Steve had been accumulating the strength of the rebound long before they had reached this stage. He had calculated that the Earth's Ring of Blessing could withstand the full-blown attack of a level-one evolved being, as well as the full-blown power of a level-one evolved being. At this moment, the strength that had been accumulating was concentrated on Steve's fist.

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As his fists flew past, bursting and popping noises could be heard. This was because the air was being pressurized.
At this time, Lawrence, who had failed to morph, lost control of his entire strength. A cosmic force was running wildly around in his body, which greatly affected his mental state. His hands and feet were also out of his control, so he was unable to avoid Steve's punch.
It was as if a volcano had erupted, as Steve hit Lawrence with his fist. Immediately, Lawrence was blown away. He flew more than 100 meters away before he crashed into the wall.
The impact left a huge dent in the wall, and Lawrence was pinned against the wall with his hands and feet spread out.
He was hacking and coughing up blood continuously, and his internal organs were all shaken up. His huge body gradually returned to normal, then his breath became weaker and weaker. Finally, he died.

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"Lawrence is dead! The winner is Steve!" the electronic intelligence voice announced.
A huge screen appeared in the middle of the arena, showing Steve's face. After a long period of silence, exclamations of awe and howls of outrage began to fill the air.
"Steve...He won? "
"No! Lawrence, get up! You can't lose!"
"My God! Why is Steve the winner?"
"An unexpected winner! Why didn't I bet on Steve to win?"
"No! No! My contribution points, all of my contribution points..."
"Hahaha! I knew Steve would win!"
"Shady deal! Shady deal! Shady deal!"
"I'm going to kill Lawrence! My money is gone! All my contribution points are gone, too! I'm bankrupt! I want him to die!"

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There were all kinds of voices contributing to the chaos. Some of the people were shocked by Steve's victory, while some cheered and jumped. Most of them were howling and screaming.
After all, many people there had bet on Lawrence's victory. But, in the blink of an eye, Steve had killed Lawrence with one blow! It was a one-punch KO!
This result was unacceptable to most people. Even though Lawrence had been hit with the boomerang effect, he was still powerful.
It should have been alright for him to receive Steve's punch, but he had actually been killed by it! If they hadn't known it was impossible to cheat in the Original Gravity Tower, they would have thought that they were both faking such an outcome.
"Great! Steve won! We've won!" Lucy laughed excitedly and skipped around, holding Vivien in her arms and kissing her face vigorously.
Sofia laughed too. "We've won! I knew Steve would win! Hahaha, one billion in original gold and 15 million contribution points! The Black Tiger Combat Unit will go bankrupt!"
"Hmph! Since they dared to spread rumors and slander Steve and bully Vivien, this is their punishment." Lucy smiled more brightly when she thought of how the Black Tiger Combat Unit would face huge compensation fees.
Vivien breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. "Steve is so strong! He is indeed the best!"
"Hehe, he's better at night! Sooner or later, you'll try him out and see how good he is at night." Lucy playfully bit Vivien's ear and spoke to her with a sly grin.
Vivien shivered, as she felt an electric current traveling from her ears to her entire body. Especially when Vivien heard Lucy's suggestive words, her face turned red, as she could not help but think of Steve's naked body last night, as well as the image of the three of them entangled together.

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Suddenly, she felt a trace of liquid coming out of her lower body, which caused her face to become even redder. She dared not look into Lucy's eyes.
"Don't bully Vivien." Sofia glared at Lucy.
"Come on! The game's over. Let's wait for Steve and get our prizes!" Sofia laughed and said. Lucy and Vivien, who both shared her excitement, quickly nodded.
At this time, all of the members of the Black Tiger Combat Unit's faces were ashen. Marcus' eyes were unfocused, as if his soul had been pulled away from his body.
His heart was also filled with fear. His phone had been ringing constantly, as Oscar kept calling him. In fact, the wretched sound had not stopped once!
"Ca... Captain... Master Oscar's calling..." Norman reminded him.
Marcus woke up from his stupor, feeling as if his soul had returned. He was so angry, he wanted to kill Lawrence! But, when he looked at the caller ID that had Oscar's name on it, his angry face turned pale again.
As he answered the phone with trembling hands, Oscar's roaring voice startled him. "F*ck your mom! Da*n it! You've made me lose 10 billion in original gold! You're all dead!"
As Oscar continued to yell, all kinds of vulgarities kept pouring out of his mouth. His previous demeanor of a noble young master was gone now, as he was behaving more like a hooligan from the streets!
"Oscar, as you can see, Lawrence's death was purely accidental. If it weren't for his second-level morphing failure..." Marcus trembled as he tried to explain.

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"I don't want to hear your excuses now! You must find a way to solve this for me!" Oscar roared. "Either you solve the problem, or I erase you from the world! I will not give a single penny to you, no matter what!"
Oscar was shocked and frightened by this turn of events, as even he didn't think that Lawrence would lose. As he was faced with the $10 billion compensation fee, even if he were to sell all of his shares in the Babbitt Group, he could not afford such a frighteningly high sum.
Marcus secretly despised Oscar. If it were not for Oscar's greediness, causing him to want to take all of the money for himself, the Black Tiger Combat Unit would never have dared to accept such a huge bet.
Normally, Oscar was the same as them. He would try his best to get all of the benefits in a good situation, but he would always be the first to leave when there was any sign of trouble. This situation was unprecedented.
"Master Oscar, we'll find a way out of this. But, you're also involved now. If something were to happen to us, you'd be implicated," Marcus said solemnly.
"Are you threatening me?" Oscar asked. This made him furious.
"I'm just reminding you that we're all in the same boat, and if the Black Tiger Combat Unit were to sink, you'd suffer too," Marcus said icily.
Oscar then said, "You're just Babbitt Group's hired dogs! How dare you threaten your master?"
Anger flashed in Marcus' eyes. He had already had enough of enduring Oscar's greediness and rudeness. If he hadn't needed funds and support from the Babbitt Group, he would have killed this greedy fellow by now!

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