While Steve and Lucy were enjoying the pleasures of each other's bodies in the room, Stuart was in the living room laboriously describing his plan and trying to convince Sofia to collaborate with him.

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His plan was detailed and thorough. Sofia had also gained quite a lot of information about Collic from it.

After listening to him relay the entire plan, she asked, "Where did you get this information? Also, how can you be sure that Collic will pass by this route in 10 days? If you can't tell me the source of the information, I can't verify or trust it. In that case, this collaboration won't work."

After all, killing the demon Collic would not be an easy task, and if anything were to go wrong, they have to face Collic's insane vengeance. With Collic's skills, it would be effortless for him to kill them.

Even if their levels of cell activation reached 100%, they would still be no match for Collic. It was precisely for this reason that they needed more strong people to join them.

Stuart knew that Sofia would not believe him or agree to collaborate with him unless he could show proof of his source of information, so he said, "I can tell you the source of the information, but first, you must agree to collaborate with me."

Sofia was silent for a moment, before making up her mind. She then asked, "I agree to collaborate with you, but how shall we split the rewards?"

Stuart smiled, thinking that, as long as Sofia was willing to collaborate, the other things would be much easier. He then said, "As for the division of the rewards, as long as we can kill Steve…"

The two of them then commenced another round of discussion. After all, there was still a need to settle the division of the rewards before agreeing to a collaboration.

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Back in the room, Steve and Lucy's "playtime" was progressing rapidly. At this moment, Steve was carrying Lucy in his arms "bridal style" and easing her onto the bed.

Steve gazed soulfully at her, one hand caressing her breasts, while the other slowly took off her shorts, leaving her in only only white underwear. Lucy already knew what Steve was going to do to her.

Thinking of Sofia outside, Lucy was instantly shy and embarrassed, holding to stay Steve's hand that was about to strip her underwear off.

"Don't do this yet. My older sister's still outside. What if she suddenly comes in?" Lucy gazed at Steve soulfully.

"But, I want you now…" Steve's big hand that was on Lucy's breasts suddenly squeezed her nipples, causing an electric feeling to course through her body. Taking this opportunity, Steve dragged her underwear all the way down to her knees.

"But… if my older sister comes in…" Lucy was still reluctant, even though she wanted her own release now. She still was extremely nervous, thinking that Sofia might come in at any moment. But, for some reason, there was a hint of excitement amid the nervousness.

"Don't worry, I'll take note of everything that's happening outside." Steve kissed Lucy's lips, his gaze full of love.

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Lucy had been stripped completely naked by him now, the two of them having only one last step to finish. Steve hugged Lucy's beautiful long legs and could not help but sigh. Any beautiful girls that he had affairs with in the past could never compare to Lucy.

As he had been a model in his previous life, Steve had affairs with pretty models and even celebrities. Sometimes, he would even hunt for pretty girls in nightclubs or at parties. As such, his views regarding sex were not as conservative as most Asians, but of course, he was not out of control either. He would only pursue girls that he liked.

He stared rapturously at Lucy's perky breasts and long and slim legs, with every toe looking as dainty and cute as a grape. He then gazed at her beautiful face, thinking that her beauty would cause cities and kingdoms to fall, surpassing the good looks of even the most beautiful celebrities.

Steve had already prepared everything, and their love for each other was about to reach its peak...

"I'm going in..." Steve said, gently.

Lucy bit her lip, nodding her consent.

After two whole hours of planning and negotiating, Sofia and Stuart had finally come to a conclusion.

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"I am very satisfied with your plan and with the division of the rewards. Now, it's time to tell me where you got your information," Sofia said.

"There's no rush. But, to show my sincerity, I have a gift for you," Stuart said, as he took out a bottle of blackish green serum.

"What is this?" Sofia asked.

"F grade combat serum. If you take it, you'll be able to increase your combat points by 10. However, the more you use it, the weaker its effects become," Stuart said.

Sofia was tempted, as 10 combat points was the equivalent of increasing the level of cell activation by 3%, without any side effects! Besides, this kind of additional increase would still be effective when their training improved.

As such, while the others had 300 combat points, when their level of cell activations reached 100%, the possessor of the serum would be able to have 310 combat points!

Sofia had heard of it before, but the price was too expensive, costing a minimum of 200 to 300 thousand per bottle! Also, it was mostly taken after one's level of cell activation had reached 100%.

"Why are you treating me so well?" Sofia asked, putting her guard up instantly.

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"Sofia, you should already know about my feelings for you by now. You have refused to accept the things that I have attempted to give you in the past, but now that we're collaborating, you are becoming stronger, which will benefit me as well," Stuart explained.

Sofia still did not believe him completely, so he continued to try to convince her, saying, "But of course, the most important thing is that you have to join my organization after I've shared the source of the information with you. This is also one of the benefits of joining the organization."

Stuart could see that he was gaining Sofia's trust little by little, as she paused, then asked, "Organization? What organization?"

"The Erinnyes," Stuart said, calmly.

Sofia's eyes widened in shock, her expression changing. She even jumped up and asked, "You're one of The Erinnyes?"

No wonder Sofia was shocked, as this was one of Blue Star's top 100 underground organizations! It was involved in numerous underground transactions, underground black markets, assassins and assassinations, the hiring of mercenaries, underground gambling rings, and even included dabbling in hallucinatory pills!

At the same time, the organization had seeped into all parts of Blue Star, even the mutated demon's area and the alien's area had traces of The Erinnyes prints all over them! The Erinnyes could even buy forbidden technology from the mutated demons and aliens!

In fact, it was rumored that the wealth they possessed surpassed even the top fortune 500 enterprises! Sofia would never have thought that Stuart was actually a member of The Erinnyes!

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