It never occurred to anyone that Steve would refuse. Christina was stunned, as no man had ever rejected her before!

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Stuart was also stunned. To many of them, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Everyone knew that, as long as one had a good relationship with Christina, he could receive unimaginable benefits. And if one became her man, those benefits would be endless!
Also, Christina was a great beauty, so having her was equivalent to having both beauty and money! Being her male partner was a good chance to get close to her. Yet, Steve had rejected such an amazing opportunity.
"Mr. Steve, do you know what kind of opportunity you are turning down?" Christina laughed.
"Of course I know. You are the heir of the Masa Group, which controls the channels through which the Fantasy Serum and Red Night's Blood enter the market," Steve said calmly. "If one has a good relationship with the Masa Group, he or she might have a chance to get these two serums."
"Since you know this clearly, why have you rejected me?" Christina asked.
Lucy and Sofia were giggling, as they both knew why Steve had refused. The reason was because Steve was the clown pharmacist, so he could easily refine the two serums at any time! In fact, both Lucy and Sofia had used these two serums during their daily training, thanks to Steve.
Steve cared nothing about the status of the heir of the Masa Group, as the group's achievements were mainly attributed to him anyway. Without the Fantasy Serum and Red Night's Blood, the Masa Group would not have become a big organization in Stanlos Base Camp at all.

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The only reason why the Masa Group had been able to expand so rapidly was that the major groups, conglomerates, and large enterprises wanted to forge good relationships with them. The reason for this desired connection was solely due to the Fantasy Serum and Red Night's Blood.
Steve, as the creator of these two serums, worked with whoever he wanted to work with. So, he was not bothered about what the Masa Group or Christina thought!
"Because my women would mind," Steve took Lucy and Sofia by the hand as he offered Christina a different explanation.
Lucy and Sofia blushed and warmth in their hearts. As Christina looked at Lucy and Sofia, she could tell that they were no less beautiful than she was. But, as they were dressed in their military uniforms, they were not on par with her in terms of their styles. But, in all other areas, they could absolutely rival her.
Christina had not expected that Steve would reject her for the sake of his women. She found Steve to be very different from other men.
In the past, if she had offered to invite a man to please her, even if he had a girlfriend, he would immediately dump his present girlfriend for her. Yet, Steve had rejected her and missed such a great opportunity! It was baffling!
"You two are so lucky," Christina looked at Lucy and Sofia and sighed.
Lucy laughed and said, "We are really lucky to have met him."

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"Since it is so, I won't force you." Christina sighed again. "Now, there is no one here that meets my requirements. So, it seems that I will have to use other ways to find a suitable partner."
Hearing this, Stuart, Aaron, and other men all had mixed feelings. Stuart looked gloomy, as he felt that Christina had looked down on them, thinking they were not as good as Steve. On the other hand, Aaron knew in his heart that they really were not as good as Steve.
"Soldier Steve, we are all aware of your devotion to your lovers, but this is a mission. In order to complete the mission, personal sacrifice is inevitable," Wendy calmly said. "You will be Christina's male companion on this mission and protect her."
"But..." Steve started to protest.
"This is an order!" Wendy said.
"Yes, officer!" Steve stood up straight and accepted his fate.
Wendy sighed. "I can't imagine anyone more suitable for this role than you."
"I understand," Steve said.

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"We can understand that, too," Lucy said, while Sofia nodded.
Christina was stunned, but had a big smile on her face. She had forgotten that this was a military base camp, where obeying orders was a required duty for all of the soldiers.
"For tomorrow's event, I'll have to trouble you." Christina smiled at Steve.
"It's my duty." Steve looked serious, clearly having resigned himself to his fate.
Stuart's heart was full of jealousy, but Aaron and the others felt that Steve was deserving of the role. After that, Wendy began to delegate the duties to the others.
After leaving the military base camp, Christina breathed a sigh of relief. Her male partner for the event was a very important role, as there would be a lot of men who would be attempting to "prey" on her. As such, her male partner must be almost perfect on order to help stave off her pursuers.
"President, the Clark Pharmaceutical Group, Whitby Pharmaceutical Group, Bohr Group, Fitz Consortium... Dozens of large groups and consortiums have expressed their intentions to attend tomorrow's exchange conference." Secretary Evelyn was reporting to Christina on the exchange conference.

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After hearing the report, Christina had a headache. The secretary looked worried and asked, "Will the clown pharmacist be attending tomorrow?"
"Did you send him the invitation?" Christina asked.
"We did send out the invitation, but the clown pharmacist has not responded yet," the secretary replied.
Christina looked out the window at the stars and sighed. "We can only depend on our own luck then."
In fact, Christina did not even want to hold a pharmacist exchange conference. Moreover, the Masa Group could not afford to hold such an influential exchange conference. They were also not influential enough to attract many top pharmacists to attend it.
However, the Masa Group had to act as the organizer of the pharmacist exchange conference, regardless. After all, its organization was under the tremendous pressure that had been placed upon it by the big consortiums, the nobles, and many of the top 500 enterprises.
Any of these big powers could easily crush the Masa Group. Despite the rapid development of the Masa Group during this recent period, compared with these big forces, the Masa Group was still as small as an ant!
Christina also knew another main reason why they had forced the Masa Group to be the host for this conference. It was because only the Masa Group could contact the clown pharmacist.
As such, they were indirectly forcing the mysterious clown pharmacist to appear in public via their manipulation of the Masa Group. If the clown pharmacist did not make an appearance, the Masa Group may be wiped out by all of the big forces at any time.
So, for the Masa Group's sake, Christina had to hold this pharmacist exchange conference. As to whether or not the clown pharmacist would make an appearance, Christina was doubtful.

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