After hearing those words, Vivien's face turned pale and she bit down on her lips. She was clearly dissatisfied.

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"He's right. The law looks at the evidence. If we want to sue them, these two documents are indispensable." Ron looked at Vivien and Steve and sighed.
He then said, "A bottle of Subatomic Serum is only 15,000 in original gold, but the two tests reports would cost at least tens of thousands. I've encountered your situation before. Even if someone were to really go to the Pharmacist's Guild to apply for an inspection, nobody in the Pharmacist's Guild would help."
As it turns out, many people knew that there were problems with the Subatomic Serum that was sold at the Black Tiger Store. However, each bottle of their Subatomic Serum had a certification report from the Pharmacist's Guild.
If one wanted to sue them, they'd have to disprove the report first. Even if one were to have the money to apply to do so, nobody in the Pharmacist's Guild would be willing help them. Moreover, most of the soldiers who were willing to buy the 20% discounted product came from poor backgrounds, so of course they couldn't afford to do anything!
"Doesn't the Pharmacist's Guild know that they were selling inferior drugs?" Vivien asked angrily.
"So what if they knew?" Ron asked, while shrugging his shoulders. "The Babbitt Group has a dedicated team of pharmacists who provide a lot of dark goods every year to the Pharmacist's Guild. To offend the Babbitt Group would be like offending their own team of exclusive pharmacists!"

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As such, the Pharmacist's Guild figured that it was not worth offending the Babbitt Group, as they would certainly need dark objects in the future. So, in the end, they just went along with the scam.
Vivien's face grew paler and paler, while she clenched her fists. However, she could do nothing, even in the face of such injustice!
"Is there no honest pharmacist who would help us expose them?" Vivien asked, still reluctant to give up entirely.
"Maybe, but who?" Ron shook his head with a sigh.
After all, there were many unfair and unjust things in the world, but there were few people who dared to stand up against them. At that moment, Jim smiled triumphantly. He had done this kind of thing more than once, and he had gotten away with it every single time!
"Take the serum and go! Let that be a lesson to you!" Jim's expression was smug.

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"They are not willing to do it, but I'll do it!" Steve suddenly spoke up.
"You? What can you do?" Jim sneered, while Vivian and Ron looked at Steve in surprise.
"Is this enough to answer your question?" Steve took out a thumb-sized badge and pinned it on his chest.
Jim's pupils enlarged instantly and he turned pale. Vivien and Ron's mouths hung open in shock and surprise. All three were staring wide-eyed at Steve's badge.
"You're a certified pharmacist?" Vivien asked in surprise. She had known Steve for months, yet never heard of him being a certified pharmacist!
"Yes, during my last vacation, I got my pharmacist certification on the way there," Steve answered calmly.

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"I can't believe you are really a pharmacist!" Ron also looked surprised.
Steve then looked at Jim jokingly and asked, "Do you want to do the test report now?"
"No! Mister! I was wrong. I shouldn't have deceived your friends. I'll give you the money back. Please forgive me." Jim was clearly scared.
Actually, he was the main culprit behind the sales of the poor quality Subatomic Serums, as he'd secretly diluted them himself! It turns out that he was a senior pharmacist apprentice, so it was not difficult for him to do!
By diluting a perfect Subatomic Serum into two parts, he could make more than 10,000 in original gold from one serving! Such a business was much more profitable than cultivating his own serums.
"Vivien is not the first person you've deceived. If I let you go this time, you will only continue on to deceive others later. Since you've broken the law, you'll have to receive the punishment that you deserve!" Steve picked up the bottle that Vivien had bought and took out his inspection equipment to check its efficacy. In less than five minutes, Steve had finished making the report.

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"Mr. Ron, this is the report inspection for the Subatomic Serum. My own analysis shows that this bottle of serum has been diluted, causing its effect to be only half of the authentic one's." Steve made the report and put his professional seal on it.
The Pharmacist's Guild was not a government agency, but they were also highly credible, so this officially stamped report now showed that it had been justified. Ron took the report and looked it over.
After a while, he nodded and said, "Yes, it is indeed just as the report says. There is only half the effect."
"In order to ensure fairness, we will take samples as evidence, and this report will be submitted by us. We believe that the trial decision will be made soon." Just then, George went up and took out two syringes to extract two small doses of the serum as evidence samples.
Jim's face paled as he looked at everything unfolding before him. He then began to panic, as he he knew that once the facts of his fraud were proven, the punishment that awaited him would be terrible!
"What punishment will they face, and what kind of compensation will we get?" Steve inquired.
"If you win, the Black Tiger Store will henceforth be prohibited from selling Subatomic Serums. At the same time, they will be blacklisted by the Pharmacist's Guild and be prohibited from providing serums to them in the future," Ron said calmly, "As for your compensation, it is a little complicated. We will investigate how much profit they've made from selling fake and inferior products, and you whistleblowers will get 10% of that profit compensation."
He then added, "At the same time, because they directly sold you inferior products, they'll need to compensate you 100 times the amount, which would be 1.5 million in original gold!"
He smiled as he saw their faces light up, then added excitedly, "Plus, in order to thank you for removing this malignant tumor from the commercial streets, the Consumer Association of the Military Base will also give you a reward! Then, the Pharmacist's Guild will have to compensate you for its negligence in the matter as well, but that specific amount remains to be determined."

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