Elizabeth frowned. She had not yet realized that someone had been following them.

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Steve had never felt any malicious intents from Selma and her friend. Besides, there were countless surveillance cameras on the hunting grounds, so he was not afraid that they would attack them. Although in the wild areas, people would often kill each other for treasures, he took comfort in knowing that Selma would not be able to do that in front of surveillance cameras.

"What reason do the both of you have for following us for so long?" Steve inquired calmly.

Thelma smiled lightly and said, "I want to cooperate with you guys."

"Cooperate?" Steve was stunned, truly not expecting such a request.

"Yes. After all, Uncle Lauren is an original being, so we'll be more secure with his protection," Selma said with a laugh, "Also, more advanced magical beasts can be hunted."

She could see that Steve was not an original being. Naturally, they'd be much safer with the protection of an original being.

"I don't think that's necessary," Steve smiled and said. "Firstly, if we were to cooperate, how would we split the magical beasts that we hunt? Secondly, our strength alone is enough to deal with any magical beast in the hunting grounds."

"You are too arrogant, young man." Lauren sneered.

Even though the magical beasts in the hunting grounds were controlled to a certain degree for safety reasons, sometimes the boss-level magical beasts would still rush out and pose a great threat. When facing such boss-level magical beasts, no one besides original beings would be able to defeat them.

"Mr. Steve, we are really sincere about cooperating with you," Selma said. "As for the distribution of the magical beasts, whoever kills it, gets it."

Steve shook his head, still unconvinced. "I can handle the magical beasts here and keep Elizabeth safe."

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After all, Steve knew too well that there was no such thing as a free meal. Since the other party deliberately wanted to be close to him, there had to be some motive behind it.


Just then, Steve picked up a stone and threw it into the distance. The stone was like a bullet, penetrating through the grass.


Following that, an angry magical beast roared loudly from within the grassy thicket.

Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Zoom Zoom Zoom…

All of a sudden, a huge Wild Withered Wood Wolf came rushing out of the grass! The Wild Withered Wood Wolf was made up of branches and its heart was beating loud enough for all to hear it!

The Wild Withered Wood Wolf looked angrily at Steve and the others. One of his eyes was closed, green blood dripping down continuously from it.

Steve's bracelet immediately showed the data of the Wild Withered Wood Wolf. Lauren looked at it and suddenly changed his expression, exclaiming, "Wild Withered Wood Wolf, level of cell activation 55%. Elite magical beast!"

"Your Excellency, you are too reckless," Selma said with surprise. "The elite magical beast is enough to tear Elizabeth to pieces!"

During the Magical Beasts Hunting Convention, family members could lure magical beasts to the students to help them more easily capture them. However, the family members were not allowed to help them actually defeat the beasts.

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That is to say, the magical beasts that were provoked could only be defeated by the students themselves. Family members could only encourage and offer advice from the side.

The elite magical beasts were a disaster for most high school students, as the majority of them had never been exposed to the methods of cosmic force training before. Hence, the most they could do was to improve their physical fitness according to the training methods taught by the school. This meant that their cell activations were not high.

In fact, just like Steve's had been during his training period in the military camp, apart from individual geniuses, most ordinary people's levels of cell activation generally ranged from 10% to 30%. Moreover, the pre-selected soldiers in the military camps were older, so their cell activation was naturally higher.

For ordinary high school students, their level of cell activation was about 10%. Any possessing more than 20% was considered a genius. Selma figured that Elizabeth's level of cell activation was a little higher than hers, but if she could reach more than 30%, she'd still be a genius among geniuses!

Even so, this was still not enough when facing an elite magical beast. Any attempt for Selma to do so would be seen as a suicide mission!

"Elizabeth, kill it," Steve said calmly.

"Hehe, watch as I defeat it." Elizabeth was eager to try.


Elizabeth rushed over and pulled out her pistol, then took three shots at the Wild Withered Wood Wolf.

Bang Bang Bang…

The Wild Withered Wood Wolf raised its paw and blocked all three bullets. The bullets penetrated the Wild Withered Wood Wolf's palm, causing a prickling pain.

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The Wild Withered Wood Wolf roared furiously once again. It had just been hurt by a stone, and now Elizabeth had rushed up and started attacking it!

Now, all of the creature's built up anger was unleashed on Elizabeth. With a swipe of the Wild Withered Wood Wolf's tail, four or five rattan whips flew out like pythons.

As they were as sharp as spears, Elizabeth dodged them hastily.

Bam Bam Bam…

All of a sudden, five holes appeared on the ground, while the attack of the Wild Withered Wood Wolf continued. As it roared and pounced toward Elizabeth, vines flew out of its body. It looked like a python about to strike!

The site of it made Selma's face turn white. She then exclaimed in terror, "He's crazy! The Wild Withered Wood Wolf's going to kill Elizabeth!"

Her cell activation had reached 28%, so she was already a genius among her peers. However, in the face of the Wild Withered Wood Wolf, death could be her only ending.

Lauren suddenly laughed and revealed his plot. "When the two of them are in danger and we help them, they will surely be grateful to us. Then, Miss Selma will be more likely to win their trust!"

Selma stayed silent for a while, then realized that it was a good idea. Compared to Lauren's wisdom and experience, she still seemed quite young and inexperienced.

Elizabeth pulled out a sword. The sharp edge turned and the cold aura was unbearable. Then, the sword flashed, abruptly cutting off the Wild Withered Wood Wolf's attacking vines..

At the same time, she rushed forward. The Wild Withered Wood Wolf suddenly jumped up and, widening its jaws, pounced on Elizabeth.

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At that moment, Elizabeth took out her pistol and fired it repeatedly. In order to block the bullets, four vines flew out from the wolf.


Suddenly, Elizabeth flew forward, her sword piercing the Wild Withered Wood Wolf's heart. With a whimper, the Wild Withered Wood Wolf 's huge body fell from mid-air. Then, with a single twist of her blade, Elizabeth cut out the creature's heart.

She did this because elite magical beast meat was worth a lot of money. She figured that, even if they did not eat it themselves, they could still sell it.

Selma and Lauren looked at each other in a daze. Just a few moments ago, Elizabeth had been driven into a corner repeatedly by the Wild Withered Wood Wolf. But, in the blink of an eye, Elizabeth had turned the tables and killed the Wild Withered Wood Wolf!

"Oh my God!" Selma exclaimed. "She killed the elite magical beast!"

"Miss Selma, I've underestimated Miss Elizabeth. Her level of cell activation will most likely exceeds 50% at this rate!" Lauren said with a bitter laugh.

"Really? Fifty? This is absolutely impossible!" Selma shouted in disbelief.

Even if Elizabeth was a genius, there should still be a limit to what she could achieve in such a short period of time! After all, unlike nobles, who had a lot of training resources, Elizabeth was just an ordinary person, so her conditions were far worse than theirs.

How was it possible for her to exceed us? Selma wondered.

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