Wendy's sudden appearance resolved the Clown Pharmacist crisis and relieved everyone from their previous worries. But, at the same time, they were shocked by Wendy's strength. It was the first time that everyone had seen Wendy display it.

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Steve was also shocked as well. This was because, normally, when Wendy would assist the soldiers at the military base in their training, she wouldn't assist them personally. So, this was the first time that he had seen Wendy make a move, which had shocked everyone.
After recovering from his initial shock, Steve immediately looked at Christina, who was vomiting blood in his arms. He hadn't expected Christina to rush out and save him!
Meanwhile, Steve was also filled with fury toward Philip. After all, if Philip hadn't pushed him from behind, this accident would never have happened!
"Christina..." Steve murmured to Christina.
He felt Christina's breath getting weaker and weaker as she laid in his arms. As he looked down at her, he immediately felt extremely anxious.
Then, just as he was about to try and help her, all of a sudden, a strong sense of impending crisis blanketed them, surrounding them completely. It was even stronger than when they'd encountered the demon Collic just now!
At the same time, Wendy also suddenly felt a strong sense of impending crisis. It seemed as if the stronger one's strength was, the stronger their sixth sense was as well, which explained why Wendy felt the feeling so keenly at the moment.
"This is not good! Everyone, we must try to escape!" Wendy screamed in horror.
The crowd did not know what had happened, but when they saw Wendy's panicked expression, they knew that the situation was very bad. So, without giving it a second thought, many of the people turned to flee.

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But, right then, a force that was strong enough to envelop the world emanated from the place where Collic had just been killed. From Collic's battered body, a glittering black light floated up and quickly condensed into a ball of black energy.
A stream of black light rushed up into the sky, the clouds changed color, and a cluster of terrible demonic clouds surged in. The clouds quickly covered the entire Stanlos Base Camp!
As the dark demonic clouds pressed down, it was as if the sky would fall on them at any time. An eerie and unparalleled power blanketed the entire Stanlos Base Camp. Even ordinary people could feel that an extremely horrible and dangerous thing was about to happen as they looked up at the demonic clouds.
In that moment, everyone in the venue became completely still. It was as if time had frozen. Meanwhile, the ball of black energy kept rising, eventually becoming a transparent figure.
"You useless thing! You can't even settle a little thing!" The transparent figure looked coldly at Collic's bombed and battered body, while shouting at the corpse.
The only person on the scene who could move was Wendy, and she looked at the transparent figure with chattering teeth as she uttered, "Ares... Ares Clone..."

The frightening aura that was coming from the transparent figure in front of them was obviously something that only the Ares-level could possess. An Ares-level energy clone, though not as powerful as the original, was still fearsome. This particular Ares energy clone was Tonya's energy clone.

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When Tonya had given Collic the power to help him break through and become a Level two Evolved Being, she had deliberately left behind a piece of her energy. This was also a safety net to guard her against any failed attempt at Collic's assassination.
"You were the one who ruined my plans?" The Ares Tonya looked up at Wendy and said, "I'll settle this score with you later."
At the moment, she did not have much time left, as the invasion of the human bases by the demons would activate the defensive measures in the human beings' fields. The stronger one's strength was, the more they would be targeted. So, her target must be settled before the defensive measures could eliminate her clone!
As Ares Tonya looked down and felt the aura of the Star of Hope, her expression changed suddenly. She then looked at Steve and the Clown Pharmacist and asked, "Two people? Why is that?"
Tonya's mind was full of doubts. It was not normal to sense the aura of the Star of Hope from both Steve and the Clown Pharmacist, as the Star of Hope could only be in one person.
"Nevertheless, I shall kill both of them, as the Star of Hope must be on one of them!" Ares Tonya shouted.
Her eyes were cold, yet she was not as troublesome as Collic, who had to choose between Steve and the Clown Pharmacist. Whether she chose to kill just one or both of them was no big deal to her, as doing either was just a piece of cake to her!
With a flick of her finger, two terrifying beams of lights flew out from her fingertips. The speed of light exceeded the speed of sound, and it seemed as if the light of destruction was shooting down and heading straight toward Steve and the Clown Pharmacist!
Steve's expression changed drastically as the aura of death blanketed them. Both the Clown Pharmacist's clone and the mimetic weapon clone could feel that death was approaching.

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"I can't die here..." The Clown Pharmacist's eyes were filled with fear, as this power was too invincible. He knew that it was something that he could not block or withstand.
At this moment, he couldn't care less if his secrets would be revealed or not. As long as he could live, he would spare no effort to do whatever it took to survive. As for the clone from the mimetic weapon, he no longer had the energy to care about the life and death of the identity of Steve either. After all, mimetic weapons could not be killed, they would just have their identities exposed.
Judy, hurry up and take me away... Steve shouted in his heart.
Although his instant disappearance might cause doubt and reveal his secrets, these things no longer mattered as he was facing death. Judy also sensed the crisis where Steve was and turned the teleportation feature on hurriedly, wanting to teleport Steve immediately.
"You can't kill them!" Wendy suddenly shouted angrily as a clone burst out from her body and rushed toward the mimetic weapon Steve, while her own body rushed toward the Clown Pharmacist.
"Chief Instructor..." The mimetic weapon Steve looked at Wendy as she stood in front of him, his expression one of shock.
"You are my soldier, and I have a duty to protect you..." Wendy said. As the words left Wendy's mouth, the light of destruction hit Wendy's clone.
Wendy's clone immediately exploded and parts of the robot flew into the air. The mimetic weapon Steve flew and hit the wall from the impact. As he landed, he kept coughing up blood, then fainted.

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Wendy had built this clone, and it was a super nano-robot that was based on her own model. But, it had been completely destroyed in order to protect the mimetic weapon Steve.
Now, Wendy was in front of the Clown Pharmacist. She had used all of her means to erect a total of 108 layers of defensive walls in front of them, and a layer of gold and steel shield is what the last layer consisted of.
Boom Boom Boom Boom…
But, in one instant, all of the energy defense walls were destroyed by the light of destruction. Even the gold and steel shield of that last layer was destroyed! Wendy could only hold her hands in front of her to resist the light of destruction in the end.
Countless sparks flew as the light of destruction kept bombarding Wendy. But, she gritted her teeth and refused to budge as she stood firmly in her place.
"Miss Wendy, why are you doing this?" The Clown Pharmacist was awed and touched by the woman, as he saw that she would even sacrifice her life to protect him. Steve had never thought that there would come a day when a woman would protect him so fiercely.
"You are the hope of mankind! You can't die..." Wendy's tone was firm. "Besides, it is my duty to protect all of the people in my territory."
Finally, the light of destruction exploded, its horrible impact causing Wendy to fly out. Her hands were heavily burned and she kept coughing up blood, but her gaze remained firm.
"Foolish human feelings!" Ares Tonya sneered. "Is it worth sacrificing yourself to protect others? Unfortunately, even if you were to die, you still can't protect them!"

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