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Steve didn't know what was going on outside, as inside the subconscious world, there was no concept of time. During this period, Steve had been dual training with the Wendy and Christina.

His participation in all of this brought about very strange feelings, as he felt not only desire but also the excitement of the exploration of life well up inside of him. Christina and Wendy were already dying, but through the process of undergoing continuous dual training, they now were slowly regenerating life from inside of them. It was as if they had undergone the entire process from death to rebirth!

And, as mating was a necessary process during the birth of life, Steve felt as if he was using his soul to create a new life. However, he knew that soul mating would not produce a real life form like physical mating would.

As such, they could enjoy the strong pleasure of physical mating, while feeling the process of nurturing life, without an actual existence resulting from the interchange. This kind of mysteriousness was something that Steve was unable to express clearly in words, and it impacted Steve strongly.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time had passed, all of the Demonic Fire had been extinguished in Christina's subconscious world. At the same time, Wendy's subconscious world had also been revitalized, and the deathly aura had completely dissipated.

"Their bodies have completely healed, so I will now take you out of their subconscious worlds," Judy said to Steve.

There was a huge risk if Steve stayed in anyone else's subconscious world for too long. So, if they were not careful, Steve might get assimilated into the two women's worlds and lose himself entirely!

So far, since Steve's subconscious mind was stronger than theirs, he had been able to keep himself from getting lost. However, as their soul strengths gradually recovered, there would be a greater risk if Steve continued stay any longer.

"You guys, now that your healths have recovered, I should go back," Steve said.

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"You guys?" Wendy teased him with a smile.

"Thank you..." Christina said and laughed.

Suddenly, a powerful suction pulled at Steve's soul consciousness. When he opened his eyes, his consciousness had already returned to his body.

Immediately after that, the door of the treatment cabin opened and a naked Steve walked out from it.

Meanwhile, Christina and Wendy had also come out of their treatment cabins. They were also completely naked.

But, before Steve could notice them, he suddenly felt an incredible power in his body. It felt as if a volcano was about to explode and blow his body apart!

Steve was shocked by this, and he quickly sat down and began to refine this power. At this time, his basic cell value and brain development were soaring at an alarming rate.

"Scanning is underway. The basic cell value is 490 points... 495 points...500 points... 600 points..." The voice of the Heart of the Universe suddenly sounded, reporting data to Steve. "Brain development is at 30%... 32%... 38%... 40%... "

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Steve didn't know why he had suddenly changed so dramatically, but the feeling of surging power within him was definitely real. Just as Steve had just experienced, Christina and Wendy had both felt a powerful and boundless force gushing out when they had come out of their nutrition capsules.

And, just like Steve, both of them immediately sat down and began to practice. This change was unexpected for both of them, and it was not clear why it had happened.

After three hours had passed, a huge whirlpool suddenly formed above Christina's head and started to absorb all of the Cosmic Forces around her. Her power kept soaring and her life level had undergone tremendous leaps, breaking through into a Level-one Evolved Being from an original being. Even now, she was still continuously surging forward in power and transforming herself.

A few hours later, Wendy was the first to wake up among the three of them. Her strength was the strongest, so she had been able to quickly refine the power from the Spiritual Dual Training.

She looked at Steve and Christina, who were still in training, then said, "So... The other one was Christina..."

Wendy took a deep breath, then said, "Christina was on the brink of death after getting hit by the Demonic Fire. I never thought that Steve would be able to save her."

However, when Wendy thought of her own condition at that time, and she figured that if even she could be saved, it actually started to make sense that Steve could save Christina as well. Wendy quickly thought about the entire process of how Steve had saved her, which made her suddenly laugh.

She then wondered aloud, "This fellow… I wonder if he saved Christina in the same way?"

As she thought back on the wonderful feeling that she experienced during the Spiritual Dual Training, Wendy's lower body could not help but tremble as liquid flowed out of her secret spot. She remembered Steve's naked body and his raised penis..

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His body is so strong. I wonder what the difference would be between the feeling of him inside me in reality versus when we were in Spiritual Dual Training together? As Wendy thought about this, she looked at Steve's body and licked her finger.

It wasn't long before Christina woke up. Upon seeing her awake, Wendy said, "Congratulations! You've directly entered the fifth level of the Level-one Evolved Beings."

It took a moment for Christina to fully wake up, and the minute she did, her facial expression turned mildly uncomfortable as she realized that all three of them were naked!

Christina then asked, "Why are you here? Where are we?"

"I'm like you... He saved us." Wendy said. "As for this place, I'm not sure where we are either."

Just as the two women were about to explore and try to answer this question, a ray of light rose up from the ground. Immediately thereafter, Judy suddenly came down and said, "This is the master's laboratory."

Both of them were shocked by Judy's sudden arrival, and they looked at the perfect woman with their eyes wide open in surprise. This was because Judy was perfect in every way. But, her perfectness and immaculate beauty were unlike human beings'.

As such, her perfection was different from Wendy's. Wendy's perfection was the result of human evolution and her own self-improvement, while Judy's beauty was perfected by countless technological calculations that were made possible through computers. So, no matter how perfect and flawless she was, she still lacked the beauty that came with human nature.

"Who are you?" Wendy asked Judy.

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"I'm Judy, the master's artificial intelligence assistant," Judy said. "Before the master wakes up, you guys can only move around here."

Wendy frowned upon hearing Judy's command, as she didn't like being restrained, much less told what to do! However, Christina adapted quickly and was much more mild and obedient.

But, her facial expression was still somewhat unnatural when she asked, "Could you get us some clothes to put on before Mr. Clown wakes up?" After all, they were still naked!

"There are no clothes in the lab. There may be some in the owner's locker, but you'll have to wait until he wakes up to get them," Judy said.

Both women were embarrassed. After all, they weren't exhibitionists! But, they had no choice but to wait for Steve to wake up before getting some clothes.

It was then that Wendy noticed the fluctuation of Steve's energy, and her face showed her shock as she exclaimed, "His basic cell value is over 700!"


Suddenly, a powerful force burst out from Steve's body. He was now at the center of a huge whirlpool, which was bigger than when Christina had broken through and become a Level-one Evolved Being. It was also more powerful than the one had been when he was absorbing the Cosmic Forces.

"He's broken through! His basic cell value is now at 800! That... That's incredible! The basic cell value of the Ares Li Long is only 100 points more at 900 points, and the second parliament president's basic cell value is just over 700 points! It's amazing that he has reached 800 points!" she exclaimed.

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