"Did Michael ask you to come?" Steve asked.

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"Yes, you should know why we've come," Oliver said calmly.
"Don't worry, we are harboring no hostility towards you for the time being." Wally laughed. 'We just want to negotiate with you. As long as you withdraw the lawsuit, we promise that we will not do anything to you."
"What if we don't withdraw the lawsuit?" Steve asked coldly.
"Then we can only handle this matter another way!" Eric cracked his knuckles loudly, an intimidating look on his face.
Out of the three men, Wally was the tallest and slimmest. He had a boot-shaped face and sinister eyes. Oliver was a little fat, while Eric looked the strongest and most powerful.
"I thought Michael was the only one who was cheating soldiers, but the Black Tiger Battle Team was involved as well." Steve looked at them with contempt.
He then added, "We will not withdraw the lawsuit! If you want to start a fight, come on."
"Hahaha, you mere recruits dare to be so arrogant!" Eric burst out laughing. "Don't think that we won't dare to do anything to you just because you're a pharmacist!"

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Steve asked loudly, "As soldiers, you cheat and deceive others, so one has to wonder if you deserve the honor of being called soldiers?"
"Honor? If we were not born as lowly people, we would have never joined the army!"
"The tuition fees are so high, serving as a soldier is the only way to make it!"
"We don't want honor! We just need the money!"
Wally and the others did not have the slightest sense of honor. As they admitted this, their gazes towards Steve and Vivien turned even fiercer. They had shamelessly admitted that they had joined the army only to improve their strength and earn more money!
Since many civilian families couldn't afford to pay tuition fees, many people couldn't afford to go to college after finishing their compulsory educations. But, they still wanted to improve their strengths and escape their lives of poverty.
Thus, their only option was to become soldiers, as soldiers got paid monthly and could use the resources of the military to improve their strengths. Moreover, they would have the option of being completely free after giving 20 years of service.
As Blue Star humans enjoyed long lifespans, where even ordinary people could reach more than 100 years of age, it was considered a smart move for civilians to exchange 20 years for added strength and a carefree life in the future. Therefore, many of the people who became soldiers didn't really want to protect human beings, they just joined the military for strength and money!

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As Vivien's lawsuit regarding the Black Tiger Store was akin to cutting off the source of funding for the Black Tiger Combat Unit, they could not tolerate such a thing!
"Even if you've abandoned the honor of being soldiers, don't you fear the punishment of the military base for being so arrogant?" Steve's tone was full of anger.
Everyone's goals were different, so Steve didn't accuse them of joining the army for money. After all, he had joined the army in order to collect college tuition fees for Elizabeth, so he had also been motivated by money.
"Hahaha, we are more familiar with the rules of the army than you recruits." Oliver sneered. "We're not going to kill you. We're just going to teach you a lesson."
"Yeah! Plus, you've offended the Black Tiger Combat Unit now! Do you know the consequences of offending the Black Tiger Combat Unit?" Wally threatened him coldly.
"No matter the consequences, we will not withdraw the lawsuit!" Steve's tone was firm.
"It seems that you will only succumb by force." Eric's eyes were cold as he approached Steve. His huge body looked as intimidating as a truck.
Vivien was more than a little anxious when she saw that the three of them were about to attack Steve.

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"You back away to a safe place. I'm here, so you don't have to be afraid." Steve consoled her calmly.
Vivien was upset, but she followed Steve's advice and retreated to a safe area, many steps away from them. Wally and the others did not make things hard for Vivien, because they could see that Steve was the real root of their problem.
"Boy, remember our names. My name is Wally, and I am a member of the Black Tiger Combat Unit's second subunit," Wally said coldly. "This name shall be one that you hear in your nightmares!"
"My name is Oliver. I'll teach you a lesson!"
"And I'm Eric! Hehe! I'll break your leg and give you a taste of real pain."
While the three of them were speaking, three strong auras emanated from their bodies, then rose like three powerful furnaces that were spouting spoke. Steve took a look at the three men, but instead of feeling nervous, he felt relaxed. This was because the three men each had less than 370 combat power points, the strongest of which was Eric, who had 368 points.
"Prepare for death, boy!" Wally shouted, as he drew a knife and stabbed towards Steve's face.
This knife was a like a scalpel, but it was lighter, sharper, and faster than lightning. However, Steve was very calm in the face of the attack.

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"Ice Wing Flying Knife!" Steve yelled, as an Ice Wing Flying Knife shot out quickly and a light like blue lightning flashed.
Wally's knife was shot down and cut in half by the Ice Wing Flying Knife. Steve immediately looked at Eric, who was sneering at him.
"Idiot! You are looking for death!" Eric sneered, then directly moved to punch Steve.
However, when Eric's fist came towards Steve, Steve steadily caught it. At that moment, a bone-shattering pain traveled through his fist, as Eric felt as if his fist had hit a steel plate.
"Aahh..." Eric screamed.
Still gripping Eric's fist tightly, Steve's fingers kept squeezing, causing Eric's fist to become deformed. He could even hear the sound of Eric's bones being crushed.
When Wally and Oliver saw this, they were startled. Eric was the strongest of the three, and Steve had just crippled one of his hands!
"Don't you investigate your opponents before you attack them?" Steve sneered.

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