart was warned by Leopold and could barely contain his anger.

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"It won't be long before you three sh*theads have to stop being so proud. I'll see how you'll laugh when Lieutenant Leopold announces your results." Stuart's said frostily.
Lucy glared back at him and said, "We'll see!"
Steve smiled, then gave Lucy's chest a squeeze while nobody was watching. He then said to her, "You're the cheekiest."
Lucy was not very old, so she still retained a teenage girl's somewhat shy and giggly character. However, this only made her even more lovely.
However, the crowd could not help but sigh when they looked at Steve, as Stuart was obviously quite confident that he would beat him.
Furthermore, everyone knew that Stuart must have outperformed Steve with his results. So, people felt sorry for Steve.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I will announce the final results now!" Lieutenant Leopold's voice rose, and the crowd went silent. Everyone was looking at him.
"The total number of qualified soldiers in this round is 16 people!" Although one of them was unable to withstand the pressure at 50%, with some training, he'll still able to become an armored robot driver, so he was accepted.
"There are 16 people!"

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"How is that possible? Out of 33 rounds of tests, none of the 4,950 people were deemed qualified, and 16 of them had actually qualified out of 50 people!"
"So many people! They've broken the past records!"
Even Instructor Bob couldn't help but be surprised when he heard the results. Although many people had cheered when the last batch of recruits had come out from the last round of testing, he hadn't expected so many people to pass!
"The 16 people are Vivien, with a 50% Brain Wave Fusion Level..." After Lieutenant Leopold announced this person, a woman's exclamation rang out.
"What? I'm accepted?" Vivien jumped up in surprise. Even she was unable to believe that she had been accepted!
"Vivien? Who is she? Is she among the recruits?"
"That's her? She ranked more than 4,000 in the rankings. How did she get accepted?"
"How did she manage to sneak into the last batch?"
"Well, with her sense of presence, it'd be normal for her to go unnoticed until the last round."

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Everyone looked at Vivien, many of them envious of her. She was very lucky to have passed the test by such a small margin!
"Vivien? Didn't she get eliminated? She must have snuck in!" Steve looked at the girl with surprise.
"Vivien was eliminated in the first round of the last ranking battle. I didn't expect her to be so lucky!" Sofia sighed.
Steve looked at Vivien and realized that, just like in the past, she had no sense of presence. Along with her long black hair and those bangs on her forehead that covered her eyes, she wore a loose black military uniform. Thus, she was easily overlooked in crowds.
She wasn't tall, either. In fact, there was nothing special about her!
However, she had passed the armored robots test by chance today, which made an ordinary person like her swiftly become the object of everyone's admiration. Even Vivien herself was filled with surprise.
"Ahem...Third class soldier Vivien, after further consideration, we decided that we should give you a chance. I hope you won't let us down." Lieutenant Leopold saw her surprise and tried to encourage her.
"I... I... I will work hard!" Vivien could hardly speak and her fingers were fidgeting with her clothes nervously. She had never felt so valued!
After Vivien's acceptance, the crowd's attention once again returned to the other candidates' results.

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"Edwin, Brain Wave Fusion Level 52!"
Whenever Lieutenant Leopold announced the accepted soldiers, after they heard their names, the soldiers whose names were called could not help but shout out with excitement. Although they knew that their results had already been accepted, they couldn't help but get excited all over again at hearing their names!
"Andrew, Brain Wave Fusion Level 66%."
"Wayne, 66%."
"Aaron, 67%"
When the results of these people were read out, it caused quite a lot of commotion, as nobody expected that there'd be more candidates above 60%!
Andrew's face was hard as he listened. He had thought that his Brain Wave Fusion Level of 66% had been very strong, but unexpectedly, there were two others who had the same results as his, and they usually performed worse than him!
Andrew's joy had vanished completely, and it had been replaced by a sense of frustration and disappointment. He was indeed outstanding, but apparently, some of the other people's potentials might really be stronger than his!
As more people's names were read, the crowd realized that Stuart's, Steve's, Lucy's and Sofia's names had not been read. Suddenly, their audible doubts all filled the air.

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"Steve seemed so calm, so he couldn't have failed, right?"
"It might be possible, now that you've said it. Otherwise, how could he not have reacted to Stuart's provocation at all?"
"And Lucy and Sofia? Their names have not been read. Could it be that Lucy was lying just now about being accepted?"
Stuart behaved even more arrogantly now, as he looked at Steve and said, "No wonder you didn't open your mouth to refute me before. You had already been eliminated!"
"My darling would never be eliminated!" Lucy retorted immediately.
"Haha, if he wasn't eliminated, why has his name not been called?" Stuart laughed mockingly.
"My name is at the bottom of the list, obviously," Steve responded calmly.
"Are you saying that your fusion level is higher than mine?" Stuart mocked.
Steve smiled and said, "Wait till all of the results come out. You will know then. Besides, you wouldn't believe me if I told you now."
"We'll see..." Stewart sneered arrogantly.

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