The light became bright, while the audience all had different reactions to the sudden appearance of the clown pharmacist. Some of them were surprised, some were suspicious, and others were shocked.

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After all, no one had ever seen the clown pharmacist, and they still carried doubts about him in their hearts. Hence, all eyes were on Christina as she slowly stepped onto the stage.
"Miss Christina, is this really Mr. Clown?" President Sidney asked in surprise.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I can assure you that this is indeed Mr. Clown," Christina said.
"That might not be true! After all, you may have found someone to impersonate him temporarily because you couldn't find the real Mr. Clown!" Oscar said coldly.
There was a commotion as many people began talking about it, many of them agreeing with Oscar...
"How can you prove that you are the clown pharmacist?"
"We do not mean to offend, your Excellency, but we just don't want to be deceived."
"We require that you prove your identity!"
In the face of everyone's requests, Steve could only use physical actions to prove that he was indeed the clown pharmacist.
"Since you all want proof, it's actually very simple." Steve picked up several bottles of serums and started cultivating them quickly.

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Soon, a bottle of serum that emitted seven colors appeared in front of everyone. The bottle also emitted a strong force fluctuation. This scene caused everyone present to be comment in awe...
"The Fantasy Serum!"
"Only the clown pharmacist could cultivate the Fantasy Serum. He must be the clown pharmacist!"
"I can't believe that I actually just saw the cultivation of the Fantasy Serum with my own eyes. Sure enough, it's amazing!"
"He used several serums just now, but I didn't understand them."
Nothing could prove the identity of the clown pharmacist better than by witnessing his cultivation of the Fantasy Serum! President Sidney and others were clearly excited. After all, the whole reason that they'd attended this conference was because of the clown pharmacist!
Of course, there were also some people with bad intentions present, and now that the clown pharmacist was here, right in front of everyone, such a chance at getting their hands on something so profitable tempted everyone.
Besides, everyone knew that the clown pharmacist did not have a powerful background. This situation was akin to seeing a little kid walking down an alley late at night with millions of dollars in cash in his pocket! Such an amazing commodity as the Fantasy Serum could not help but cause others to be covetous in their hearts.
Right then, nobody noticed that one of the tall waiters among them was looking at Steve as he stood on the platform. The waiter had a cold and murderous look in his eyes.
"The Fantasy Serum clearly contains the energy of the Star of Hope... I've finally found you! I must follow the orders from Lord Tonya to kill you and recapture the Star of Hope," the waiter murmured under his breath. He was actually the demon Collic in disguise!

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In fact, he had already wandered into the hall a long time ago, but since the clown pharmacist had not yet appeared, he had been hiding. Now that the clown pharmacist had appeared and cultivated the Fantasy Serum in public, Collic could clearly sense that it contained the Star of Hope's energy.
Ares Tonya had given him an order. If he could not regain the Star of Hope, he would have to face her wrath when he went back.
In addition to the demon Collic, another person was also watching Steve's every move.
Is he Steve or not? Christina thought to herself.
Previously, she had speculated that Steve might be the clown pharmacist, and after the clown pharmacist appeared, she suddenly found that Steve had disappeared.
What a coincidence!
This naturally made Christina even more suspicious.
"Since Mr. Clown has arrived, let's formally start the exchange conference," President Sidney said.

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"I have long wanted to communicate with and learn from you for a long time," the clown pharmacist said, then chuckled.
"Hahaha, we should be the ones learning from you!" President Sami laughed, then said.
As all of the people present laughed, talked, and flattered each other, they walked over to the meeting place of the exchange conference.
"Miss Christina, where's your date, Mr. Steve?" Philip asked suddenly.
Nobody had noticed Steve's disappearance besides Christina. Now that Philip had just mentioned it, they all realized that Steve had vanished!
Almost at the same time, many of the people present started commenting about this…
"Hahaha, Mr. Steve was the champion of the competition just now. His creativity is new and interesting, even among us. We believe that he and Mr. Clown will be able to create new sparks when they meet!"
"Miss Christina, call Mr. Steve out here."
"Mr. Steve is a rare genius at Stanlos Base Camp, and Mr. Clown is a miracle pharmacist. Maybe more new and unique ideas will be born when they come together."
"I also look forward to the meeting between two of Stanlos' most outstanding young pharmacists!"

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Christina's expression tuned awkward instantly as cold sweat began beading on her forehead. This was because even she didn't know where Steve had gone, and she also had the same speculations as everyone about whether Steve and the clown pharmacist were the same person.
"Who is Steve? According to your words, he seems to be a very interesting man." The clown pharmacist spoke, then let out a sudden laugh.
"Well Mr. Clown, before you arrived, there was a competition among the pharmacists..." President Gafielbo filled the clown pharmacist in on what had just happened.
The clown pharmacist listened calmly, then couldn't help but exclaim, "That's such a wonderful idea. I'd like to meet Mr. Steve now, too."
Philip looked at the clown pharmacist and sneered. He had long speculated that Steve was the clown pharmacist. After all… How could a small place like Stanlos Base Camp produce two geniuses?
Now that he saw the clown pharmacist putting on an act, he was even more sure that Steve was the clown pharmacist! He wanted to see how long the clown pharmacist could keep this act up.
"Hahaha, we thought that Mr. Steve was Mr. Clown!" Philip burst out laughing.
Although it was only meant as a joke, many of the people present secretly still thought that it was likely to be true! The identity of the clown pharmacist had always been very mysterious, and it was precisely this fact that prevented many people from causing him harm, as it would be easier to handle him if they were to know his real identity.
"Oh, Mr. Philip really knows how to crack a joke. How could I possibly be the clown pharmacist?" he responded with his own seemingly joking question.
But, just then, a familiar laugh suddenly rang out...

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