When Steve returned to the room, Lucy and Sofia were both surprised. They both thought that Steve would spend the night in Vivien's room.

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But soon, under Steve's guidance, the two women began to practice the "Development of the Brain Techniques." The "Development of the Brain Techniques" and "Beginner's Way of Spiritual Training" had a common feature.
After training, one could completely skip sleeping, as the effect of the training was even better than sleeping. Then, at the end of the practice, one would feel surprisingly rejuvenated.
After the continuous evolution of humans on the Blue Star Continent, the faster their bodies recovered, the less time they needed to sleep. Even for ordinary people, four hours of sleep a day was enough. In this way, powerful evolved beings could stay at their best for days and months without sleeping. This would save them time, allowing them more hours of productivity to accomplish more things.
Also, Steve's practice of brain development techniques was more effective than sleeping, as it helped him to relax. So, Steve actually did not have to sleep at all!
As Sofia and Lucy began practicing the "Development of the Brain Techniques," they found that it really did work better than sleeping. This was because the body and mind would enter a peaceful state and feel very relaxed, so it was akin to being immersed in a comfortable hot spring. As such, this allowed the body, mind, and brain to all recover to their best states in the shortest possible amount of time.
Before Steve started practicing the "Beginner's Way of Spiritual Training," he had one more thing to do. He had to enter the Erinnyes network and announce a reward.
Several ingredients that he wanted to buy were hard to find within the Stanlos Base Camp, but he knew that he could find them online. Although these ingredients were prohibited in the regular channels, Steve had the privilege of being a pharmacist, so he had posted a reward on the pharmacists' website. He had even raised the price several times, but there was still no response.

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It seems that it will be difficult to find the necessary ingredients in such a short period of time. As such, I can only depend on luck.
Steve went offline and began to practice the "Beginner's Way of Spiritual Training," which was progressing more slowly that he had hoped. Currently, it took him three hours a day to reach a full state!
Of course, this rate of progress directly coincided with one's basic cell value. According to Judy, if Steve's training speed was recorded in Lemuria, he would be considered a genius.
More importantly, Steve took a combination of the seven-colored energy serum and Fantasy Serum while training. Thus, he was actually progressing quite fast. But, in order to achieve an even faster training speed, he would need other resources.
The next day, Steve showed up at the armored robot training ground with Lucy, Sofia, and Vivien. The four of them immediately caught everyone's eyes. Everyone could not help looking at them, especially at Vivien, whose existence was attractive to many women and men!
"Oh my god! I see an angel!"

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"An angel!"
"They are so beautiful, especially the girl who looks like an angel. Who is she? Is there such a pure and lovely girl in the military base camp?"
"Who is this girl, and why is she with Steve? Is she Steve's new girlfriend?"
"Steve's charm is too great, even after having Lucy and Sofia, it took him only a few days to get acquainted with such a beautiful angelic girl in the military base camp."
"Ah, ah... She's so cute. I want to hug her!"
Many of the soldiers couldn't help but scream their compliments out all at once. Because everyone had arrived early, instructor Bob was not present yet, so they could yell at will.
The other twelve recruits, including Stuart, were also attracted by Vivien. Her aura of purity especially made Stuart suddenly feel inferior. It seemed that if he were to compare himself with this girl, he would certainly be seen as ugly and evil.

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"Who is she? Where did Steve find such a pure and angelic girl?" Stuart inexplicably wanted to have this girl for his own.
His heart beat faster for Vivien than it ever had for Sofia! He had an evil thought of possessing her, then dragging her into hell with him!
Stuart became even more jealous of Steve. He could not understand why Steve always had beautiful women around him!
Today, Vivien seemed to become the heroine, even stealing the limelight from Sofia and Lucy. However, with so many people watching her, Vivien seemed nervous and uneasy. She hid behind Steve, which seemed to make her feel safer.
"Why do they keep looking at me?" Vivien asked uneasily.
"Because you are so beautiful," Lucy said. "Even women are attracted to your charm."
Vivien's angelic temperament was so attractive. It was as if an angel had came to the world. It was not just her beauty and figure that were attractive, but also her disposition!

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"Now do you know how attractive you are?" Steve could not help but ask her. Vivien could not help but smile when she heard Steve's praises.
"No one seems to recognize you!" Sofia laughed, gently teasing Vivien.
It was normal for everyone to react this way. After all, Vivien was used to wearing loosely-fitted clothes. Her thick hair used to always cover her eyes, so no one could ever see how she really looked.
Moreover, she had no confidence and was easily neglected. Today's changes were so great, even Vivien could barely recognize herself!
As Andrew and Aaron were on good terms with Steve, they intended to approach him and ask him who this girl was. But, they had a sudden thought that their close proximities might stain such a pure angel. Therefore, they hesitated to go forward.
"Steve, we finally get to see you!" Just then, a cold and angry voice came from behind them.
They turned to see seven or eight people approaching from behind them, all dressed in the same uniform. The man who was walking in front had green hair, earrings, and a wolf's head tattooed on his neck. His muscular body was half-naked, and his clothes were tied at his waist.
Behind the green-haired man were Eric and Oliver, who had attacked them previously, along with some other members of the Black Tiger Combat Unit.
"Boss, that's him!" Eric pointed to Steve.
Steve frowned as he watched a group of fierce-looking people coming towards them. Some of Steve's comrades-in-arms immediately tensed up and prepared for a battle.

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