Soldiers at the scene finally recalled why George and Belak looked so familiar. It was because they were the same men who were in the videos and photos that were posted on the internet to defame Steve! The soldiers all exclaimed...

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"I recognize them!"
"Hey! I've seen them before! Arrest Wally, Eric, and Oliver from the security team!"
"I smell a conspiracy..."
The soldiers immediately grew suspicious, as they felt that George and Belak would not be here without some underlying reason. Marcus turned pale, as he had never expected Steve to make this move. He felt that he had walked into a trap!
Steve turned to George and Belak and smiled. "Next, I'd like to ask these two gentlemen to clarify the truth for me."
George and Belak stood up and nodded, while Belak said, "That's what we should do."
"Actually, we didn't expect that things would develop this way." George sighed. "We can only say that we underestimated how shameless the Black Tiger Store and the Black Tiger Combat Unit could be."
"Let me tell you what happened. At about 10:15 last night, we received a report from Steve, along with his complaint about the Black Tiger Store. So, we followed Mr. Ron from the Consumer Association to the Black Tiger Store..." Belak began to give a detailed account of what had happened yesterday.
His account included how Vivien had been deceived and how Steve had tried to seek justice on her behalf. They then shared how, as Steve was an F-grade pharmacist, he confirmed that the Subatomic Serum from the Black Tiger Store was an inferior product, then proceeded to help Vivien sue the store.

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Because they had left the store early, Michael had no idea what the members of the Black Tiger Store did to Vivien and Steve in order to make them withdraw their indictment.
"This is my F-grade pharmacist certification medal." Steve took out the medal and put it on.
At the sight of the certification medal, the soldiers started believing what was being said...
"Steve really is a certified pharmacist!"
"A pharmacist enjoys a noble status. Hence, he would not sue the Black Tiger Store without a good reason."
"The F-grade certification is authentic. George and Belak would not lie. The truth is not what was rumored on the internet!"
"Were we all deceived?"
Marcus was anxious as he saw the situation turning against them. Their intention was to get Steve to withdraw the indictment, but now, things were going not as planned!
What made him the most angry was to learn that Steve was actually an F-grade certified pharmacist! The Black Tiger Store had not told them that! This gave Steve a chance to prove himself and use this in his defense!

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"Even if you can clear your name of guilt regarding the Black Tiger Store incident, how you still need to explain about the three men who you seriously injured!" Marcus said coldly.
"Let me explain this matter now." George looked at Marcus. "The Black Tiger Store wanted Miss Vivien to withdraw the indictment, so they ambushed Miss Vivien and Mr. Steve in secret. The Black Tiger Store colluded with the Black Tiger Combat Unit to send Eric, Wally, and Oliver to threaten Miss Vivien. Coincidentally, Mr. Steve was present and rescued Miss Vivien."
He then added, "After that, Wally was subdued by Mr. Steve and charged with using thermal weapons to shoot him. Our security team has already indicted him for that charge. If you don't believe, this is a copy of the indictment document." George accessed the internet and sent out an electronic document the moment he finished speaking.
Everyone could now access and see the electronic document. They could clearly see that the real reason for Wally's arrest was the illegal use of thermal weapons, which posed a threat to the lives of soldiers in the military base camp!
With the incredible mountain of evidence before them, the soldiers who had verbally abused Steve were angry! They felt like they had been tricked by the Black Tiger Combat Unit! Many of them were so disgruntled about this, they started shouting all at once...
"Da*n the Black Tiger Combat Unit!"
"We were all fooled by the Black Tiger Combat Unit!"
"We all misunderstood Steve. He's the real messenger of justice."
Marcus' cold sweat on his forehead kept flowing down. He never dreamed that Steve would be able to produce witnesses and material evidence!

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"No, there are loopholes in your story!" Marcus pointed at Steve and said. "You said that you were trying to testify against the Black Tiger Store for Vivien, and that it was for Vivien's safety that you subdued the three men. But, why is Vivien not in the videos and photos on the internet? You're obviously lying, as Vivien clearly was not involved in this whole story!"
The videos and pictures on the internet had, of course, been edited, so naturally, Vivien would not be found in any of them!
"At this point, do you still want to deny it?" Steve smiled coldly.
"Mr. George, did you bring a copy of yesterday's indictment document?" Steve nodded as he spoke to George.
George responded, "I've got a copy from Mr. Ron."
A copy of the official document that regarded the suit against the Black Tiger Store was released. At the bottom of the document was the signer's name, Vivien, along with her soldier ID number and so on.
"Wow!" Upon seeing the document, everyone exclaimed altogether.
Just then, Vivien stood up from the audience, while her fragile voice carried through the loudspeaker.
"I'm Vivien. I can prove that what the two members of the security team said is true. It's me, not Steve, who sued the Black Tiger Store. This is my soldier's certificate. It's the best evidence to attest to this fact."

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The camera immediately focused on Vivien. Everyone was stunned by Vivien's beauty, they felt that such a pure beauty would not lie.
Moreover, Vivien published her soldier's certificate. Although the picture displayed looked quite different from her current appearance, the number on the soldier's certificate was exactly the same as the physical certificate.
"She really is Vivien!"
"What a beautiful angel!"
"That hateful Black Tiger Store! I can't believe that they even cheated such a beautiful angel. I will never visit the Black Tiger Store again."
Steve looked at Marcus and said calmly, "You guys said that I sued the Black Tiger Store, but the truth is that it was not me. In fact, all of these things that you are saying is just you weaving your conspiracy plot!"
Steve was fuming now. "All of you are very insidious! First of all, you spread rumors on the internet and send people to slander my reputation. Next, using the battle between me and Lawrence, you attempted to make a fortune as a banker for the bet."
He shook his head, clearly disappointed by their behavior. "Unfortunately, you didn't expect anyone to place such a huge bet that I would win. So, after I won the battle, you realized that you could not afford the payout, so you lied and said that I was colluding with Lawrence! It's too bad that your story is full of loopholes!"
Feeling quite exposed, Marcus stepped back, his eyes filled with shame and anger. Although he was stronger than Steve, in the face of Steve's scalding allegations, he did not even have the courage to look Steve in the eye.

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