Steve opened the serum and drank it in one gulp. As the Ice-blue serum flowed into his body, a cold current suddenly flowed from his abdomen to the top of his head.

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A cool energy wrapped around his brain, causing his brain cells to suddenly become more active, which caused his mental state to become hyperactive. Steve felt that his brain had never been this awake before, and his brain development was constantly improving.
21%... 22%... 23%... 24%... 25%...
Steve's brain development had increased by 5% in that brief moment. Also, as the brain development increased, his spiritual strength increased too.
31%... 32%... 40%... 41%... 42%... 50%... 60%...
Previously, Steve's brain development and spiritual power multiplier were imbalanced because of the first serum that he'd taken. This greatly affected his practices in the Original Gravity Tower.
In the past, if his brain development increased by 10%, his spiritual powers would increase by 20%. However, because of the imbalance, there now was a 20% increase in brain development and a 30% increase in spiritual power.
After Steve took the second serum, the increase was finally adjusted and returned back to its normal rate of increase. At the moment, his brain development was 25%, while his spiritual powers had increased to 60%.
As such, Steve felt stronger than ever. This increase reflected the terrifying prowess of both the multiplier powers and The Ways of Spiritual Training of the Lemurian Civilization.
After all, 0.01 was added to each level of Blood-Burning Manic Change, while 0.1 was added to the 10th level of practice, and yet Steve was already 60% stronger! With Steve's basic cell value starting at 370, this meant that, after the increase, his real basic cell value now exceeded more than 500 points!
"The power of the second serum is more astonishing than I could've ever imagined!" A surprised smile appeared on Steve's face.

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The potency of this serum was much stronger than he had expected. But, it also had its drawbacks, the most important of which was that it could only be taken once a month. If it was taken continuously, Steve's body would grow resistant to it, resulting in the effects getting worse and worse.
At this moment, Steve found himself once again faced with the Iron Demon Scorpions. However, his face remained calm.
Just then, an Iron Demon Scorpion rushed in front of Steve and jumped up. As it did so, the claw hook behind its tail was aimed straight at Steve's eyes!
Although it was small in size, the Iron Demon Scorpion was much more frightening than the magical beasts of the same rank. As Steve was facing the claw hook, he flicked his finger, causing a powerful force to rush out.
The air bomb that was formed by this flick of his fingers hit the jumping Iron Demon Scorpion, which exploded in mid-air and turned into a vapor of blood. This made the other Iron Demon Scorpions angry, and they sent forth waves of venom, which spewed out crazily from their tails.
Steve's figure blurred he moved quickly, yet gracefully away, leaving only an afterimage in the place where he had just been standing. Within a single breath's time, he had already appeared behind the Iron Demon Scorpions.
He then raised his foot and stepped on one of the Iron Demon Scorpions directly.

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One by one, he trampled the Iron Demon Scorpions to death. As they were unable to react in time, it was completely a one-sided attack!
Even the Iron Demon Scorpions that wanted to hide in the sand were too slow. Steve was so fast, he got to them before they could even place a single claw on the sand.
This was truly an extraordinary feat, as the Iron Demon Scorpions were really terrifying in this desert. Yet, under Steve's absolutely crushing strength, 50 Iron Demon Scorpions had been killed with ease!
After this impressive success, the battle soon ended.
Outside the Original Gravity Tower, many soldiers were watching Steve's challenge. When he passed the 20th level, another wave of alarmed cries rang out.
This was because Steve's level clearance speed was remarkably fast. It was even faster than his challenge on the 19th level!
"He passed the 20th level!"
"Oh my god! Now that he has made it through the 20th level, he's ranked in the top 20!"

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"If he can pass the 21st level, he'll be on par with the top-leveled people!"
"I'm hoping that he'll pass the 21st level now!"
"The 21st level is too difficult. But, he did achieve a combat power of 500 points of basic cell value, and few people can achieve that within the entire military base!"
Edward, who had been observing Steve all along, changed his expression slightly. He hadn't expected that Steve would be able to clear the levels so fast.
He actually had not expected for Steve to be able to pass through the 20th level at all! This was because, during the battle between Steve and Hayden, he'd observed that Steve was only a little more powerful than Hayden.
But now, in the face of 50 Iron Demon Scorpions, Steve had passed the level. Moreover, he had done so quite easily!
"Did he hide his strength before, or did he have a breakthrough just now?" Eliot wondered aloud.
"It must have been a breakthrough." Edward smiled. "I'm even more interested in him now."
After all, to have a breakthrough, especially when one was under such extreme pressure, was not something that ordinary people could achieve. Anyone who could withstand such immense pressure and make a breakthrough in it was destined to be an extraordinary person! As Steve had achieved this, it showed that his psychological qualities and potential were very strong.
Five minutes later, Steve had finally passed the 21st level. But, when he stepped into the 22nd level, he was eliminated directly.

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After seeing this, the audience could not help but sigh in disappointment. After all, they were curious as to what the situation above the 22nd level was like. They all wondered...
Why were all of the soldiers who were on the 22nd level eliminated so quickly?
"Steve's out!" As the electronic voice rang out, the crowd looked over.
At that moment, the nutrition capsule opened and Steve emerged from it. Steve was immediately greeted with cheers, shouts, and all kinds of excited exclamations from the crowd...
"Steve, you're terrific!"
"You have created a miracle!"
"The 21st level! You've already entered the top 10 of the Original Gravity Tower Challenge Ranking List!"
"You are the only recruit to do so within such a short amount of time after entering the military base!"
Amid the excited onlookers, there were still a few people who could not be happy, for Steve. Instead, they looked at Steve with gloomy eyes that were full of hatred.
Steve walked through the crowd and headed towards Edward, who was standing in the distance.
"It's time that you fulfilled your promise," Steve said. After all, Steve didn't care about the people's praises. Right now, he only cared about Vivien's situation.

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