Xie Yao swiped his finger on the screen and pulled down the status bar to check the time, confirming it was 1:14.

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As he turned back to the conversation box, he saw the conversation between the two people displayed on top of the screen. It seemed like the boss was also burning the midnight oil.

“Haven’t slept yet. Just finished dinner with friends. Why aren’t you resting so late, boss?” Xie Yao replied to the other person.

“Uh, there’s some urgent work,” the boss responded.

Under his cap, Xie Yao raised an eyebrow.

Working so late? He was indeed an adult, but he could also generously donate 20,000 yuan to a live streamer with just a wave of his hand. It seemed that the boss was also a high-ranking executive of a large company.

As he glanced at the time, Xie Yao couldn’t help but feel that even rich people have it tough. It was late, yet they still had to work.

Maybe this is what it means to be a corporate slave.

As Xie Yao shed bitter tears in his heart, he typed with a deadpan expression and a different tone.

“It’s late and you’re still working. Boss, you’re working hard. The issue with the double rows can wait. You should rest first.”

Meanwhile, Jiang Song had just finished an urgent task and dealt with a coach’s angry outburst. He turned his head to check the unread messages on Shark TV and was taken aback by the streamer’s formal use of “you” in addressing him.

The streamer’s arrogant demeanor during the broadcast was a far cry from his polite tone in private messages.

Jiang Song relaxed his shoulders and leaned back against the bed, chuckling to himself.

He waited until he finished laughing before typing out his reply.

“Finished with the work. If you wanted to repay the two thousand yuan for the duo queue, you don’t have to,” Jiang Song replied in a message.

Xie Yao quickly responded, “That won’t do. As a streamer, I still have professional ethics!”

Professional ethics?

Jiang Song shook his head. Where did it say that streamers had to forcibly repay bosses who gave them tips? If a viewer gave tips in someone else’s livestream, the streamer wouldn’t drag them over and try to convince them to keep giving tips, would they?

He found it amusing watching the messages fly across the chat box. This kid was too honest for his own good.

At the other end, Xie Yao seemed to realize that the boss didn’t really need him to repay the money, but he still stuck to his principle of feeling guilty if he didn’t do anything in return.

“This is your first time watching my stream, so you might not know that I usually get small tips. When they add up to a certain amount, I’ll play a few ranked games with the boss,” Xie Yao explained.

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“You gave me way too much.”

“Well, even if the boss doesn’t mind the money, that’s not the point, is it?”

“If you don’t want to play games, we can do something else. Just give me a shout when you want me to follow through on my promise.”

“I guarantee I’ll be there!”

Jiang Song typed casually, “Anything goes?”

As soon as Xie Yao saw the message, he replied immediately, “As long as it’s not illegal, I’ll do whatever I can!”

Jiang Song chuckled and said, “How about singing a song?”

Xie Yao: “…”

“Is that not possible?”

On the other side, Zhou Tian had a swollen mouth, gasping for breath while chatting with his good friend. Meanwhile, Xie Yao responded with a cold “Mm” or “Oh” from time to time, looking completely indifferent.

Finally, Zhou Tian couldn’t help it anymore and looked at Xie Yao with an expression that was hard to describe.

Xie Yao’s hat brim was pressed very low, and he was dressed in all black, almost blending into the darkness behind him. He held his phone in his hand and typed away, with the screen illuminating his face, making it seem like only one face was floating in the air.

To make matters worse, Xie Yao had a blank expression on his face.

It was strange and frightening, really too strange and frightening.

Zhou Tian thought to himself.

“Hey, I’m talking to you.” He couldn’t help but interrupt, curiously leaning towards Xie Yao and muttering, “Who are you chatting with so enthusiastically?”

Xie Yao didn’t even dodge him and allowed him to come closer. Zhou Tian took a look and saw that it was a private message from the backstage of Shark TV.

“I see, it’s your boss!” Zhou Tian naturally knew that his friend was different online and offline, and when he saw that it was Shark TV, he immediately understood.

“It’s not easy for you to have a job, you even have to maintain a good relationship with your boss after work.”

Xie Yao calmly pressed the screen to turn off the message, as if he didn’t see his boss’s message “Why have you read but not replied for so long?”

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“Earning money is never easy,” Xie Yao replied.

“That’s true,” Zhou Tian laughed. “Thanks to your skills in gaming and your idea to make money through live streaming, otherwise, it would be like a few years ago, where you were tired and couldn’t support yourself, but now it’s much better.”

Xie Yao glanced at him but said nothing.

“But have you ever encountered any weirdos during your live streaming?” Zhou Tian suddenly turned to look at him, but then shook his head.

“I don’t think so. You’re not a female streamer, and you don’t show your face. How could you attract weirdos?”

Xie Yao lazily listened to him and scoffed, “What weirdos?”

Xie Yao looked at him and scanned him up and down with his eyes, saying, “Are you talking about the kind of pervert like you, who sees a pretty female anchor and throws tens of thousands of dollars at WeChat, then sends a message to her in the middle of the night, saying ‘Do you want to team up with me, my dear Yuzhong Jun when she thinks you’re flirting with her?”

Zhou Tian’s cheeks turned red with anger.

He retorted loudly, “I just wanted to gain some ranking points! She said she was the Yuzhong Jun of the Chinese server, what’s wrong with that???”

His tone was full of grievances, and it was obvious that Zhou Tian had a psychological shadow over that female anchor.

“Who knows, that anchor later asked me for gifts and I didn’t give her any, so she spread rumors about me. It made me so angry!”

“Hmph.” Xie Yao laughed without giving any face, “Only idiots like you would encounter perverts. Don’t worry about me, worry about yourself.”

Zhou Tian was not convinced. “If you’re not careful, you’ll crash one day!”

Xie Yao waved his hand. “Then I’ll take your good wishes.”

Zhou Tian: “!”

After walking along the riverbank for less than half an hour, the delicate young master Zhou, ended it by claiming that his feet hurt.

When Xie Yao accompanied Zhou Tian back to the hotel, the young master persisted and insisted that Xie Yao stay with him and promised that he would have Xie Yao take him around C city for the next few days.

Xie Yao coldly refused, but still stayed at the hotel.

It was too late to call a taxi, and he didn’t want to walk back in the middle of the night wearing all black.

After showering and changing, Xie Yao sat on the sofa in the suite and dried his hair. He hesitated for a moment before taking out his phone and opening SharkTV.

The conversation on the screen was still at 4958021.

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“You little kid, why did you read it but not reply?”

“Is my singing really that bad?”

“Just kidding, we’ll play duo tomorrow.”

It’s not that bad.

Scratching his mouth, although he never admitted that his singing was as horrible as crying ghosts and howling wolves, he knew that it was indeed terrible. People even said that he was tone-deaf.

He couldn’t help but wonder why the boss was so desperate to make him sing?

Staring at the last sentence for a long time, Xie Yao was completely conflicted and finally lost his spirit.

After taking a shower, Zhou Tian came out wearing a bathrobe and looked around the living room but couldn’t find Xie Yao. He called out, and finally got a response from another room.

Zhou Tian was puzzled: “How did you get in there? I remembered there was something I forgot to give you.”

From inside the room came Xie Yao’s voice: “Wait a minute!”

“What are you doing?” Zhou Tian grabbed his hair and, seeing that he wasn’t coming out, said, “I’ll go get it first. I worked so hard to get it!”


Zhou Tian turned into the room and mysteriously took out a bag. When he returned to the living room, he ran into Xie Yao, who was also being secretive. Xie Yao took the initiative to ask, “What are you holding in your hand?”

Sure enough, Zhou Tian was diverted from the topic.

As soon as he mentioned the thing in his hand, Zhou Tian unconsciously puffed up his chest and smiled proudly: “This thing took me a lot of effort to get, bro!”

Saying that, he opened the bag and took out two large boxes, placing them on the table, and opened the smaller one first.

Xie Yao’s gaze turned towards the earphones and then his eyes lit up, “This is…the Flowing Light earphones?”

Flowing Light is a top-tier electronic brand in China, with products that are exorbitantly expensive. It is also a sponsor of several powerhouse teams in the KPL (King Pro League). It is well-known that the entire SUS team uses Flowing Light earphones.

Upon hearing what Xie Yao said, Zhou Tian immediately showed a disdainful expression, looking very arrogant. “Take a closer look!” he said.

Then he picked up the earphones and turned them around, holding them up to Xie Yao’s eyes. Several letters flashed by, causing Xie Yao’s eyes to widen suddenly.

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Xie Yao turned his head to look at Zhou Tian, and immediately stared at the headphones in his hand, showing a rare emotional expression.

“praise”, the ID of the former captain of the KPL powerhouse team and the former most valuable player of the League of Legends, Jiang Song.

“This is the headset that Jiang Song used in the last game before he retired.” Xie Yao said confidently.

Zhou Tian chuckled, “Your observation skills are pretty good. Yes, this is the headset that Praise used in the last game before he retired. In addition to this, there is also the team uniform he wore when he first appeared on the starting lineup of SUS.”

Zhou Tian pointed to the other box on the table, and what was inside was self-evident.

Jiang Song had been a professional player for seven years. After so long, it would be a hundred times more difficult to find the first-generation team uniform he wore seven years ago than to find the earphones he used when retiring.

Moreover, the first-generation team uniform had a more significant meaning to Xie Yao.

Now that things had come to this, Xie Yao reached out and opened the box on the table. When he saw the familiar black and gold team uniform inside the box, his heart suddenly skipped a beat, his tongue felt sour, and his eyes began to feel hot.

After a while, he lowered his eyes, turned his head, and punched Zhou Tian’s shoulder. “Thanks, bro.”

Zhou Tian grinned smugly and immediately changed the subject, “But if you really want to thank me, take me to play Honor of Kings.”

Xie Yao looked at him and said seriously, “I can help you play.”

Zhou Tian firmly refused, “No way! How can I use a substitute player? That goes against my principles. You have to take me with you. You’re Yun Zhongjun and I’m Yao. How about that?”

Xie Yao smirked, “Then just get lost.”

After saying that, both of them burst out laughing. Zhou Tian was laughing so hard that his eyes disappeared, while Xie Yao’s eyes and brows were curved with amusement.

“Alright,” Zhou Tian hit Xie Yao’s shoulder and said, “Go to bed early.”

Xie Yao went back to his room with the things in his hand, spread them on the bed, and stood by the bedside for a long time. Then he took out his phone, took a careful photo, followed an online tutorial to adjust the filter, and posted it on his social media account with a caption.

Jiang Song woke up in the afternoon after sleeping for a while. He opened his eyes and checked his phone for the time. He then saw an unread message from the live streaming app Shark TV.

Jiang Song was curious and opened the app.

Broadcaster Princess YaoYao sent you a voice message~

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