The crowd looked at Steve's four bottles of serum. The appearance of the serum looked exactly like a high-grade serum. It was hard to believe that Steve owned such a high grade serum, as he was only a mere commoner.

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The high-grade serum was a symbol of status. Those who could afford to purchase the high grade serum must be rich or noble in status.

"Hmm, the evidence all points to you, yet you are still denying everything. Arrest him, officers." General Manager Duncan snorted.

"Wait!" Steve snorted and gave a sarcastic look. He then said, "These four bottles of enhanced Subatomic Serum are my own creation and have twice the efficacy of a normal grade Subatomic Serum. There is no else in this world who can refine it. What's more, I would like to ask these two police officers, has anyone reported the theft of any enhanced Subatomic Serum?"

Steve looked at the two officers, not blinking. Officer John's and Officer Owen's facial expressions changed. Truly, they had not received any such report.

"Just because there was no report of theft does not imply that no theft was committed. Maybe the owner has yet to discover that their items are missing, or perhaps the owner was just about to make a police report!" sputtered one of the officers in defense.

Martin suddenly said, "Just because you claim that it's an enhanced Subatomic Serum doesn't mean that it is true! You mean to tell us that you created this new grade of serum all by yourself? Even an experienced pharmacist can't guarantee that he can create a new grade of serum!"

Everyone at the scene sneered and felt that Steve was a fool, as it was uncommon for someone to be able to create a new grade of serum. Even if an experienced pharmacist was to spend a lifetime on research, he might not necessarily be successful in his attempts. Hence, any pharmacist that could accomplish such a feat would surely become instantly famous.

Such a famous pharmacist would then be considered a VIP. Yet, no matter how they looked at Steve, he did not look at all like a VIP! Thus, they concluded that all that Steve had said earlier was a lie.

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"Once you have tried it, you will see!" said Steve coldly.

Kenneth did not believe Steve either. He frowned as he looked at the four bottles of enhanced Subatomic Serum. He could not tell if they were authentic, as he had never seen such a high grade of serum before.

"Show me those serums," said Kenneth coldly.

Jasmine said in an awkward tone, "Mr. Kenneth, the goods have been consigned and cannot be tried unless they are first purchased."

Kenneth raised one eyebrow and laughed. "What if the goods on sale are fake?"

"If it is a fake, the consignor will be blacklisted by the Chamber of Commerce Union, thus no longer being able to sell or purchase any items. At the same time, we will call the police, who will then give due punishment and impose additional compensation fees," Martin responded immediately.

"Young lad, listen carefully. If you turn yourself in now, you will only face charges for impersonating a pharmacist and theft. The consequences will be much worse if you keep insisting on having your way," Officer John warned.

However, Steve looked calm and relaxed.

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"I would like to see if this bottle of serum is really as magical as you claim." Kenneth paid 50,000 in original gold, without battling his eyelids.

"Mr. Kenneth, here's your serum." Jasmine politely took it out and gave it to Kenneth. At the same time, Steve was prompted to collect the money.

"Your consignment at Masa Mall was successful. The sales total is 50,000 in original gold. After deduction of the handling fee of 5,000, the remaining 45,000 has been wired to your account. Your account is now successfully credited with 45,000 in original gold..."

Masa Mall charged a 10% handling fee for consigned goods. However, the remaining 45,000 in original gold was a huge sum to Steve! Plus, these were his first earnings from the sale of the serum!

At this point, the crowd looked at Steve with sarcasm and pity. Before the deal was done, Steve would still have one more chance to turn himself in and plead for leniency.

"Young lad, now it's too late for you to regret your refusing to deal with me," Martin whispered sarcastically to Steve. His voice was only loud enough to be heard between themselves.

At this point, Kenneth picked up the enhanced Subatomic Serum and drank it in one gulp. After a while, he still showed no response.

In normal circumstances, one would be able to absorb the Cosmic force around him after taking in the Subatomic Serum. However, it had no such effect on him. This suggested to him that the serum was fake.

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"Ha ha ha, now that the evidence is conclusive, how can you deny it?" Martin asked, as he laughed with pride.

"Stealing serum, impersonating as a pharmacist, selling counterfeit drugs and fraud. Mr. Steve, please come with us to the police station," Officer John said in a harsh tone.

"How dare you sell stolen goods and counterfeit medicines at Masa Mall. You have been blacklisted by the Chamber of Commerce Union. At the same time, Masa Mall will seek compensation for damaging our reputation," General Manager Duncan said coldly.

Jasmine sighed empathetically. Paying the fine was not a big deal. What mattered more was that Steve would probably be spending the best years of his life in jail now. The officer stepped forward and picked up his handcuffs, ready to arrest Steve.

"So hungry!" Just then, with a sudden loud cry, Kenneth threw out a compressed capsule. A piece of roasted magical beast's meat appeared in front of the crowd. Kenneth immediately picked up the piece of meat and gnawed at it, not caring what he looked like.

Steve observed the energy that was being emitted by that piece of meat. He predicted that it was likely a piece of magical beast's meat with a level of 100% cell activation.

Soon, Kenneth finished eating the whole piece of meat. Then, he ignored the reactions of the people and began to practice the energy absorption method.

Kenneth's energy absorption method was much more advanced than Steve's fundamental practices of energy absorption. It was at least an intermediate level.

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"Hoo hoo hoo..." Kenneth appeared to be in the center of a hurricane when the Cosmic Force was being absorbed. The speed and absorption rate of the Cosmic Force was several times more efficient than the fundamental practices of energy absorption method.

"The intermediate practices of energy absorption can achieve such efficiency?! No less than the Advanced practices of energy absorption?!" General Manager Duncan exclaimed loudly.

He also practiced the intermediate practices of energy absorption method. However, the effects that Kenneth had just displayed seemed to be two times more efficient.

At this point, Duncan's facial expression changed. For Kenneth to have such a reaction, it must be related to the serum that he had consumed earlier.

The crowd looked at Steve differently now, some were even in awe of him. Even if Steve had not refined the serum on his own, it would mean that he at least had the support of an experienced pharmacist behind him.

Martin's face grew pale with fear. If the serum was real, it would be a serious crime to have falsely accused Steve. He could face being expelled or imprisoned!

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