Broken buildings loomed in the mist and the surrounding air was cold. Roars of the Magical Beasts could be heard in the distance. These broken buildings were the traces that had been left behind by the Great Destruction Period.

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A glimmer of fire flickered in the mist. Next to the fire, Steve used his sword as a skewer to roast a pheasant over a solar flame. Its fragrance filled the air. The surrounding air was colder than in other places, so very few people came here.
"According to the map, there should be an ice tiger's den nearby." Steve opened the map and perused the surroundings carefully.
This time, besides carrying out the mission, the most important thing for him was to find the Ice Tiger's horn and Violet Ice Water. Steve had previously used the blood-sucking grass to refine the first type of Spiritual Serum.
The first type of Spiritual Serum had boosted Steve's spiritual power. However, Steve had researched a total of three different types of Spiritual Serums. The Ice Tiger's horn and Violet Ice Water were just what the second type of Spiritual Serum needed for refinement.
The first Spiritual Serum was mainly used to enhance spiritual power, while the second one could speed up the development of the brain. Although Steve had posted a wanted listing on the internet, there had been little response to it. Therefore, this mission was not only to hunt down the Original-level Magical Beast, but was also aimed at finding the necessary ingredients for the refinement of his serums.
The Pheasant Magical Beast exuded an alluring fragrance. After Steve cooked it, it would cause anyone to salivate hungrily.
Since the Blue Star Continent lacked culinary awareness, the meals there tended to be edible, but not tasty, only being adequate to fill the stomach with sustenance, not pleasure. That was why Lucy was attracted to Steve's cooking, especially when he would make exotic and tasty delicacies!
Just then, a few shadows emerged from the mist…

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"Smells good!"
"I never thought that food could emit such a lovely fragrance."
These people seemed to have noticed the fire and were now approaching Steve. Steve saw six people walking out of the mist at that moment.
When they saw that Steve was alone, they could not help but look doubtful. After all, the Magical Beast Mountains was a very dangerous place, and few people dared to wander here alone. But, they soon came nearer, as they were attracted to Steve's delicacies.
One of them, a strong, blue-haired man, came over and looked at Steve's golden Pheasant Magical Beast. He smiled and said, "My friend, your food smells delicious. Can you give us some? We are willing to pay you for it."
"Pay him for it? He's on his own. If he refuses to give it to us, we can just snatch it from him!" Behind the blue-haired man, a man in gorgeous designer clothes looked at Steve contemptuously.
Seeing Steve's immediate frown upon hearing this, the muscular man, Jacob, cringed. He knew that whoever dared to wander alone in the Magical Beast Mountains must have great strength, and that Brandon's careless words were tantamount to provoking a potentially powerful enemy!
"Friend, it is the first time my young master has ventured into the Magical Beast Mountains. As such, he doesn't know the rules. I am sure that he didn't mean to offend you." Jacob apologetically said to Steve. "Here's a hundred in original gold. I hope I can buy some of your delicious food from you."

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A hundred in original gold was a huge amount to an average family, and the Magical Beast in Steve's hands was just an ordinary Magical Beast, so it was not worth much money at all. Regardless, Steve was initially upset, simply due to Brandon's attitude. But, when he saw how sincere Jacob was, he sold half of the Pheasant Magical Beast to him.
Steve then returned to the campsite opposite them. It was obvious to him that the other party was planning to setup a tent to take a break.
"What a fool! One hundred in original gold for half a barbecued pheasant!" Brandon looked at Jacob scornfully. "Even one in original gold could buy a few of these garbage Magical Beasts!"
"Master Brandon, this meal will be on us, the Theodore Team." Jacob looked at him contemptuously.
He then distributed the barbecued Pheasant Magical Beast to Brandon and the rest of the five-man team. The others looked at Brandon with contempt. If it had not been for his role as the initiator of the mission, they would have left him long ago. The group, all besides Brandon, then enjoyed Steve's delicacies, as they had never eaten anything so delicious!
"Brother, my name is Alia Richardson. Are you here to hunt in the Magical Beast Mountains, too? A blonde in the Theodore Team greeted Steve with a smile.
Although she was not a typical beauty, she looked like an interesting character. She had malt-colored skin and wore tight-fitting clothes that accentuated her ample breasts and long legs.
"My name is Steve. I happen to be here on a mission." Steve reached out and shook her hand.

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"I wonder if you are familiar with this place? We are looking for the den of the King Ice Tiger." Alia smiled.
"Coincidentally, my mission is to hunt Ice Tigers, and I have been exploring here for two days, so I know roughly where the den of the King Ice Tiger is," Steve said.
"That's great! I wonder if you would like to journey with us?" Alia offered.
"It would be my honor." Steve smiled and stretched out his hand to her again, which Alia shook.
Several people, who were standing on the other side, saw that the negotiation went well and came over. They all smiled and greeted Steve. Soon they had all gotten to know each other.
Meanwhile, Steve learned that Alia and Jacob were part of a team of five. Apparently, Brandon was their employer. They had told him that Brandon was a member of a small aristocracy, and their mission seemed to be a trial of the aristocracy.
"This is so delicious! I have never tasted anything like this before. Young man, I'll give you another hundred in original gold, as I want that barbecued pheasant in your hand!" Brandon looked at Steve haughtily and spoke to him as if he was a mere ant. He had just finished eating the barbecued pheasant in his hand and could not help but drool over the other half of it that was in Steve's hands.
Steve frowned, "I'm sorry. I don't intend to sell the other half."

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"Young man, it's your fortune to be with our team, yet you dare to refuse me?" Brandon looked angry. "As these are all my mercenaries, if you disagree with me, you will not be able to form a team with us."
In Brandon's opinion, Steve was just a person who ought to try his best to please him in order to join the team. After all, the Magical Beast Mountains were dangerous, so the best way for Steve to stay alive was to team up with them.
"Enough!" Jacob looked at Brandon angrily and said, "Brandon, we are employed by you, but that does not mean that we are your servants. It's not your call who the Theodore Team works with."
Brandon had not expected that Jacob would ever be angry with him. Somewhat taken aback, Brandon replied to Jacob, "If you take my money, you must obey my orders and do whatever I tell you to do. Now, I command you to grab the food from his hands!"
Faced with Brandon's rude request, the Theodore Team became a little angry.
"We only cooperate with you to protect your safety, not to help you do anything excessive!" Jacob corrected him.
"Forget it. It's just a little food. Give it to him if he wants it that bad." Steve handed the rest of the barbecue to Brandon, clearly annoyed at his pettiness.
Brandon accepted the barbecue, without showing even a smidgeon of gratitude. He then snorted and said, "At least you are a sensible young man."
According to Steve's attire, Brandon assumed that Steve was just an ordinary civilian. He also thought that, if Steve was really someone important, he would not have ventured into the Magical Beast Mountains alone. Thus, Brandon did not take Steve seriously at all.

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