Xie Yao’s operation really confused everyone. The barrage froze for a moment before starting to scroll again. At this point, the fans realized the seriousness of the situation.

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: If I had hands, I would be checking to see if Yao Yao has a fever/ dog head emoji.

: Am I hallucinating or are you hallucinating? You just instantly locked in something?

: Did you choose the wrong hero?

: Come on, it’s already 1202, and there are still people who shake and choose the wrong hero?

Jiang Song was originally prepared to carry the small anchor to victory, so playing the game comfortably would naturally improve his mood, right? So, he locked in Li Bai.

After Xie Yao locked in Yao, he hesitated for a moment but quickly covered up any strangeness. Seeing the barrage questioning him, Xie Yao directly said, “The third floor should be a main mage player, and when they came in, I saw a girl’s avatar. I gave it to her.”

: Did you eat poisonous mushrooms in the south city and start talking nonsense?

: Are you sure you’re not possessed by a soul? Princess Yao Yao of Shark TV, do you know what you’re saying? You’re a real man who never plays support!

: Do you remember the scenes of those girls cursing you out for stealing the mage from them in previous live streams?

: What the hell are you talking about?

: What the hell are you talking about?

Most of Xie Yao’s fans in the live stream were girls, each one talented and humorous. After taking a quick glance at the scrolling barrage, Xie Yao’s mood improved slightly from the fans comments.

Forget it, as a working person, he had to be dedicated no matter what he did!

Just focus on the live stream.

Xie Yao let out a breath.

Jiang Song watched the small anchor and the barrage for a while, and by now, they had already chosen their heroes. The third floor mage was an Angela.

He smiled and said, “Angela can clear waves quickly. Later, just follow me and I’ll lead you to get kills.”

Xie Yao was taken aback, then a slight smile curved on his lips as he spoke in a light tone, “Thank you for carrying me, boss.”

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The barrage probably thought that the boss’s rank was only Star, and his level could only be considered average. And Xie Yao was playing Yao, a hero with little damage, so the outcome of the game was a bit uncertain. So they all tried to make peace.

: Anyway, it’s just a match, winning or losing doesn’t matter, as long as YaoYao and the boss are happy~

As the former top assassin in King of Glory, Li Bai’s modeling and poster are handsome and he is often jokingly referred to by players as a “tool to pick up girls”. The most widely circulated phrase is, “I’ve picked up more girls with Li Bai than you’ve killed in the Canyon.”

After entering the game, Xie Yao controlled Yao with deer antlers and followed behind Li Bai’s back.

Jiang Song had quite a few skins, and this time he played Li Bai with the Phoenix Seeking Phoenix skin. The main color of this skin is white, with long flowing hair and a graceful figure, walking and flying on a sword, making it a tool for slaying girls.

Jiang Song directly entered the opposite blue area at level one, without saying a word, only marking the direction of the opposite blue buff to light it up, and Xie Yao followed very consciously.

After thinking for a moment, Xie Yao guessed Jiang Song’s idea and explained it to the barrage: “The opposite jungler is Jing, this game should be a red start in the upper jungle, we can invade the opposite lower jungle and steal their blue buff.”

Xie Yao’s words were correct, and the opposite mirror did indeed bloom red. The two of them safely stole the blue buff and turned to clear their own jungle.

Since it was a match, the heroes chosen by both sides could be repeated. Xie Yao picked Yao as his hero, and the opposite support also chose Yao.

: As the standard hero for carrying others, Yao’s appearance rate is indeed quite high. Among the heroes Xie Yao has encountered recently, Yao is the most common.

: Just now, when the game was loading, I seemed to have seen the opposite Yao and Mirror with a couple’s mark.

: Couples playing together in King’s Glory is not unusual.

Because they stole the enemy’s blue buff, Jiang Song reached level 4 ahead of the enemy jungler. At this point, his Smite was just off cooldown and the mid lane scuttle crab had not been taken yet, so he took Xie Yao to steal it.

The enemy jungler, who noticed their blue buff was missing, was a bit confused. They eventually realized that it was stolen by Li Bai, and it’s possible they felt embarrassed in front of their girlfriend since losing a buff is a loss of dignity for a jungler.

The enemy jungler typed a question mark in the chat, followed by the enemy support playing as Yao.

Protect Xiao Bei (mirror): ?

Xiao bei (Yao): ?

However, no one on Xie Yao’s team paid any attention to them.

Jiang Song was indeed an excellent jungle king who understood the principle of not letting go of any economic opportunity. When he arrived in the mid lane and saw Angela being supported by her teammates, he took the opportunity to clear the minions and earn some gold before moving on to the river crab.

Coincidentally, the enemy team had just typed an embarrassing question mark on the public screen because of their lost blue buff. They also came to the river to fight for the crab with Yao, their princess, and the two jungle kings.

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“This is a war between the two jungle kings and Princess Yao!”

“Brother Li Bai, charge!”

The war was about to begin, and the four players from both sides fought fiercely over the crab that could not resist them.

Jiang Song, being a top professional player, would not make any mistakes in such a crab battle. With one Smite, he directly took the crab’s economic value with a low health point.

The enemy mirror was obviously furious. The river crab was the dignity of the jungle!

Mirror’s skill hit Li Bai, hoping to get a kill while he was vulnerable.

However, he was clearly delusional. Not only was there a huge skill gap between the two sides, but also Mirror was lacking in gold and experience since he lost a blue buff and a crab to Li Bai earlier. He was still at level three, and his ultimate was not even unlocked. How could he possibly win?

As expected, Jiang Song had already upgraded his ultimate, and Li Bai’s ultimate had been unlocked since he cleared the crab. Jiang Song effortlessly dodged Mirror’s follow-up attacks with a skill, then slowed him down with his second skill, and finally finished him off with his ultimate, leaving Mirror with just a sliver of health.

At this point, Mirror was almost dead, but Jiang Song did not pursue him further. Instead, he stood in place and watched as a small shining ball in the game screen followed Mirror, who was fleeing in a weakened state.

And then–

“First blood!”

Yao’s second skill could release several small balls in succession, which could directly track the locked enemy hero within range. Yao, who was already low on health, was killed by the balls.

The barrage was cheerful as if it were New Year’s Eve.

: Wow, let’s congratulate Yao Yao on getting the first kill!

: Kills are still the most fragrant when made by jungle kings~

: Okay, let’s interview this technical anchor. What do you think about playing support for the first time?

Xie Yao’s mood had already warmed up, and his expression outside the camera was much more relaxed, with enough energy to joke around with the barrage.

He chuckled and said seriously, “My feeling is that not every jungle king is a living Buddha like Boss, so let’s play my mid laner next game.”

: Taking kills and still acting arrogant, you’re not even willing to admit your own actions!

: Pfft! Are you trying to show off to me?

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: So what if I am? After all, I’m the boss that you guys can never get.

: Pfft!

With Jiang Song’s level of skill, even if he didn’t take the game seriously, he could easily defeat any average player at this rank. Throughout the game, Li Bai was extremely comfortable in the jungle, clearing both his own and the enemy’s jungle camps without any issue. He even had both the red and blue buffs on him for the majority of the game. To make matters worse, Xie Yao was riding on top of him with both buffs, parading around the map.

They collected numerous kills and by the mid-game, Jiang Song had an economy lead of over 8000 gold against his opponent, Jing. Even Xie Yao, who had been leeching kills and gold the whole time, had an impressive KDA score of 5-0-19!

The barrage: Holy crap.

“This is the Wild King? Love it, love it!”

“Sister Yao Liu, look at me! I’m Yao Zei Liu, even sweeter than the streamer. Leave your ID behind, waiting for you~”

“I don’t want blue buff or kills, boss, take me to climb the ranks, wuwuwu.”

“Leaving jealous tears behind…”

Not only the barrage, even the teammates on Xie Yao’s side with ordinary records of 1-3 popped up.

Angela: “Master, your legs are so long, let me hug you wuwuwu!”

Bai Lishouyue: “Are you guys doing a three-man team? I can be your tool, while singing songs for your love and earning points!”

Cheng Yaojin: “You guys have been in a good relationship for a hundred years, so are we going for a five-man team? Jinjin also wants to earn points~”

The barrage of comments made everyone burst into laughter. A large group of devoted fans shouted “kdlkdl” in excitement, and even flooded the screen with the phrase “happily ever after”.

Xie Yao’s mouth twitched, and he couldn’t help but feel speechless.

He didn’t really dislike the behavior of fans shipping him with another male, especially since they were mostly young girls with no ill intentions. However, some straight guys might feel uncomfortable or even disgusted by being forced into a CP (couple pairing) with another man.

As the barrage of comments grew more and more intense, and the fans couldn’t stop themselves, Xie Yao spoke up to try and stop them: “Okay, okay, that’s enough. You’re typing too fast, and it hurts my eyes.”

As fans had been following Xie Yao for so long, they understood the meaning behind his words, even if he didn’t explicitly state them. Thus, they gradually slowed down the speed of the barrage.

Although some still commented, it was at least not as frequent as before.

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However, before the commotion could die down, another wave arose. The fans stopped their “thigh-hugging” behavior, and even the teammates in the game, Jiang Song and Xie Yao, ignored them. On the other hand, Mirror, who had been beaten up by his female companion, exploded with anger.

Protect Xiao Bei (Mirror): “What the hell is this? Playing Li Bai is a big deal? What a joke!”

Protect Xiao Bei (Mirror): “Even in Starlight, some people are cheating. Damn it, it’s so frustrating!”

Protect Xiao Bei (Mirror): “Let me tell you, my main account is a Li Bai in the national server, I’m the biggest show-off there.”

Xiao Bei (Yao): “Hey, don’t be angry, dear. They’re obviously cheating. And that Yao, she looks like she has a bad relationship with her husband. She can’t even afford a skin, and her husband didn’t buy her one. Don’t stop to the level of poor and cheating trash~”

Xie Yao, who was not wearing any skins and was using the default skin, suddenly felt insulted. He was like, “?? Excuse me, but did you offend me?”

In reality, Xie Yao didn’t care about their insults. After all, he’s been a regular in the underworld area for years, where the people have a reputation for being rough and tough. Almost every game he played in the underworld area had someone with a decent temperament, and every time he played King of Glory in that area, a summoner would lose their parents.

According to how foul-mouthed the opponent was, he’s probably the only one left in his hometown.

But wait! Insulting him is one thing, but insulting the Wild King’s boss Tian Xiu is even worse!

Xie Yao was already in a bad mood, and now he found a way to vent. He immediately opened up all the chat windows and began to type away.

Bring me a man (Yao): You should chew more peppermint while playing games. It might help clean your mouth, which smells like an old zombie’s insole that hasn’t been washed for centuries!

Bring me a man (Yao): True love means dying together and being buried in two places. I wish you two a hundred years of happiness!

Bring me a man (Yao): You’re the biggest pencil case I’ve ever seen in my life. Do you not get tired carrying all those pens around? And you brag about playing on the Chinese server? Haha, it’s so funny that it could scare your family. My dad has played on the Chinese server more than your ex-girlfriend!

Bring me a man (Yao): And what about the girl on the other team? Do you think you’ll be godlike just because your husband buys you a skin in the game? How many wives has he bought skins for? Unlike him, my husband only buys skins for me.

Bring me a man (Yao): I don’t even want to talk to you. You’re all f*cking idiots.

Xie Yao can curse out haters with just one mouthful. The opposing team was no match for him, and the small couple on the other side probably had their mentality shattered by his insults. After Xie Yao finished his last sentence, the other side promptly surrendered and the crystal exploded.

After venting all his frustrations, Xie Yao felt a sense of relief. All the negative emotions that had been pent up inside him were released through typing. Now, he felt refreshed and clear-headed.

Perhaps sensing the shock of the barrage of insults or the silence of a certain wild boss on his team, Xie Yao felt a bit embarrassed.

“Well… it’s really fun to play support.”


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