Sofia, Andrew, and Lucy went up to draw their lots, too. Soon, all five of them had taken their white balls and could now open them.

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"Open your white ball. There is a piece of paper inside it, two with ones on them, and two with twos on them. The same number shall face off with each other." Leikas said.

The five of them opened the white balls and took out their numbered papers, while the whole process was broadcasted live. They did this so the results could not be falsified. On the projector screen, the five of them showed their pieces of paper.

Steve's paper appeared to be blank, while Stuart's had a number two written on it, as did Andrew's. Lucy and Sofia both had the number one written on theirs.

"Steve got the bye!"

"No! Why is it him again? His luck is too good!"

"Just like that, he's in the top three! Oh heavens, this is too unfair!"

"He was really lucky, when he managed to enter the top five by a fluke. Now, he's even entered the top three! Why is his luck so good?"

A series of exclamations rippled throughout the entire place once again, revealing that a lot of people were unhappy to see that Steve had managed to go straight to the top three places. To them, it was by a stroke of luck that Steve had managed to enter the top five places with his limited skills. Now, his luck just seemed too good to be true!

"Surprisingly, he drew the bye." Stuart looked at Steve, his eyes full of unhappiness, as he knew that, if he had been paired with Steve, he could cut of his path to the top three places.

"Dang it! Why is his luck so good?" Sofia was even angrier. In fact, the higher Steve's ranking got, the angrier she grew!

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"I won't let you and Steve meet, because I shall defeat you personally." Lucy looked at Sofia, full of aggression.

Lucy suddenly felt a little overwhelmed. All these years, there had always been a voice in her heart, telling her to show her growth to Sofia.

After all, she was no longer the little girl who needed to hide behind Sofia for her protection. In fact, she could even protect Sofia now!

The crowd kept commenting on how good Steve's luck was, while Steve also felt a little helpless, as he had wanted to PK with Sofia. After all, defeating her personally would allow him to prove to her that she was wrong about him. But, it was a pity that they had missed each other.

The two groups of opponents were sent to ring number one and ring number two to start the fight at the same time. The results of the two fights were obvious to the crowd, even before the fights ever commenced.

Even though Andrew's skills were good and normally, he'd only fall below Stuart and Sofia, there was still a gap between him and Stuart. As for Lucy, she charged into the top five like a dark horse!

But, if she wanted to change Sofia's ranking, she still had a long way to go. However, these two fights were still worth seeing, especially the fight between the sisters Lucy and Sofia!

"All these years, we have gone through so much as sisters, never abandoning each other. Yet, because of Steve, you've changed!" Sofia said, looking at Lucy with regret in her eyes. "You are my little sister, so I do not wish to fight you. You are also no match for me."

Lucy smiled bitterly and said, "You're right. I was able to live until now because of your protection. But, I don't need your protection any longer. I've found the person that I love and can live well enough by myself."

"No, you've been tricked by Steve. He can't protect you. Nobody can separate us," Sofia said, her voice full of determination.

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Lucy could only let out a sigh. At this stage, she could only rely on her own skills to prove all of these things to her sister.


Lucy charged forward, her silhouette disappearing halfway, as if she was teleporting. She then immediately appeared behind Sofia.

A dagger swiped towards Sofia's throat swiftly. But, at the same time, Sofia disappeared too, only to also unexpectedly appear behind Lucy!

"The Dance of the Wind! You see... What you know, I know too!" Sofia mocked.

Just as Sofia's words appeared, she aimed a small sword at Lucy's back. Lucy turned around hurriedly, the dagger clashing against the small sword. After blocking Sofia's attack, she backed away immediately.

"Zero Speed Ray!"

Sofia rushed towards Lucy like an arrow, small sword in hand, aiming for Lucy's throat. Her every move was full of the intent to kill.

"Light Shield!"

Lucy activated the protection bangle on her left hand, forming a transparent light shield in front of her.

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The light shield was crushed by Sofia. Lucy was alarmed, as she dodged hurriedly towards the left. However, Sofia suddenly did a turning kick, her long leg lashing out like a long whip.


Lucy's shoulder received the impact, causing her to fly more than 10 meters away. A severe pain instantly throbbed in her shoulder, as if it she had just been hit by a hammer.

The both of them had just started sparring, when Lucy lost the upper hand. Everything seemed to now be within Sofia's control.

"My little sister, all the moves you know were taught to you by me. How will you defeat me?"

Sofia did not intend to give Lucy a chance to rest, so she rushed forward again, her small sword slicing sideways.


Lucy hastily warded off the attack. But sadly, she was not as strong as Sofia. So, once again, she was launched backwards by the force of the attack.

However, Lucy did not admit defeat. Instead, she took the chance to charge forward, the dagger in her hand flourishing like a midnight flower, a cold light glinting in its magnificence!

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Sadly, Sofia still managed to send Lucy flying with a stroke of her sword, while also slashing a wound on Lucy's back. If not for Lucy's timely reaction, she would've already been defeated.

The wounds on Lucy's body were bad, but she was still stubborn and defended herself every time she was repressed. As such, she kept charging forward, even when it meant that she'd get hurt.

Seeing the difference in their skills, the crowd could not help but sigh.

"Lucy is still too weak."

"Luckily, Lucy managed to dodge that last blow, but if this continues, it is only a matter of time before Lucy loses."

"How is she so stubborn? The result will still be the same no matter what, so why does she bring such suffering onto herself? It is heartbreaking to look at the wounds on her body."

Steve's heart clenched as he watched. It was clear that Sofia was stronger than Lucy. But, as this was Lucy's battle, even if Steve wanted to help her, he could only spectate. However, Steve did not just purely spectate.

"Gather their data," Steve said to the Heart of the Universe.

"Gathering data…forming database…forming models…"

This battle was as the crowd had predicted. Lucy was no match for Sofia, and Stuart totally crushed Andrew.

"Lucy, do you understand now? Only I can protect you. The both of us have always supported and relied on each other as sisters. As long as you're willing to give up on Steve, we can still go back to how we were before," Sofia said.

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