Everyone took Steve's words as a joke. After all, the clown pharmacist was too mysterious, and nobody knew his real identity yet.

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Moreover, in everyone's opinion, the mysterious clown pharmacist would not be keen to show off like Steve was, taking out so much original gold in front of everyone. If the clown pharmacist was keen on being in the limelight like Steve, he would have shown his true identity long ago. Thus, people assumed that Steve could not possibly be the clown pharmacist.
After Christina changed the subject, the conversation shifted to the pharmacist competition that was to be held later.
"Pharmacist competition? You never mentioned it to me..." Steve said.
"This contest was only decided today. As there are many master pharmacists present today, this is a rare opportunity. If you can display your talent and gain the favor of these master pharmacists, you will benefit from it infinitely. In fact, this is exactly why many young pharmacists are asking to participate in such a competition," Christina said.
She then added, "The master pharmacists agreed to come because they want to see the potential of the younger generation of pharmacists to see if they can find anyone worth training."
Steve had come to understand that the younger generation of pharmacists would naturally want to showcase their talents in order to get the attentions of the master pharmacists. In this way, they could perhaps earn a chance to become a master pharmacist's favorite disciple and receive lifelong learning and training!

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At the same time, many master pharmacists had a common wish, which was to have a gifted disciple in whom they could impart their skills and knowledge. As such, the younger generation of pharmacists were all eager to try their hand at obtaining such a rare honor.
This was also a great opportunity for them to make a name for themselves. The bigger their fame, the more helpful it would be to their future careers.
"I wonder when the competition will start? What is the criteria of the competition? Also, what are the rewards?" Philip asked many questions.
As the heir to the Hewlett-Packard Pharmaceutical Group, he did not lack resources, nor did he lack instruction from famous teachers. But, if he could win first place in this competition, it would make him famous, which would help him to compete for the position of family power in the future.
Many young talents present had the same idea as Philip. In any case, as long as they achieved excellent results, they would stand to benefit from the competition.
"The competition will be held later. The specific criteria of the competition needs to be voted on by the pharmacists before it can be officially determined. As for the competition's awards, they are more generous than you can imagine," Christina said.

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She then laughed. "The first prize winner will receive a research manuscript from President Sidney. He will also receive three prescriptions for the serums ranging from F-grade to A-grade from the Pharmacists Guild. On top of that, he will even be able to participate in one of the master pharmacist's research experiments."
She went on to explain further, "The second prize winner will receive two prescriptions of the serums ranging from F-grade to A-grade from the Pharmacists Guild. He will also get three lessons from one of the master pharmacists. As for the third prize winner, he will receive one prescription of the serums ranging from F-grade to A-grade. On top of that, he will get two lessons from one of the master pharmacists."
After listening to these rewards, Philip and the others were filled with excitement. Although their families provided them with training, there were still some things that they could not access.
Master manuscripts was one example of these inaccessible materials, which were of great value to any pharmacist! Even as a master pharmacist, a manuscript from another master pharmacist would serve as a great reference.
As for those ranked below the master pharmacists, a master manuscript would prove invaluable and could bring them immeasurable help in the future. If they could get ahold of a master-level manuscript, some A-level pharmacists may even be inspired to break through and become master pharmacists!
Any influential forces would regard a pharmacist's research manuscript as the most important research secret. To view such a manuscript, one would need to be of a very high status and have great authority, or they must pay a huge price to gain access to them. Even the children from the most influential forces did not have access to the master-level manuscripts!

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The other rewards for the first prize were equally stunning! There were three different prescriptions from F-grade to A-grade, which was to say that the first prize winner could select any three prescriptions from the Pharmacists Guild in the State of Doyle.
However, there were some limitations in the selection of the pharmaceutical prescriptions. Specifically, the pharmacist could only obtain prescriptions that corresponded with their same grade or level.
For example, if you reached the E-grade pharmacist level, you would get three E- grade pharmacist prescriptions at the Pharmacists Guild. Likewise, if one had already broken through to the C-grade level, one would be able to access three C-grade prescriptions.
Being able to freely choose three kinds of prescriptions was very important! This was because many precious prescriptions from the Pharmacists Guild were not disclosed to the public and could not even be exchanged for contribution points. As such, the big groups and nobles were extremely covetous of these precious prescriptions.
As for the chance to participate in a master pharmacist's research experiment, this reward was the most important among all of the rewards! Some research experiments may last for months or years, and during this period of time, the prize winner could learn from the master pharmacist! Being able to learn from a master pharmacist personally was even more precious than having their manuscripts!
As for the second and third prize, the rewards were equally precious. After all, having the opportunity to listen to lectures in a master pharmacist's class was invaluable. But, it could not compare to learning personally from a master pharmacist or getting a gander at President Sidney's manuscript!

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All of the young talents were vying for the first prize. If they could get to the top spot, it would help them immeasurably, paving the way to a bright future. Because this was a pharmacist exchange conference, the majority of the young people present were pharmacists.
"Haha, this opportunity is perfectly suited for me!" Hardy laughed excitedly and said, "I'm going to win first prize. No one can snatch it from me!"
"You want to get first prize? Have you asked me if I agree? You're just an E-grade pharmacist, but I'm already a D-grade pharmacist. Among the younger generation present, who has a higher pharmacist rank than me?" Philip asked proudly.
Among the younger generation of pharmacists, an E-grade pharmacist was already considered as an outstanding genius. As such, it was very rare to see a D-grade pharmacist, which was a level that far surpassed the E-grade! As Philip was a D-grade pharmacist, he was indeed the most outstanding among the young people present.
Hardy, Mera, and Franklin, who were initially very proud of themselves, suddenly felt awkward. Philip was indeed a rare genius in the pharmaceutical world. Otherwise, Master Gino would not have brought him along to the pharmacist exchange meeting.
"I'm sorry, but I was also certified as a D-grade pharmacist the other day!" Douglas laughed, while somewhat putting Philip in his place!

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