"If Vivien can really become The Chosen One, I will be happy for her. As for our future, this is a decision that we both have to make together," Steve said calmly.

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Steve hadn't expected such a situation to happen when Vivien woke up the powers of the old rulers of the past in her body. However, what perplexed him the most was a different matter entirely…
The old rulers of the past had always been the enemies of human beings, and as the Lemurian civilization was destroyed by the old rulers of the past, he had to wonder…
How could human beings use the powers of the old rulers of the past?
Could there have been many other things that I don't know about that happened?
Steve had gotten all of his information about the old rulers of the past from Judy, but a long time had passed since he'd gotten that information. So, perhaps new changes had taken place regarding the information about the old rulers of the past in this era since that time.
"How would you ensure that Vivien is really the The Chosen One?" Steve asked.
"Simple, we can sense the Breath of God within her. Any of The Chosen Ones will have the same breath, but the people who are chosen by different gods will have a different Breath of God," Nixon said. "It was only recently that we discovered that Vivien had the Breath of God."
Steve soon realized that, although Vivien had the old rulers of the pasts' aura, it was too weak to be detected. However, after that time on the Apollo Battleship, more powers of the old rulers of the past had been activated, which made the powers of the old rulers of the past more evident, and only then could it be perceived by others.

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"The Chosen Ones will gradually awaken the true power of God in their bodies and become the God of the new era. They will then become an important foundation for human beings to base themselves on in the universe!" Nixon said seriously.
There was a trace of envy and amazement in the eyes as he spoke. After all, everyone wanted to be an invincible person, but not many people could actually become the world's strongest beings!
"Certain forces have already been cultivating The Chosen Ones, and some of The Chosen Ones have even mastered a powerful and incomparable power. In fact, their strengths are no weaker than those of the Ares-level!" Nixon added.
Steve immediately thought of Erinnyes when he heard what Nixon had said. Perhaps this God-levelled being was also a Chosen One. Moreover, Erinnyes had awakened earlier than Vivien, so he had tremendous power and could build a huge dark organization.
But, Steve couldn't be sure whether being the Chosen One was a good or a bad thing for Vivien...
"The Breath of God on Vivien is the strongest one I have seen, so she may become a powerful new era god," Nixon sighed and said.
Steve shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in this so-called future you've just described. I just want to know where Vivien is now. What are you going to do to her?" Steve was more concerned about Vivien's safety and the intentions of this group.
"The starting points of The Chosen Ones are much higher than ordinary people's, so in order to ensure that she'll get develop properly, I have sent her to the headquarters of Doyle, where there are more resources," Nixon answered truthfully.

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Steve's brow furrowed. "Did you do that with her consent?"
Nixon smiled. "We have no choices when it comes to the future of mankind. Hence, we've found you."
Just then, Nixon activated the smart bracelet and a light curtain flew out, projecting in mid-air.
"Vivien!" Steve saw her image on the projection and shouted out at once.
"Steve!" Vivien had also seen Steve and shouted.
"How are you doing now? Have they done anything to you?" Steve asked her immediately.
Vivien smiled happily. "I'm fine! They're being good to me."
Steve's face was complicated as he said, "I'm sorry! This is all happening because of me..."

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"No, I should thank you. If it weren't for you, I might never have done anything in my life." Vivien shook her head.
Only the two of them knew what they were really talking about. If Steve hadn't activated Vivien's old rulers of the past power, Vivien would not have been discovered by the military base's top executives, which meant that she would not be in this situation now.
But Vivien didn't blame Steve. In fact, she was grateful to Steve. If Steve hadn't inspired her to reach her potential, she would probably have stayed ordinary forever.
Moreover, Vivien was able to see hope now because of the power of the old rulers of the past. As such, she had hope that she would be able to catch up with Steve in the future.
After the two had a brief conversation, Steve understood Vivien's current situation. In turns out that Nixon and the others did not treat Vivien badly, and they had also given her a lot of help. For example, Vivien now had access to many more resources than she used to.
"It's not necessarily a good thing to have this power inside of you." Steve shook his head with a sigh.
As for the old rulers of the past and the collapse of the Lemurian civilization, these two secrets could not be disclosed to the public yet.
"I'll be careful, and I'll try my best. It won't be long before we meet again. I'll give you a surprise then." Vivien's face turned inexplicably red as she spoke.

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During this period, she had been practicing how to control the power in her body. So, once they met again, she should be able to control it effortlessly. But, at the moment, it was not convenient to talk about some secrets, as Nixon was present.
After confirming Vivien's safety, the two reluctantly ended their conversation. Steve breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that at least Vivien was safe. As for the hidden dangers of the power of the old rulers of the past, that was still uncertain.
"How can I reunite with her again?" Steve looked at Nixon and asked.
"It's simple... And difficult." Nixon laughed at the irony of his words. He then said, "As long as you are accepted by the headquarters of Doyle, you will be able to reunite with her."
Steve's eyebrows furrowed upon hearing this. It seemed that there was still a long way to go before he could be with Vivien.
"I have checked your information, and with your talent in the Armored Robots Division, as long as you continue to work hard and become a Trump Card Armored Robot operator, I believe that you will be admitted to the Doyle State Headquarters," Nixon said.
Steve had been in deep thought ever since he came out of Nixon's office. He was frustrated, as it seemed that the current situation was beyond his control.
At the same time, the legends about Steve spread throughout the military base, causing a great sensation. All of the people were dumbfounded when they heard of his defeating the Death Combat Unit and ranking within the top 10 of the Original Gravity Tower level in one breath!
Such amazing achievements had refreshed the record of the whole military base! Even the veterans who had become Evolved Beings were shocked to hear the news.

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