The Original Tower Main System was silent for a moment, then it said, "Young man, it is not up to you to explore the reasons behind the departure or the present whereabouts of the two civilizations. The disappearance of the civilizations has always been a mystery. Even I do not know why such a thing occurred. And even if I did, I would not tell you. With your capabilities, you are not yet qualified to explore these secrets."

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Steve was silent. He always felt that the Original Tower Main System should know something, but obviously it did not want to reveal anything to him.
"The Original Tower Main system is right. If we dug around the truth of history too much, it would surely put you in great danger. The less you know, the safer you will be." Judy agreed with the Original Tower Main System.
"When the Titans Clan left, they destroyed all the main systems, including me." The Original Tower Main System sighed. "I was restored at the peak of the Atlantis civilization, but I lost a big part of my memory."
It then added, "Moreover, the Atlantis civilization left in such a hurry, so when they shut down the cyberspace, I lost touch with the outside world. I then remained buried deep underground until the birth of the Lemuria civilization. Then, I was excavated and able to be put to use again."
The system then explained what followed after experiencing the Lemuria civilization, which was that war had affected the main system and caused serious damage.

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"But, since you retained the content of the Atlantis civilization until the Lemuria civilization emerged, does that mean that you were one of the sages?" Judy suddenly asked, shocked.
As the development of the Lemuria civilization was closely related to the ancient relics that were left by the two previous civilizations, if what the Original Tower Main System said was true, it had retained the complete inheritance of both the Atlantis civilization and the Titan Clan! As such, it was probably one of the sages who helped the rise of the Lemuria civilization!
"Sages? Maybe..." The voice of the Original Tower Main System sounded like an old man who had been through myriad life experiences. "You are also a kind of sage from the Blue Star Continent, right?"
It used this term because sages were considered to be the pioneers who promoted the development of a civilization.
"Yes, I am also a sage..." Judy gave a bitter smile.

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Her appearance had indeed accelerated the development of human civilization and greatly shortened the evolution process of all of the Blue Star's humankind. As such, she had to agree that this fully met the requirements of being called a sage.
Although it had been determined that Steve was the owner of the Apollo Battleship, Steve's personal strength was still too weak. Thus, he was temporarily unable to disclose his relationship with the Apollo Battleship. Otherwise, the Apollo Battleship would be caught in a battle between man and the devil!
After all, devils, evil as they were, were also part of the Blue Star population, which meant that they could also obtain the ancient relics. Sages like the Original Tower Main System and Judy had no ability to distinguish between good and evil, as their aims were solely to promote the development of human history. As such, even the devil would identify with them.
The Apollo battleship was very important, as it contained the complete Lemuria civilization's inheritance. In fact, this made it even more valuable than the Original Tower Main System!
Moreover, the speed of civilization development would take a huge leap if mankind or the devil could obtain the Apollo Battleship. The winner could even wipe the other party out completely! As such, the Apollo Battleship was worth launching an entire world war over!

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This was one of the reasons why Steve did not dare to expose his ownership of the Apollo Battleship, as the consequences were beyond his imagination. However, Steve could spread around the heritage of the Apollo Battleship bit by bit, then slowly promote the development of human civilization in that way. Then, once he had enough strength to be open and honest about the Apollo Battleship, human history could enter a new round of tremendous leaps in evolution!
"The Original Gravity Tower was destroyed several times, all the while being controlled by the main system. Fortunately, the powerful human beings were strong enough to enter, thus discovering the central main system and successfully controlling it." The Original Tower Main System said.
It then added, "The particulars regarding the destruction of the main system are more serious. I am just an independent part of it. Moreover, the damage was serious, the value of which is even more than that spiritual body beside you."
It then explained how there were many Original Gravity Towers in the Blue Star Continent. They all operated as different individual towers, but were also connected with one another and were thus managed by what was called the "central system."
This was a very unique way of existence. It was only by discovering the central system and knowing the location of the Original Gravity Tower that human beings could build cities at the Original Gravity Tower.

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Therefore, where there is a city, there must be an Original Gravity Tower. These towers were also the cores of a city, so each was either heavily guarded or built at the city's most central location.
As Steve was processing all of this new and fascinating information, the Original Tower Main System broke into his thoughts and said, "Young man, you're lucky to have the spiritual body of the Lemuria civilization. If you want to explore the disappearance of the history of the civilization, you must first increase your strength. Only if you improve your strength, can you be of any help to me."
Steve now understood the main reason for the appearance of the Original Tower Main System. It had been severely broken, and after the discovery of Judy, it seemed to have found new hope.
After all, Judy had the complete inheritance of the Lemuria civilization. With her ability, she would be able to speed up its repair!
"If I could repair you, would you tell me more secrets about the two civilizations?" Steve asked.
"I can promise you an equivalent exchange, but what you have now is not enough to exchange for the secrets of the two civilizations," the Original Tower Main system responded.
Steve grew silent. He felt helpless, as what he had now was apparently of no value. In order discover the secrets of the two civilizations, he had to pay a huge price, which was something that he could not do with his present ability.
But at least, he had opportunities that no one else did! Thus, even though he would not be able to make use of this opportunity right now, it could certainly be useful in the future!

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