The sudden change of environment made Steve's situation worrying. After all, Gun Bone Silver Sharks were predators of the sea. As such, they had a huge advantage in the sea.

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Just as Steve was about to swim to the surface of the sea, the bone spurs on the backs of the 10 sharks flew out like bullets in a spiral manner, eliminating the resistance of the sea and making the attack even more powerful.
Steve looked grim. The 10 Gun Bone Silver Sharks had a combat power of 350 and were geographically dominant. Thus, it was not easy to kill them!
As the bone spurs blocked Steve from continuing to swim upwards, he could only back away from the dense bone spur attack. It did not help matters that each Gun Bone Silver Shark could fire up to 30 bone spurs at a time, which meant that 10 sharks could fire up to 300 bone spurs altogether at a time!
They were like machine guns that were continuously firing, not giving Steve a break! Even if Steve tried his best, he still could not dodge all of them!
"Ice Wing Shield!" Steve yelled, summoning the shield, which blocked the attack so that he could then use the Ghost Hunter's Blade to slash away at the flying bone spurs.
"Since I can't get out of the water, I shall hold my breath and kill all of you!" Steve yelled.
When a person is drowning, the first thing he would think of is to find a way to return to the surface of the water to breathe some fresh air. However, that was not the case for Steve…
As soon as he calmed down, he knew that with his current basic cell value, he would be able to hold his breath for at least an hour without causing any harm to himself. As the challenge time was only 30 minutes, holding his breath during the entire challenge time should be no problem.

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Thump... Thump thump...
The bone spur attack slowly stopped, as the sharks were unable to use their bone spurs to attack him endlessly. After three rounds of attack, the recovery speed of the bone spurs had slowed down dramatically.
Now, Steve did not show any fear in the face of the sharks! Steve took out an important weapon and yelled, "Traveller's boots!"
When wearing his Traveller's boots, Steve was like a mermaid in the sea, swimming smoothly. As such, he managed to easily dodge the sharks' bone spurs.
Though the Traveller's boots was an ordinary F-class weapon, it was the best weapon for eliminating resistance. As such, wearing the boots to swim in the sea would reduce the resistance to the point that it was almost nonexistent!
After avoiding the attack, Steve summoned the mimetic weapon and turned it into a fishing gun.
The fishing gun fired, its sharp hook piercing the shark that was right in front of it. Apparently, the Gun Bone Silver Shark was unprepared for such a turn of events, so it was instantly snagged by the fishing gun.

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The Gun Bone Silver Shark struggled very hard. Though the long hook penetrated more than a meter deep in the shark, there were some parts of its body which were still struggling.
Just as Steve was about to give the injured shark a final blow, the other four sharks rushed in. Apparently, five had been killed amid the crossfire of the previous skirmishes. At this point, he had no choice but to temporarily let go of the injured shark.
"Ice Wing Shield! Moon Shattering Bow!" Steve yelled.
Instantly, the huge energy shield was in front of him and the mimetic weapon was transformed into a long rope that looped around Steve's waist. At the other end of the long rope was the hook that was still inside the injured shark.
At the same time, Steve infused the Moon Shattering Bow with his spiritual power, which quickly condensed into a starlight arrow.
A gorgeous starlight arrow flew out. Even in the sea, there was no hindrance to its spiritual condensation.
Without stopping, Steve condensed a second starlight arrow, which flew at the same speed towards the second Gun Bone Silver Shark.

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The two starlight arrows hit two of the Gun Bone Silver Sharks. The sharks' eyes turned white, while their brains were completely destroyed by the spiritual arrows.
Although fish were powerful and almost invincible, especially in the ocean, there is a common fatal flaw in all marine organisms. Their brains are extremely fragile.
In fact, fish brains are jelly-like and easily destroyed. Thus, Steve's spiritual arrows easily destroyed the sharks' brains.
Initially, Steve did not think of this. It was only when he killed the two Gun Bone Silver Sharks with his spiritual power that the Heart of the Universe quickly collected and forwarded along this important data.
"Master, their weakness is in the brain," the Heart of the Universe presented the data of the Gun Bone Silver Shark in Steve's mind. It even presented Steve with hundreds of hunting schemes!
Now, Steve looked calm. After all, now that he knew their weaknesses, it would be easy for him to defeat them.

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The remaining three sharks were blocked by the Ice Wing Shield. Although the sharks hit the Ice Wing Shield frantically, the strong defense of the shield prevented them from attacking Steve.
"It's your turn!" Steve rushed over quickly to the injured shark and flashed his Ghost Hunter's Blade.
He thin sliced the huge Gun Bone Silver Shark into sashimi!
"Dark-edged Blade!" Just as three Gun Bone Silver Sharks were still hitting the Ice Wing Shield, Steve summoned the Dark-edged Blade. It was well concealed and invisible, and it flew rapidly towards the sharks.
The Dark-edged Blade pierced through the head of one of the sharks, then quickly churned and minced its brain into pieces. Thus, yet another Gun Bone Silver Shark had been killed by Steve.
The remaining two sharks were also killed by the Dark-edged Blade in the same way. In the face of such spiritual weapons, the sharks had no defensive ability whatsoever. Even though their flesh was thick enough and their skulls were hard enough to withstand most attacks, in the face of the Dark-edged Blade, all defenses were useless.
"Since I now know your weakness, this challenge is going to be easy," Steve said with a smile.
With the Traveller's Boots, the resistance in the sea had been weakened to the extreme, making Steve's speed comparable to that of the Gun Bone Silver Sharks. On top of that, the sharks had no clue how to deal with spiritual weapons. As such, Steve had been able to kill them all in the end.

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