Everyone knew the reason once Steve revealed the secret. It wasn't that Philip's cultivated serums were immune to resistance, but that the three bottles of serums were all in one!

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"Even so, as I have gotten rid of the side effects of this serum, their powerful effects cannot be ignored!" Philip's voice was cold. He was angry that Steve had revealed his secret.
"Mr. Philip is right. Even if it is broken down into three bottles, the effects of this serum are still amazing," President Sidney nodded and said. "Since this is the case, let's start grading it."
"Although I'm a little disappointed, Mr. Philip's serums are still better than the previous competitors'. So, I give him eight points," Master Gino said.
As he was the chief pharmacist of Whitman Pharmaceutical Group, he was naturally biased towards Philip. Still, the others were surprised that Master Gino would give him such a high score.
"Eight points is too high! After all, it's clearly three bottles of serums in one, so he has deceived people! As his integrity is clearly not up to par, I give him only six points," Franks said coldly.
"Six points? You have crossed the line! Pharmaceutical competitions focus on the efficacy of serums, and Philip's serums are indeed in three bottles. So, when did he deceive anyone? You are clearly just taking revenge now!" Master Gino said angrily.
"Hmph! If you can give Douglas 6.5 points, why can't I give Philip 6 points?"
"Philip's serum is better than Douglas' in all aspects. A score of six points is far too low!"
Gino and Franks started squabbling back and forth. Douglas and Philip were the most promising contestants to win first place, which made their scores very important. Hence, in order to allow their favored competitor to win, they would naturally try to bring the other party's score down.
"Enough! The score is decided by the grader himself alone, no one else" President Sidney shouted coldly. "Let's keep grading."

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Gino and Franks quieted down immediately, as they both respected and feared President Sidney.
"I give him 7.5 points."
"I give him 7.1 points."
This round of grading wnet quickly, and afterwards, the final calculation was announced.
"No. 73, Philip Whitt, scored a total of 7.2 points," Christina said.
His score was 0.2 points higher than Douglas'! The entire audience couldn't help but raise numerous cries of surprise. This result was both reasonable and unexpected.
After all, Douglas' serum was really good. In fact, it was excellent in all aspects. However, when compared with Philip's serum, it was not outstanding enough to win.
Of course, if Philip's pharmaceutical secrets about the three bottles of serums had not been revealed by Steve, his score would've been even higher. However, the score of 7.2 points was enough for him to claim first place.
Upon seeing this, Philip couldn't help but laugh. "Haha, Douglas, it seems that I'm a little better than you this time!"
"Don't be too complacent, as you just received 0.2 points more than me. There are more than a dozen competitors yet to be graded, so maybe their scores will be higher than yours!" Douglas said coldly.

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"Haha, do you think that's possible?" Philip smiled proudly.
Others could not help but exclaim in awe about how Philip had scored 7.2 points, which was enough to win the first place in the competition. As for the other competitors, it was almost impossible for them to exceed this score.
Although Philip's character was disgusting, it was irrefutable that he was talented and was a rare genius. As the competition continued after that, none of the subsequent players scored more than Philip.
The next best competitor had only gotten 6.8 points. With his score, he had hoped to compete for the first two places, but he could only settle for third place now.
"It is official, as all of the remaining 88 competitors have been graded. President Sidney will give out the awards now," Christina said.
President Sidney nodded and prepared to give the final awards.
"Slow down! My serum hasn't been graded yet!" Steve suddenly said.
All eyes could not help but swivel in Steve's direction. They were eyes that were all full of doubts.
"Didn't you give up on the competition?" Christina wondered aloud.
"Who said I gave up?" Steve had a slight smile on his face.

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He then took out a bottle of transparent serum and placed it on the table. It looked like a bottle of water, and there seemed to be nothing special about it.
"Pooh..." Oscar was the first to burst into loud laughter. "You haven't just filled a bottle with water and presented it as a Recovery Serum, have you?"
Just then, Steve popped opened the cork and a slight wave of force emanated from the bottle. The aura of the force was obviously produced by an authentic serum. Seeing this, everyone began commenting at once...
"I recall that he didn't do anything in the last five minutes, right?"
"Yes, he just stood there foolishly for nearly 30 minutes before even starting to cultivate!"
"He's obviously cultivated it in less than five minutes, so the effects will not be good."
"Hmph, as you've come up with such perfunctory things in order to somehow stay in this competition, you clearly don't have any respect for the competition and the master pharmacists!"
"The masters will naturally see the efficacy of my serum once they have checked and graded it." Steve's face was calm as he addressed the naysayers.
When the others heard his confident words, they still could not help but laugh. After all, anyone with even a little common sense would know that the cultivation of serums was no simple matter. After all, things like pharmacodynamic reactions, dosages, and so on all had to be taken into consideration.

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Moreover, the more elaborate a serum was, the more time it would take. So, it would take a lot of time to cultivate a decent serum!
As it had clearly taken Steve less than five minutes to cultivate the serum, they all felt that it couldn't possibly be any good. After all, five minutes was not even enough time to adjust the dosage!
"Since Mr. Steve has already cultivated something for the competition, we might as well go ahead and check it," President Sidney said.
"What's there to inspect? It's a fool's errand. Even the simplest Recovery Serum cannot be cultivated in less than five minutes!" Franks said coldly.
"I agree with Franks. What can be cultivated within five minutes?" Gino asked coldly. "He's just fooling around. He doesn't respect the competition, and he certainly doesn't respect us. To disqualify him directly would be a fitting thing at the moment!"
Because of Steve, Philip's score had been reduced, so Gino's attitude toward Steve was naturally not going to be good.
"Check it as usual," President Sidney said. "As for the score, you can decide for yourselves individually."
In fact, President Sidney had no expectations for Steve's serum either. In such a short period of time, the efficacy of the serum would certainly not be good.
"Start introducing your serum," Christina said.

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