Stuart and Steve both stopped shooting at the same time, as they each realized that the battle had come to a temporary stalemate. The two men threw their guns onto the ground and kicked them aside.

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Almost instantly, Stuart took the lead in initiating the next attack. His big hand, which was covered with a metal glove, threw a punch straight into Steve's face.

Steve responded immediately and, before Stuart could attack him again, the Heart of the Universe made a prediction. Steve's fingernails suddenly grew longer, morphing into a sharp and tough sword, which then tore into Stuart's fist.

"Claw Storm Attack!" Steve shouted, as the fist collided with the claws and sparked layers of sparks.

The collision left many claw marks on the fist, but it was not damaged. At this point, Steve's other hand slammed Stuart in the chest with the Claw Storm Attack. The sharp claws pressed upon Stuart's face.

Stuart was shocked. As the attack was too close for him to retaliate properly, he could only reach out and grab Steve's other hand to stop him.

As the two men fought, it was clear that Stuart's level of cell activation was a little higher than Steve's. And, even though Steve's attacks were resisted, he still did not stop attacking. Then, Steve suddenly used his headbutt Stuart!


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Stuart felt dizzy after the sudden impact, his nose beginning to bleed profusely. Then, Steve's other claw was brought down, but did not manage to strike his opponent.

The two men then distanced themselves from each other, while Stuart touched the blood on his nose, his eyes full of anger. He then said, "I'm going to kill you!"

During the first wave of their fight, neither of them had an advantage over the other. In the last ranking battle, Stuart had been too careless and had not managed to attack Steve in a timely fashion. This hesitation, coupled with Steve's unexpected Beast Soul Technique attacks, had allowed Steve to win.

This time, however, Stuart had increased the grade of his weapons, upgrading to a grade that was not so easily destroyed!

"Armor Call!" With Stuart's summon, fragments of the shattered armor on the ground flew back to his body.

The fragments of the shattered pieces then formed a blue armor, which was gelled nicely together, showing only faint traces of cracks. This armor looked like the one Steve had seen in the Iron Man movie, but was even more comprehensive! Even though it could not perform at 100% capability, it was still able to display a portion of its immense power.


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The squirting machine behind the armor suddenly fired, as Stuart struck at Steve with lightning speed. With the help of the armor, Stuart's speed was much faster than Steve's.

Steve was startled, as his opponent was too fast. So, he could only defend himself with his hands interlocked in front of his chest.

At this time, Stuart took advantage of his speed and continued to attack Steve. It was not that Stuart did not want to use the other features of his armor, but the fact was that they had all been destroyed by the impact of the huge explosion just now! But, even so, the remaining features of the armor still gave Stuart the upper hand.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Steve had to keep dodging Stuart's constant attacks, thanks to the lack of flexibility in the Galaxy Storm Combat armor's squirting device during acceleration. As the Traveler's boots could eliminate resistance, Steve was more flexible than Stuart. This allowed Steve to avoid any lethal attacks.

However, he was in bad shape, now that the Galaxy Storm Combat armor had been broken. Nonetheless, his defence was still strong.

Steve attacked Stuart several times. He even made used of the Ghost Hunter's Blade. Stuart fenced off the chaotic attacks by using a shield. But, as he did so, his Galaxy Storm Combat armor fell off. Luckily, it only cracked a slight bit. However, Stuart was badly injured in the clash.

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"It was really careless of me to not have prepared more deadly weapons," said Steve, his face gloomy. All that he had prepared had only been enough to use for the ranking battle. Therefore, he had not purchased any extra deadly weapons, like armor, robots, or laser cannons.

Of course, these weapons of mass destruction were not easily accessible anyway. The majority of them could only be purchased from the black market. One could, however, purchase such deadly weapons from the Masa Mall, with the requirement that he or she could produce documents as proof that he or she belonged to the military, government, nobility and so on.

The majority of Stuart's weapons were purchased through The Erinnyes Organization. One could never be too careful, as anyone found with prohibited weapons would be charged and convicted.

Sofia's own Shield of Purity had been inherited from her parents. It was the only deadly weapon she owned. Needless to say, one advantage of joining the organization would be to conveniently obtain resources such as these.


Steve was shot and thrown backwards again. His hands and feet were red and swollen. Had he not been as strong as he was, he would have been disabled by the impact.

"Ha ha ha, is that all you have?" Stuart sneered at Steve.

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Stuart knew that he had the advantage over Steve. Although he was unable to kill Steve yet, Steve's inferior strength was becoming more and more obvious. Sooner or later, Stuart would be able to find a way to kill Steve.

Stuart looked at Steve with some pity, like a winner looking at a loser. He then said, "Steve, you're a rare talent. It's a pity that I have to kill you. You must have heard my discussion with Sofia. In fact, we have a chance to cooperate. Collic is so strong. But, if we were to collaborate, we could all kill him together."

Hearing these words, Steve smiled coldly and said, "How do you want to cooperate?"

Stuart sneered and said, "Ah, not now. Before, you had the chance to collaborate with me. But now that you've lost to me, you are no longer qualified. But, I can give you a chance to stay alive. If you are willing to stay loyal to me and become my servant, I will not kill you. As you are smart, you should know how to choose..."

At this point, Stuart believed that Steve would know what to do, meaning that he would at least choose to stay alive as a slave to him, rather than being killed by him!

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