The influential forces of the Wander City State were trying all sorts of ways to gain access to the auction. Those who had received an invitation but did not bother to come quickly regretted their decisions.

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If they had known that the enhanced Subatomic Serum had passed the patent application from the Pharmacists Guild, they would've already been here a long time ago.

Even though they had already investigated the Masa Group and the enhanced Subatomic Serum through the pharmacist guild, the patent application had not yet been approved, so they were not able to find the answers that they were looking for.

Right now, the auction had already started, and even if they had an invitation, it was too late for them to enter. On the other hand, the nobles and corporate representatives present were elated, as the enhanced Subatomic Serum was bound to soon belong to one of them!

Meanwhile, once the news about the patent had spread, Duncan's phone immediately started ringing nonstop, with countless video calls and voice calls flooding in. It nearly crashed his smart manager!

Duncan released a huge breath and, as a bright smile appeared on his face, he said, "It's too late to enter the auction now, so block them all and do not let any calls through."

At this moment, he felt proud and happy, as if he could walk with his head held high. Before, all these people did not care to attend the auction personally and were even prepared to laugh and watch Masa Mall make a joke of itself. But now, it was their turn to beg for entry!

"Roger, let's begin the auction," Duncan told Roger, smiling.

On the auction stage, Roger received the message with a bright smile on his face, then said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that you have all verified the authenticity of the patent rights. So, let's get down to business and start the auction! The starting price is 100 thousand. Any increments should be below…"

Roger hadn't even finished speaking when someone started bidding.

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"1 million!"

Roger smiled, the price had actually increased by 10 times already! Roger said, "Baron Harry has offered 1 million, is anyone offering more?"

"1.5 million!"

"2 million!"

"The Podell Group, offering 5 million!" Hue said suddenly, raising the bidding price all the way to 5 million.

At this, a lot of representatives from the small and medium enterprises were shocked. They were mostly local enterprises from Stanlos Base Camp and the Wander City State, and even though 5 million was no small sum, they could still manage to afford it.

However, the Podell Group was one of the top 500 enterprises in the world, so compared to them, these smaller companies were negligible. Besides, they did not dare to bid against the Podell Group, as even if they got lucky and managed to get the enhanced Subatomic Serum, it would be easy for the Podell Group to employ a commercial ban on them, thus forcing them to hand over the serum. Hence, most of the corporate representatives remained silent, leaving the bidding to the big tycoons.

"I offer 5.5 million," Isabella said suddenly. "The Podell Group does not dabble in serums, so are you guys intending to expand into the serum market?"

The people in the Wander City State all knew that the Jessica family had supported a lot of local pharmaceutical groups and companies in the past. As she was part of such a political family, Isabella had a huge influence on most of the Wander City State's political decisions.

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As such, no matter how strong the Podell Group was, they would be unable to override that kind of power. Therefore, Isabella was not afraid of the Podell Group at all.

Hue's expression remained unchanged as he said, "6 million, Mrs. Isabella. Everyone knows that whoever masters the enhanced Subatomic Serum, controls humankind's future. On this matter, I will never back down."

"Clara Group, 10 million!" Right at this moment, Thomas, who had been silent all along, raised the price to 10 million.

The whole place was abuzz.

"Has Clara Group gone mad?"

"Even if the drug efficacy of the enhanced Subatomic Serum is perfect, it is still not worth 10 million!"

"It seems that Clara Group wants to surpass the other five pharmaceutical giants to become the one and only king."

As a matter of fact, these onlookers were not too far from the truth, as Thomas was sent as the representative for this auction, having just received orders to purchase the serum, no matter the cost. Years ago, the Wyatt Pharmaceutical Group had managed to become the pharmaceutical industry's king via the original Subatomic Serum.

Now, even after all these years, the Wyatt Group was still standing strong. So, if the Clara Group were to get their hands on the serum and analyze its secrets, they would definitely be able to surpass the Wyatt Group's success.

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"Are these people mad?" Steve was stunned, as he had never seen 10 million in original gold in his entire life!

The enhanced Subatomic Serum's practical value was just around 100 to 200 thousand. As such, this price tag meant that it had increased exponentially in value! This shocked Isabella, Thomas, and the others.

"I bid 10.1 million!" Isabella said, gritting her teeth.

"I bid 20 million!" Thomas's expression remained unchanged.

This time, the crowd looked at Thomas as if he were a madman. After all, Isabella had only added 100 thousand, but he had raised the bid all the way to 20 million!

"I bid 21 million," Hue said again.

"I bid 30 million," Thomas said.

"I bid 35 million!" The Emmerson Group's representative chimed in.

"I bid 41 million!" Isabella shouted, getting more anxious.

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"I bid 50 million!" Thomas again.

Right now, the other bidders looked at Thomas as if they wanted to rip him apart. In their opinion, Thomas was not competing fairly at all! His strong attitude was telling everyone that Clara Group would get the enhanced Subatomic Serum no matter what.

"I bid 51 million!" Isabella said angrily.

"Well then, let's make it 100 million!" After Thomas said that, the whole place went silent. Even Duncan's mouth hung open in shock.

As the auction organizer, Duncan had predicted that the enhanced Subatomic Serum would cause a commotion. However, he had never expected that someone would buy it for such a sky high price!

"Thomas, you've surely gone mad!" Isabella said furiously.

"That bid has exceeded its value by far too much. The Podell Group officially gives up on this auction!" Hue announced, then shook his head and sighed.

Following him, the other main competitors also backed out.

"Okay, 100 million original gold, calling once! Is there anyone who still wants to bid?"

"Calling twice!"

"Calling thrice! Deal!"

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