As Steve's learning speed was too fast, the normal teaching schedule was unable to meet his needs.

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"Make him a study plan that suits him?" Lieutenant Leopold thought for a moment, then said, "That's a really good idea."
"I think so, too. If we pulled him out from the new Armored Robot Operators and taught him alone, this would not delay his talent nor discourage other soldiers, so it's a great idea indeed." Derek nodded in agreement.
It had been observed that because Steve's performance was so excellent, some of the soldiers were really discouraged and had gotten negative attitudes, while some of the soldiers became even more hardworking. Regardless, these reactions had caused the higher-ups to feel that the best way to teach Steve was by instructing him independently.
"But, who will teach him?" Leopold frowned. He then looked at Quentin, Spencer, and Vanessa.
"I'll teach him!" Vanessa suddenly said.
"You?" Quentin shook his head and said, "No, I might as well teach him."
"Why not let me try?" Spencer was eager to try.
Steve's talent was known to all of them, so they would naturally be able to speak with pride after teaching such a talented soldier. Moreover, if Steve became a trump-card armored robot operator in the future, their names would become famous as well. It was not every day that they got to be a teacher of legendary figures!
"I came down from the Capital of Wander City State and have already learned the advanced technology of the armored robots. As such, my teaching him would be the most appropriate choice," Vanessa looked at both of them and said. "Furthermore, your armored robots skills couldn't possible be better than mine."

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Spencer and Quentin were silent. They could not win against Vanessa in the operation of the armored robots, even if they were to attack her together. As the obvious gap in strength was right in front of them, they had nothing else to say.
"Then it is agreed. Vanessa shall teach Steve alone." Lieutenant Leopold announced.
If it had been possible, Leopold himself really wanted to teach Steve, but he had to manage the whole armored robots department, so he didn't have the time. Vanessa smiled triumphantly, then went away and began to prepare.
You embarrassed me at yesterday's Brain Wave Fusion Test. Just see how I'll deal with you this time… Vanessa laughed in her heart.
Because of what had happened yesterday, her jinxing attributes were completely proven true. Although it was not directly related to Steve, Steve was also a part of the reason for this. Although she wouldn't go too far, she would indeed make Steve work hard!
"My superior has decided to arrange a new instructor for you, who will teach you alone." When Instructor Bob received the order, he turned to Steve and explained it.
Just then, a hill in the distance cracked open and an armored robot with Aurora wings flew out. This armored robot looked more gorgeous than the ones that Steve and the others used.

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Judging by the looks of it, it was more advanced as well, as it had a concise style. It was like a giant had donned a suit of giant armor!
The lines of the giant armored robot were smooth and covered with some special metal. It looked like a complete whole body, almost like a female version of the Iron Man! But, it was blue and gold all over, and it had a pair of Aurora silver wings behind it, as well as a pair of protruding breasts.
This armored robot was much more advanced, as far as its design and style, compared to those that Steve and the others were using. The one that Steve was using was similar to a Gundam, meaning that it was bulky and slow. It was obvious that it had been made with a lot of different huge parts pieced together.
All of these different robots were patchwork creations compiled of different individual pieces. Although they looked complete, in terms of flexibility, mobility, and the impact of damage, on the whole, resistance and so on, they were still just a big jumble of parts!
Moreover, the one that Steve was using was many times worse than Vanessa's! The appearance gap between the two was like the gap between a Gundam and Iron Man! It was not that the Gundam was ugly, but in a real fight, the performance of Iron Man would of course destroy the Gundam!
The appearance of the blue gold armored robot attracted people's attention immediately. In fact, many people gazed at it with envy. Even Instructor Bob could not help but admire Vanessa's armored robot.
Even throughout the entire base, Vanessa's armored robot was considered to be one of the most advanced. It was even more advanced than Leopold's! The reason for this was mainly because Vanessa had brought her armored robot from the capital city of Wander.
Vanessa took control of the armored robot and landed next to Steve. "I'm Vanessa, your new instructor, and this is my partner, the Blue Whale Light Ship."

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"Hello, Instructor!" Steve immediately saluted her.
"Since the army has sent me here to teach you, my requirements will be very strict. If you cannot meet these requirements, you will face my punishment!" Vanessa said coldly.
"I will not disappoint you, Instructor!" Steve responded with dignity.
Their images were linked and Steve was able to see what Vanessa looked like, albeit just via a picture of her face. Her thin outline gave people the impression that she was competent, while her eyebrows made her eyes look fierce.
In fact, her entire aura was even stronger than a man's! Her appearance clearly showed that she was a powerful woman.
In order not to disturb Instructor Bob's current lesson, Vanessa brought Steve to another area in the distance. Nevertheless, from the area where Instructor Bob taught, everyone could still see them.
"I just watched your operation video, so I know that you have already learned the basic operation of the armored robot. Now, I shall teach you the attacking skills of the armored robot." Vanessa explained this to him with a serious face. "Now, I'm going to teach you an offensive move called Horizontal Killing!"
Then, she began to demonstrate, her hand moving to a long sword at her waist. In their distance, an erected metal pole was set as the target.

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Suddenly the Blue Whale Light Ship flashed out like lightning, leaving only a blue flash behind it.
The huge metal pillars were cut in half! He hadn't even seen as she and her armored robot had flashed past, while she pulled out her sword and inserted it into the pole, the put it back on her waist! The whole process took less than three seconds!
The armored robot operators who were still learning the first set of movements in the distance were all shocked! It was their first time seeing an armored robot operator activating the attack mode!
The flash of blue light left everyone stunned. After all, they were still learning to walk, so such difficult combat skills amazed them!
"Steve, did you see it clearly?" Vanessa turned her head back and asked.
Steve's brows furrowed. He did not want to lie to her, so he was unsure of how to respond.
"Vanessa, Steve has just learned the first set of basic movements. It's too early for you to teach him such an advanced fighting skill." Instructor Bob linked to Vanessa and spoke to her with a serious face.
There were five sets of basic movements, and the difficulty of each kept increasing. Only when the new recruits were familiar with these movements would combat skills, defensive skills, offensive skills and team cooperation be taught to them.
"He's my student now, and relax, I won't go overboard," Vanessa said coldly.
However, at that moment, Lieutenant Leopold linked up to join the conversation, frowning as he yelled at Vanessa, "Vanessa, are you crazy? It's Steve's first day of class today, and you are teaching him a level-one combat skill? How can you expect him to he learn that?"

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