Right at this moment, Steve and Lucy, who were in the bedroom, had no idea what was happening outside. However, they were preoccupied, as they had already progressed to their final climax, both of their desires about to explode.

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"This is not good. My older sister's in danger…mmm…Dear…Go save my sister... If you save my sister…ahh…I'll make you feel better…" Lucy moaned enticingly.

She was standing now, with both of her hands supporting herself against the wall. Steve was behind her, one of his big hands grabbing onto her breasts, while his lower body pivoted in and out, increasing in speed.

Steve had actually noticed the activities that were happening outside. However, his pent up desires were finally about to release, so this was the hardest moment to hold back...

"I'm about to finish. Help me finish, then I'll go help Sofia…" Steve panted gently in Lucy's ear.

The actual truth was that he could see that Sofia was alright for now. Besides, he knew that he could go out and save her at anytime.

"That's what you said…" Lucy coordinated her body with Steve's even more, swaying her body, while trying her best to help Steve finish.

Meanwhile, the battle outside was still raging. Stuart was deliberately delaying the time, waiting for the Midnight Rose's drug effects to rush out. At that time, he would then be able to subdue Sofia.

In the meantime, he dodged all of Sofia's attacks. As he did so, Sofia felt her lust building up.

"Stuart, I will kill you for sure!" Sofia flew into a rage. She then took out a bottle of ice blue serum and drank it quickly.

"Haha, unless you copulate with a male, no serum will be able to rid you of the Midnight Rose's influence." Stuart laughed loudly. But, right at this moment, an ice cold gust engulfed Sofia's body.


The frigid breeze swept past, covering the floor and the broken furniture with a thin layer of ice.

"What is that thing?" Stuart's expression changed.

Sofia opened her eyes, her strong lust disappearing immediately. Her eyes then became ice blue and as bright as crystals.

"Go to hell!" Sofia shouted.

Then, before Stuart could figure out what was happening, Sofia was charging towards him, a blue light flashing past as her thin sword was thrust forward. Stuart dodged her once again, holding up his own sword to block hers.

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But, right at this moment, a gust of wind, which was as cold as winter, gushed out from Sofia's sword, encrusting Steve's sword and hand with a thin layer of frost. The two of them had barely started fighting, and Stuart's hand had already been injured by the cold, causing his movements to become slow and stiff.

Clang! Crack…

As their swords clashed together, a crack suddenly appeared in the Stuart's sword. A piece of the sword then fell to the ground.

Stuart's pupils dilated, as he came to the awareness that he had underestimated Sofia. He had never thought that Sofia would have such a mysterious serum, which would help her to suppress the Midnight Rose's effects!

Just then, Sofia's palm landed on Stuart's chest.


The force of its impact was as strong as an incoming truck, causing Stuart to fly into the air, then collide with a wall!

"Hngg…" He groaned, a trickle of blood coming out of the corner of his mouth.

He had suffered a huge blow. If it weren't for his high level of cell activation, he might have died, as this blow would have been enough to kill a magical beast with a level of cell activation below 50%! Even though he was able to withstand it, it still left Stuart with severe internal injuries.

"I underestimated this enemy," said Stuart, as he wiped the fresh blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes becoming sharper than ever. "I did not get matched with you during the recruits' ranking battle, even though my results were always higher than yours. I knew you were not happy about that. Regardless, let's see who's the strongest now, once and for all. I will use my own skills to defeat you, then make you my woman."

Stuart's aura changed drastically. The two of them had started competing against each other since the very first day that they had entered the orientation recruits camp. But, they had never had the chance to fight each other. They could have had the chance to battle each other during the ranking battle, but Steve had charged out like a black horse, defeating them both.

"You ought to die!" Sofia's eyes had a murderous look. "I only have one bottle of The Heart of the Deep Blue. It was the last bottle of life-saving serum that my parents left me, and I had to use it because of you."

Even though Sofia and Lucy's parents had died in battle and their company had gone bankrupt, they had been evolved beings after all, so they had left some inheritance for the sisters. But, once these last resort inheritances were used, they would be gone forever. Hence, the both of them would never use them, unless they were forced to.

"An E-grade serum... The Heart of the Deep Blue!" Stuart was astonished, grinning coldly as he said, "That is some good stuff, as it can allow the body's temperature to reach freezing states that are lower than zero degrees, without causing harm to the body. At the same time, they allow the user to gain the powers of freezing ice temporarily."

He continued, still in awe. "If a level one evolved being were to use it, they would be able to increase their combat points by 10%. Your drinking it was indeed a waste of such a precious serum!"

Upon hearing the name of the serum, Stuart finally understood how Sofia was able to suppress the aphrodisiac effects of the Midnight Rose.

Specifically, the Midnight Rose acted as an aphrodisiac, igniting people's desires and controlling the part of the brain that triggers lust. As lust is triggered by a rise in temperature, which stimulates the entire body's cells and arouses desire, the Heart of the Deep Blue, which can lower the body's temperature, depowers that heating effect!

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This was akin to a scorching engine being frozen suddenly. It was due to this countermeasure of defence that Sofia was able to regain control.

"Go to he**, Stuart!" Sofia growled.

She had to either kill Stuart or chase him away before the serum lost its effect. Otherwise, once the Heart of the Deep Blue serum lost its effect, her previous desires would erupt again, returning even stronger!

Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh!

Suddenly, three small swords flew towards Stuart, who hastily dodged them. The three small swords flew by him, sticking into the wall. Unphased, Sofia kept throwing out small knives continuously, while chasing after Stuart.

As Stuart was being chased around, he got angry and asked, "Do you think that I don't have a way to handle you?"


A triangular pistol appeared in his hand, he started shooting rapidly.

Boom Boom Boom…

Countless laser beams flew out, the beams clashing with the small swords, the two neutralizing one another. The metal sword then evaporated into gas, disappearing along with the laser beams.

"Target locked!" Stuart shouted, as the triangular gun in his hand locked on to Sofia.

In the center of the triangle, the sphere-shaped crystal ball was charging rapidly, emitting ray of lights as it expanded, the energy gathering there becoming more and more frightening.

Sofia's expression changed immediately, as she shouted, "F-grade 46 type mini laser gathering gun!" The study of firearms was compulsory in the military. Hence, Sofia was able to quickly recognize the weapon in Stuart's hands.


Right at that moment, the mini laser gathering gun had finished charging, and a laser beam spurted out, its scorching energy igniting the air. The brilliant light was like the north pole's aurora borealis, yet this light was full of destructive powers.

Sofia chose to dodge it, while yelling, "Beast Soul Technique: Speed of Light, Rapid Shadow!"

Sofia suddenly split into three images of herself, dodging in three different directions. As she did so, every image looked like her real self. Even the life aura was the same! It was as if Sofia had conjured up two more selves in an instant, not allowing others to differentiate which one was the real Sofia!

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Suddenly, one of her doppelgängers was struck, causing it to explode and become a gust of frenzied energy. When it struck the doppelgänger, quite a lot of the scorching laser's energy was depleted.

She actually knows a Beast Soul technique!

Stuart's eyes were grim, as Sofia was a lot stronger than she had been at the ranking battle. Suddenly, the core of the mini laser gathering gun cracked and Stuart's expression immediately turned regretful. This was because the crystal core could only support one shot.

However, if it was using regular bullets, it could be used up to 100 times. But, regardless, after using its maximum strength, the core would shatter. As such, Stuart only had three cores, and now, one had been destroyed!

"Beat Soul Technique: Electromagnetic Glove!" Stuart shouted, using both of his hands to quickly gather a biological metallic glove. Then, small eyes suddenly appeared on all 10 of his fingers.


Electromagnetic currents shot out from all 10 of the small eyes, while long ropes of electromagnetic currents, like electric eels, wrapped around Sofia in an astonishing speed.

Two of the doppelgänger images' hands and feet were tied up by the electromagnetic currents. The strength of the electric currents was normal, but if the currents were wrapped around someone, it was enough to numb them, or even cause the person to convulse on the floor!

But, since Sofia had drank the Heart of the Deep Blue, she was unaffected by the currents. However, in the short amount of time that the electromagnetic currents had wrapped around the doppelgänger, the scorching laser had already pierced past another doppelgänger.


The second doppelgänger exploded with a resounding boom, diminishing the scorching laser's energy once again. It then took a turn and charged towards Sofia's head at a speed faster than a bullet!

Sofia's expression changed drastically, as she realized that she might really die if it hit her! In this moment, she used one of her last resorts once again.

"Activating the Shield of Purity!" Sofia shouted.


A white gold shield, decorated with intricate patterns and the image of a golden lion head, rushed out from her compressed capsule. This shield was the Shield of Purity!

The Shield of Purity let out a layer of protective light, which had electric currents running through it. The light sucked at the surrounding cosmic forces, causing solar energy and all sorts of energy molecules to swim in the air greedily. It was like an impregnable fortress, wrapping Sofia up entirely.

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The scorching laser crashed into the protective light shield with an amazing strength, sending sparks flying at the place of collision. The scorching laser was trying to penetrate the protective light barrier, but the light barrier was as strong as a stone, remaining unyielding.


The golden lion head on The Shield of Purity suddenly opened its big mouth and the scorching laser's energy flowed into it.

Now, the intricate patterns on the shield shone even more brightly and the golden lion became even more realistic. It now looked as if a male lion was about to charge out from the shield!

The two forces collided, the resulting energy being even stronger than an expert with a 100% level of cell activation!

"Shield of Purity!" Stuart shouted, then exclaimed in shock, "Your parents were the defenders of the Pure Earth!"

The Shield of Purity was the trademark weapon of the Defenders of the Pure Earth, so this might even surpass E-grade weaponry! It had strong defense properties and could defend against biological and energy attacks, so if a lot of people had the Shield of Purity, it could form a Pure Blue Dome of Heaven, thus initiating an attack that could crush all enemies! Even soldiers riding magical beasts would be killed by the Pure Blue Dome of Heaven!

The Defenders of the Pure Earth were one of the highest level of soldiers in Stanlos Base camp. The amount of people inside had never exceeded 100, but their combat power was stronger than thousands of evolved beings! Their equipment was also the best among all of the Stanlos Base Camp's military units.

Right then, Steve, who was still copulating with Lucy in the bedroom, was also surprised, causing him to stop abruptly.

He asked Lucy, "Darling, your parents were the Defenders of the Pure Earth?"

"Mmm…Don't stop dear…I'm going to orgasm again…Ahh…Stuart's done for now, so you might not need to make a move anymore…Let's continue darling…" Lucy kissed Steve's lips, while both of her legs were wrapped around Steve's waist, her arms encircling his neck. The lower parts of their bodies were joined together tightly.

Steve held on to Lucy's rear, while he began to move his lower body again. He then heaved a huge sigh and said, "That Shield of Purity... Even a level one evolved being could not break through it. So, Stuart's really done for now."

The Shield of Purity was an E-grade and above weapon, so it was not allowed in the ranking battle. Otherwise, no one would be able to break through Sofia's defenses.

Sofia was really enraged to have had to use the Shield of Purity. However, when using weapons that are of E-grade and above, the energy of that person would be depleted quickly. So, even if Sofia had taken the Heart of the Deep Blue serum and increased her strength, it would not have lasted long. But, even if it had only lasted for a short while, it would still have been enough to defeat Stuart!

Steve and Lucy finally stopped worrying, the both of them focusing instead on diving back into the pleasures of each other.

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