Steve memorized all three spiritual power serums' formulas. Many of their ingredients could be purchased online, but there were three growth regions that were more unique for the ingredients, meaning that it would not be easy to find them.

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"That's the end of today's practice. It's time to go out," Steve said.
Since entering the Original Gravity Tower, Steve had raised his basic cell value by seven points, and his brain development had increased by 1%, and this was only the first day's speed! The powerful auxiliary effect of the Original Gravity Tower was very obvious!
"Go outside and practice your spiritual power for an hour," Steve murmured to himself.
It would require an extra hour of spiritual power training to maintain the spiritual control over his body. Otherwise, the spiritual power would not be able to control the body and the proportion of enhancement would gradually decline.
"Exit practice!" Steve said.
"Your points are being settled. I wish you a happy life," the electronic voice said.
Then, a ray of light enveloped him, and when Steve finally came to his senses, he had already been transmitted to the outside world. Just after he stepped out into the world, Steve suddenly noticed that people were gazing at him like hungry wolves that had just seen a delicious lamb.
"You guys..." Steve was shocked. "Am I so handsome that I attract both men and women now?"

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He had no idea that the veterans outside had noticed his impressive performance in the challenges. Many of them had actually been waiting for hours for Steve to come out!
A crowd of people surged forward before Steve even had time to react....
"Mr. Steve, join us in the Sky Battle Team. Our team captain is a master with 400 points of basic cell value..."
"Get out of here! What good is your Sky Battle Team? Our Candlelight Battle Team is one of the top 100 battle teams in the base rankings!"
"Please join our Tiger Leopard Team, as we have more beautiful women..."
A lot of people came up to invite him to join their team. Steve never thought that this would happen, as he was just a recruit!
He soon found out about the situation of the troops in the military base. Apparently, if he joined a strong battle team, not only could he take part in the team's challenges, but he would also have access to many great conveniences when carrying out missions.
At the same time, when they went to the battlefield in the future, the battle team would also be the most reliable comrades-in-arms. Teams were also a means of enhancing the cohesion of soldiers on military bases, almost like a college fraternity.

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"You guys are so enthusiastic. I'm just a recruit! I hadn't planned to join a team yet..." Steve quickly refused their requests.
"Get away from him, guys! He's mine!" A familiar coquettish voice rang out, which quieted the noisy crowd instantly.
Two beautiful women walked out from the crowd. One of them was Audrey, who Steve had a good impression of because of their interaction before.
As Steve looked at the woman beside Audrey, who was the one who had called out just now, Steve couldn't help but feel his blood boiling. The woman was so sexy and beautiful.
Steve had seen a lot of beautiful women, and even Sofia and Lucy were perfect beauties, but compared with the woman in front of him, their bodies were not half as sexy or hot. Steve, however, took one look at her, then forced himself to turn away and stop observing her.
This was the benefit of having strong spiritual power, as it could help make one's willpower firm. That way, one would not be easily distracted by anything that could get them into trouble later!
"Audrey, I'd like to thank you again for helping me out." Steve thanked her.
Jenna's eyes shifted and a blush rose on her cheeks. She was clearly confused as to why Steve wasn't paying her more attention. She had seen instantly that Steve gazed at her with a trace of desire, but soon suppressed that desire and turned away.

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"I want to congratulate you on reaching the eighth level in one shot." Audrey laughed and said. "Never in the history of the military base has a new recruit been as crazy as you were!"
"Mr. Steve, I'm very curious. From the fourth level to the seventh level, how on earth did you get through them all?" Jenna couldn't help but ask.
Instead of answering her, Steve looked at Audrey and begged for a proper introduction. "This beautiful lady is..."
"This is Jenna, a veteran of four years." Audrey introduced her with a smile.
"Nice to meet you, beautiful lady." Steve took Jenna's outstretched hand and kissed the back of it.
"Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Steve." Jenna laughed.
Just as Steve kissed Jenna on the back of her hand, he felt jealous and angry gazes coming from all of the men around him.
"Mr. Steve, you haven't told me exactly how you got through those levels." Jenna urged him again curiously.

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"I was lucky. It just so happens that the martial arts that I was practicing could restrain them." Steve laughed bitterly.
However, few people believed his explanation. Everyone looked at him with doubtful gazes. As Steve had passed through seven checkpoints with just one challenge, they couldn't believe that mere good luck could explain that!
"Well, everyone has his own secrets, and since Mr. Steve is unwilling to tell us his, we shall not ask him any more questions." Jenna smiled.
Her tone was mild, but her eyes showed a bit of her dissatisfaction. After all, with her beauty, no man had ever brushed her off or even lied to her, so this made Steve was the first!
"It was really luck. I've developed a martial art that could sense things in the dark, even the Magical Black Panther. Also, it happens that one of my weapons adapts well to the deep sea environment..." Steve gave a rough explanation.
People who didn't believe him continued to look at him suspiciously.
"Well, your luck must be very good." Jenna sighed.
"Good luck is one thing, but if you're not strong enough, you still won't be able to kill those magical beasts!" Audrey smiled and said. "Steve, are you interested in joining our Watt Battle Team? If you're willing to join now, we will give you a million dollars!"
Hearing this offer, many of the veterans were shocked. Most of their battle teams could not afford such a high price! At the same time, they were questioning whether Steve was worth a million dollars.
After all, Steve's potential and strength were indeed impressive, but many people didn't think that it was worth spending a million dollars to get him on their team!

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