Jiang Song let out a low laugh, replied to the little anchor with a question mark, then turned his head and busied himself with his own affairs.

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There was no response from the other side, and he didn’t know if they didn’t see it or what, so he waited for Chen Manager’s call.

Jiang Song answered, “What’s up?”

Chen Manager’s tone was not good, and it was obvious that his mood was extremely poor: “I’ve sent the person back.”

Jiang Song raised his eyebrows, moved his phone aside and glanced at the time, chuckled, “It’s been almost two hours since you said you saw the child, and you only remembered to notify me now?”

With a light snort, Jiang Song said, “Are you getting forgetful in your old age?”

The use of the word “you” couldn’t help but remind Chen Manager of the stinky kid genius, and his mood turned sour again. When he spoke to Jiang Song again, his tone was strange.

“Before picking him up, you said something like ‘he’s different from genius, this kid is very well-behaved, right?'”

Jiang Song made a sound of agreement, sensing the weird tone in Chen Manager’s voice and feeling like laughing: “What’s wrong?”

The child was indeed very well-behaved, but online, he was known for his ability to insult people to the fullest. He looked like a rebellious teenager, so did he offend this guy?

Upon hearing this, Chen Manager was sure that Jiang Song really didn’t know who his well-behaved little friend was, so his tone suddenly became pitying.

“He is genius himself.”

Jiang Song instinctively wanted to laugh, but when he processed what Chen Manager had just said, he gradually straightened his back.

“You mean, he is genius?”

Jiang Song wasn’t angry at all, and he even had a sudden realization.

So it wasn’t the little anchor who was like the old genius, but the old genius had become the little anchor.

Chen Manager made a sound of agreement, his tone indifferent.

“But the child told me he’s only nineteen now.”

Chen Manager immediately had a sour face: “Are you saying that the little brat lied about his age from the beginning?”

The minimum age for kpl players is 16, and he had put a lot of effort into getting 13-year-old genius into the starting lineup back then. But now he just found out that the little brat wasn’t 13, but 12.

Chen Manager was shocked.

Such a young child, and he already knew how to leave home and play professionally.

“You know he’s a streamer now, right?”

Jiang Song was lazy and uninterested: “Yeah.”

“Then why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Chen Manager couldn’t help but question.

Jiang Song smiled: “You were the one who told me that he was genius.”

Chen Manager shut his mouth after that.

After a while, he said, “I’ve watched his livestream videos.” His tone was hard to determine if it was sad or something else.

Jiang Song lifted his eyelids and asked, “Do you want him to go back to playing professionally?”

Chen Manager fell silent for a moment and said, “It’s not possible.”

It was not that he didn’t want to, but it was not possible.

Jiang Song naturally understood what Chen Manager was thinking.

Former genius was indeed a genius. He was young, talented, and had unlimited potential. But all of these were based on being in KPL. Any genius who abandons their best field and doesn’t practice or stay in touch with it will eventually fade away.

Genius was a true genius. He hadn’t been in contact with gaming for so many years, yet his livestreaming skills still surpassed the vast majority of platform hosts.

But it was a pity.

“Genius only started playing King of Glory again in the past two years. His skills have declined significantly, and Wind Shadow is very good. He can’t compare to Wind Shadow now,” Jiang Song said.

SUS, the current mid-lane player Wind Shadow, was once a substitute for genius. Later, he unexpectedly became a starter, but now he has grown enough to be outstanding.

Manager Chen seemed to be smoking and didn’t speak for a while.

“How can he waste his talent like this?” he asked.

“He’s doing well now, and everyone has their own persistence,” Jiang Song looked up.

Manager Chen knew about the past genius, while Jiang Song knew about the present one.

He didn’t know why genius gave up on KPL in the first place, and even for a long time after that, he had no contact with them.

But now the little anchor is quite happy. He has so many fans who are like happy nuts. This can be seen from his two different appearances online and offline. He’s always happy in front of his fans, just like genius before.

Regardless of any unhealed wounds in his heart, at least now he has started to engage with games again, which means that the wounds are almost healed.

Anyway, the little anchor is happy, and that’s what matters.

Jiang Song didn’t ask about the small streamer’s past, nor did he want Manager Chen to dwell on it too much, so he changed the subject.

“When you drove him back, did he ask about me?”

Manager Chen sneered, “He did ask, but not completely.”

Jiang Song chuckled, “What do you mean?”

Manager Chen was very nasty, “He asked about ‘praise’, what does that have to do with you, Jiang Song?”

Jiang Song couldn’t help but laugh.

This kid, he was clearly picked up by his friend, but instead of asking the boss, he asked about ‘praise’.

A loyal fan would say he’s a little ungrateful.

After sleeping for a while, Xie Yao woke up to find that it was already dark outside and the heavy rain had stopped at some point.

He lay in bed for a while, feeling a bit groggy from just waking up. His phone had been ringing constantly, and Xie Yao frowned as he reached over to pick it up and unlock it.

He had sent a message to Zhou Tian before going to sleep, so the person who was constantly messaging him on WeChat now was probably him.

“If it’s not urgent, I’ll kill him,” Xie Yao thought to himself.

But when he opened the WeChat app, it wasn’t Zhou Tian who had been messaging him. Instead, it was the housing manager, Xiao Fang.

Xiao Fang: Hey, are you there?

Xiao Fang: Mengmao Platform sent over a request for a broadcaster mixer, and Wang is asking me to invite you.

Xiao Fang: Do you have time?

Gad: What broadcaster mixer?

Normally, Xiao Fang is afraid that Gad will be very averse to this kind of thing, especially after the incident with Green Rose. So when he doesn’t get a reply at first, he’s worried.

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Now that he’s received a response, he’s finally relieved and his tone is very cheerful.

Xiao Fang: The registration deadline for the live broadcast competition is almost over, and both Shark TV and Mengmao are preparing to warm up some of the broadcasters first. Both sides have selected some potential broadcasters for the mixer, with five broadcasters in five teams. Your name is on the list, and Wang wants me to ask for your opinion.

Gad hesitates.

The infighting among anchors was too intense. When he first started broadcasting and showed some promise, he was accused of cheating by another anchor on the same platform, which nearly ruined his career.

This incident made Xie Yao reluctant to interact too much with other people, but Wang Jie reached out to him during his most difficult time. Xie Yao found it hard to refuse anything that Wang Jie asked of him.

In the end, he agreed to join the group.

Xiao Fang quickly sent him a set of numbers.

Xiao Fang: This is the group chat for the five-person team. The other anchors have already joined. Please join when you have time.

Gad: Okay.

Xie Yao copied the group number and searched for it. After applying to join, Xiao Fang continued to remind him.

Xiao Fang: Have you received your fan’s gifts today? Why don’t you pause the game and do an unboxing during your stream tonight? Everyone is doing it now, and fans love to watch. They’ve been asking for it in your chat room for a while.

Xie Yao didn’t hesitate much: Sure.

Xiao Fang: How about showing your face?

Xiao Fang suddenly made this request, and Xie Yao was taken aback.

Xiao Fang: I told you before that the live streaming competition requires showing your face. Anyway, sooner or later, you have to show your face. Why not take advantage of the opportunity to generate some buzz?

Xiao Fang had already seen Xie Yao’s face on the contract, and he had never seen anyone in real life who could match Xie Yao’s looks.

Even his ID photo, which was not edited, looked so handsome. What would he look like in person?

Showing his face would definitely give Xie Yao’s fans another surge of interest, and he would have a greater advantage in the competition.

Before today, Xie Yao might have refused without hesitation, but now he hesitated for a moment and agreed.

Previously, he didn’t show his face and didn’t use his own account to play the peak and national standard games, all to avoid being detected by sus-related people.

Unexpectedly, his reunion with Manager Chen today disrupted all his plans, so he might as well break the jar.

Both his social media accounts and his live broadcast room were followed by Manager Chen, and there was no way for him to run away.

After receiving Xie Yao’s reply, Xiao Fang was obviously very happy.

“Then it’s settled. Does the camera that Sister Wang sent you still work? You can use it first. If the effect is not good, I’ll look for another one.”

Gad: OK, thank you.

Xiao Fang didn’t mind at all. “It’s just work.”

Before saying goodbye, Xiao Fang also informed Xie Yao of the other streamers’ plans. According to his schedule, since Xie Yao would be doing an unboxing livestream today, they could start playing Five-Player Ranked Games tomorrow, and it didn’t have to be for a long time, just one week.

After agreeing, Xiao Fang went offline.

The two ended their conversation, and Xie Yao stared at his phone, only to realize that Zhou Tian had not sent him any messages today.

This was abnormal because Zhou Tian would usually pester him for a while whenever there was something on his mind. Xie Yao had sent him a ridiculous fanfic earlier, but Zhou Tian had not reacted at all?

Could it be that he had died from staying up too late?

Xie Yao opened Zhou Tian’s chatbox, but it was blank, and the last message was from yesterday.

A bad feeling crept into his heart, and he almost trembled as he switched to the “Brother Jiang” chat window, which had a red dot.

He stared at the fanfic link he had sent and then at the complaint he had made, and suddenly, his vision went black. He had sent the messages to the wrong person!

Xie Yao accidentally sent the fan fiction to another protagonist, what a stupid and suffocating mistake!

Looking at the question mark sent by Brother Jiang, he felt a huge sense of confusion and shock from the other party.

It’s like a silent mockery, and now he feels like he can fly off the earth and change his citizenship.

He hopes that there won’t be any fan fiction in the world in his next life.

Unable to help biting his finger, trembling for a long time and not knowing how to explain, his emotions fluctuate greatly.

Should he… delete the friend and block them?

This young child’s thinking is very extreme, trying to eliminate all sources of social death.

Jiang Song saw the dialogue box of the young anchor, with the words “the other party is typing…” repeatedly appearing and disappearing in the upper left corner, and he couldn’t help but laugh uncontrollably.

For several minutes, Xie Yao was hesitant and speechless. Jiang Song laughed for a while and realized that the little streamer was probably chatting with a friend, and accidentally sent the message to the wrong person. He probably only realized the mistake at this moment, but it was too late to recall.

The appearance of the little streamer was really funny, and Jiang Song had a playful thought in his mind.

Xie Yao struggled for a long time, and his fingernails were almost bitten to the bone. His gaze remained fixed on the “block friend” option, and his eyes were fierce.

But the next moment, this fierceness was scared away by a new message from the boss.

Jiang Song: “Do you want me to find the praised fanfiction for you?”

Xie Yao’s face turned red immediately, and Jiang Song’s smile never disappeared. His face was completely different from its usual seriousness, even his sharp edges had become very soft because of laughter.

How was that phrase used again? “Soft as steel that has been refined and wrapped around a finger.”

Jiang Song was especially soft now.

In fact, he had lied to the small anchor just now, he hadn’t even read the message. However, now that he saw the small anchor typing away, as if trying to prevent him from entering a new world, Jiang Song suddenly became very curious.

So, without hesitation, he clicked on the link. The app redirected to Weibo and showed the original webpage of the post, with a large title at the top. Jiang Song looked at the main text.

As we all know, the new popular live streamer on Direct Broadcasting TV is cute and explosive, always scolding fans and swearing at anyone who crosses his path. He’s invincible except for one person – Boss Jiang.

Boss Jiang is handsome and rich, like a younger version of the CEO Peng Yuyan. Every time he throws money, he’s so handsome that people can’t even close their legs.

On the surface, the two are in a boss-subordinate relationship, but in private, they are contract lovers.

Boss Jiang, looks down at the obedient anchor with his eyes and says lightly, “I’ll give you ten million to be my man.”

“Man, I advise you not to have any illusions. We’re just lovers,” the anchor says with tears in his eyes, forced to accept the ten million and sign a contract.

Then, there are things that cannot be written on Jinjiang (a Chinese online literature platform).

Watching the anchor smile at the photo of the world champion, Jiang sneers, stretches out his long arm, hooks the anchor’s soft waist, and jealousy spreads, “You must remember, you are mine! That p person doesn’t love you at all!”

The anchor struggles stubbornly, “Let me go!”

Jiang’s eyes glint with wickedness as he says, “You can’t escape.”

Almost the entire article was content that couldn’t appear on Jinjiang, only in the flower market.

Jiang Song, who was overwhelmed by the colorful content on the screen, said to himself, “I’m split open.”

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He gasped, wondering if all the kids these days were into such heavy stuff.

He simply couldn’t face the two words “Boss Jiang”!

After closing the Weibo page, Jiang Song deeply felt the seriousness of the situation and sternly cautioned the young anchor.

Jiang Song: “Don’t read this kind of thing in the future. It’s bad for your brain.”

Xie Yao gave up on himself, saying, “Okay.”

The topic was thus passed over, and Jiang Song asked Xie Yao why he wasn’t broadcasting tonight.

Although he knew the reason, he still asked.

Xie Yao was a genius, and Jiang Song only began to feel that now, which was amazing.

Gad: “I’ll be broadcasting, just a little later. I won’t be playing games today.”

Jiang Song thought Xie Yao’s mood would be bad for a long time today, but after seeing his message, he was stunned and then laughed helplessly.

This kid’s ability to withstand and recover is really strong.

Jiang Song: “Okay, I’ll come watch your broadcast later.”

When he returned in the afternoon, Xie Yao couldn’t adjust his mood in time, so he posted a leave note on both the live streaming platform and his Weibo. When he entered the live streaming room at 8 o’clock, only a small number of fans were chatting inside.

The leave note was still hanging there, but Xie Yao didn’t rush to cancel it. He turned his head and installed the webcam he had just found.

When he signed the contract, Wang Jie clearly stated that if he showed his face, he could sign a B-level contract, but if he didn’t, he could only sign a C-level contract. He chose not to show his face.

Although he didn’t show his face, Wang Jie still provided him with a webcam. This one was different from the one that came with his computer. It was said that the one provided by Wang Jie was of a higher quality, 1080p, and super clear.

After Xie Yao installed the webcam, he canceled the leave note. Before the chatting fans could react, he opened the live streaming room and turned on the webcam.

Normally, when he didn’t need to show his face, Xie Yao could speak however he liked, and he didn’t even have to control his expression since no one else could see it. But as soon as he turned on the webcam, his expression immediately became visibly stiff.

Xie Yao awkwardly waved to the camera, “Hello everyone, I’m your talented anchor, Xie, talented anchor Yao Yao.”

Nervousness made Xie Yao almost slip up and reveal his real name.

He was still dressed in all black, with a duckbill cap on his head, pressing down his soft hair.

The fans in the live broadcast room only felt the screen light up, and then a handsome face appeared in the live broadcast room, instantly receiving a barrage of beautifying filters.

Fans: !

Xie Yao is particularly good-looking, the kind of person who can make people feel amazed at first glance in a crowd.

His skin is fair, with double eyelids and light-colored lips. His features are rounded but not lacking in edges, full of the vigor of youth. At first glance, he can even make people smile with ease.

When he faced the camera, he didn’t seem as confident as usual, but rather a bit uneasy, with his lips pursed and his eyes half closed, as if he was embarrassed to look straight into the camera.

Xie Yao appeared in the live broadcast and delivered his opening remarks. The barrage momentarily froze, but erupted into excitement the next second.

: Woccccc! Is this Yaoyao!! Woohoo, it’s so beautiful, it’s so beautiful, it’s so beautiful!!!

: Wow, Yaoyao is amazing!

: What kind of divine beauty is this, I can’t handle it, I’m gonna fall in love, waaahhh!

: Oh my god! Yaoyao looks so young, like a high school student!

: Yaoyao is the best male high school student!

: Waaahh, grandma, your favorite streamer showed his face!

: I can’t believe Yaoyao is this handsome! I can’t take it, I apologize for all the bad words I said about him before!

The fans were so excited to see Xie Yao’s face that they couldn’t stop exclaiming. Xie Yao looked at the screen for a while, but all he could see were compliments about his appearance and nothing else.

Although he had been praised for his looks before, this was the first time he faced so many compliments at once, and he felt his face turning red.

Xie Yao quickly pulled down his duckbill cap to cover his eyes and hurriedly explained, “Tonight, I’m not going to stream games. I’m going to stream unboxing the gifts you guys sent.”

: If we knew you were so handsome, who would send you garlic? I would just pack myself up and send it over!

: Wuwuwu, sister upstairs, add me in! Originally, I was going to send garlic to Xie Yao to eliminate his bad breath, but now I regret it so much, beating my chest and stomping my feet!

: Baby, don’t hide it! I can see that you’re blushing! Listen to mommy’s advice, throw away your hat and show us your little face, slurp!

Xie Yao glanced at the barrage and was immediately blinded, furrowing his eyebrows and wanting to refute them: “You guys, shut up…”

Before he could finish speaking, his audio was muted.

When doing a face reveal stream, you can’t just go around insulting people. Xie Yao was anxious and turned to move the large box over.

The barrage was still rolling rapidly, and even opened a strange lsp mode because he stood up and showed his waistline.

: Xie Yao has a great waist! Hiss haha!

: Why aren’t you talking, baby? Curse at me! Mommy wants to hear you curse!

: Awsl! How can there be such a treasure-like anchor who curses so fiercely, but looks so cute?

: Yaoyao is really dancing crazily on my XP!

The box was big and heavy. After moving it over, Xie Yao simply moved his computer and camera to the ground, adjusted the angle, and sat directly on the ground.

Now, his entire person was within the camera’s range. The barrage almost fainted with excitement.

The camera was very clear, and even Xie Yao’s eyelashes could be seen. He was still a bit uncomfortable with showing his face live, and his face had little expression, but he started to speak.

“The gifts you all sent last time are all in this box. I’ll open it first.”

He lowered his eyes and carefully cut the tape with a knife, afraid of cutting too deep and damaging the items inside.

: I want to swing on baby’s eyelashes three times!

: I want to slide on baby’s nose bridge!

: Baby, you’re not opening a box, you’re opening Mommy’s heart, wuwuwu!

: Can I see you try on the t-shirt I sent when you get to it, baby?

As he turned to look at the barrage, which was far away, he leaned closer to read it. The barrage screamed again.

Ignoring the barrage of rainbow farts, he saw a flash of inquiry about trying on clothes and thought, “Sure.”

There were many gifts in the large box, but they had already been inspected by the company and were neatly categorized inside.

It took Xie Yao ten minutes just to move the items out, but the barrage was now extremely tolerant of his face, either licking or complimenting him, without anyone urging him to hurry up.

This made Xie Yao a little embarrassed.

“Alright, these are the gifts that everyone sent this time. I’ll open them one by one for you to see.”

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Xie Yao dragged over a big box and used a small knife to cut open the tape.

He was still somewhat shy about showing his face, burying it as low as possible and only showing the brim of his hat. He was practically trying to stuff himself into the box.

The packaging of this box was done very well, with layers of tape wrapped around it. Xie Yao spent a long time trying to open it, but when he finally lifted the lid of the box, a bloody eyeball suddenly popped out and hit him in the face.

Xie Yao was startled, and by the time he reacted, the item had already been thrown far away by him.

“Can’t you guys send something normal?” Xie Yao looked at the eyeball rolling around and his tone was filled with anger and fear.

: Wow, gifts can be down-to-earth, but not from the underworld.

: Whoever sent this, come forward and confess, you scared my baby!

: Hey, your mom told you to take off your hat, but you didn’t listen. See? The hat obstructed your view, and you got scared by the spooky gift

Xie Yao had always been afraid of these kinds of scary things. Even this small toy scared him so much that he relaxed a bit.

He decided to take off his hat and throw it aside. He ran his hand through his hair and looked up with half-closed eyes, giving the chat a stern look.

“If you guys ever send me a gift like this again, I won’t livestream for a whole month,” he threatened his fans mercilessly.

The chat begged for mercy.

: Waaah, my mom won’t allow it!

: I can’t take it anymore. Yaoyao’s hair flip is killing me! My blood gauge is empty!

: I can’t believe how cool Yaoyao is! Waaah!

: Yaoyao, you’re the best! Please keep streaming forever!

Threatened by the barrage comments, Xie Yao opened the next box. Luckily, most fans had innocent thoughts and didn’t intentionally scare him. Many of the items that came out of the boxes were stuffed animals, including rabbits, teddy bears, pigs, Pikachu, etc. Over a dozen of them came out and none of them were the same.

Xie Yao neatly placed these stuffed animals around him, forming a circle. He sat in the middle, just like a prince in a fairy tale surrounded by small animals, and his beauty score went off the charts at -999!

Later on, he opened a black cat ear headband and was confused about what to do with it. He looked expressionless at the barrage comments in the live stream and said, “Why did you send me this? I’m not a girl.”

: Baby, boys can also wear it!

: You said you would try it out when you got the stuff, so hurry up and try it on for me!

: Who is this sister so amazing! Cat-ear boy yyds!

Upon seeing the item, Xie Yao immediately made a face like a grumpy old man staring at his phone on the subway, with all his features scrunched up in disgust. He reluctantly put it on his head.

The barrage: Blood bar depleted, I’m dead!

Xie Yao carefully opened each gift, including fan-made drawings and letters. After reading them, he sincerely thanked his fans while still wearing the cat ears on his head.

The scene was too sad and exciting, and the barrage was already dead.

In addition to the usual dolls, letters, and handmade items, there were also piles of snacks, several pieces of clothing, and various styles of accessories.

There were also some abnormal items.

Before the mysterious black sheer material items that looked like pants but not quite, and socks but not quite, called “black silk” arrived, Xie Yao could still endure the gifts from his fans. However, he was amazed by the degree of perversion displayed by these fans when he opened the packages.

He turned his head with a skeptical look and asked them seriously, “Are you guys perverts?”

Sending leg hair, garlic, and even steamed buns that had already dried out and become brittle was bad enough, but now they were sending black silk? It was outrageous!

But these fans showed him that there was no limit to their perversion, only that it could get even more extreme.

After he finished berating them, he opened the next package. When he opened the box, he was blinded by the bright pink plaid skirt inside.

He choked, pulling the item out from the package. It was a white shirt, plaid skirt, small bow tie, and a pair of white knee-high stockings, a standard schoolgirl uniform.

Xie Yao took out his phone, emotionless, and said to the tens of thousands of viewers in the live chat, “Hey, police? A group of perverts has invaded my live stream. I hope the police can come and take them away. Thank you very much.”

“Seriously,” Xie Yao sneered, “you should go fawn over someone else. I can’t handle your love.”

: If you said that when you were still hiding your face, I would have backed off immediately. But now? No way!

: How dare you speak like that! Don’t insult the love of your fans.

: Wuwuwu, angry baby looks even better!

These fans were just too brazen and Xie Yao couldn’t take it anymore.

He stopped unboxing and sat on the ground, engaging in a half-hour long argument with the barrage of comments, shouting until his throat was dry. Even Xiao P, who was sleeping soundly, was woken up by the noise.


Xiao P meowed discontentedly and crawled out of his bed, small but fierce. It quickly jumped onto Xie Yao’s lap and swatted at his hands, looking very aggressive and fierce.

Xie Yao’s heart nearly stopped in that moment.

He held the fierce four-legged beast with one hand, trapping it in his armpit and picking it up, angrily scolding it: “Do you have any conscience? How dare you shout at your dad and be so unruly in the nest!”

The fans had long known about Xiao P, the little guy who often crawled onto Xie Yao’s legs while he played games, with a fierce and clingy personality.

This time, many people brought gifts for it.

Jiang Song saw this scene when he entered the live stream room.

The room was not the usual familiar sound and game screen when it opened, but a boy and a cat.

The boy, wearing a black short T-shirt, was particularly handsome, with a pair of round cat ears on his head, a pure black choker around his neck, and a small golden bell hanging in the center.

The boy held a small kitten with bared teeth and claws, smiling so much that his eyes curved like crescent moons.

The special effect of topping the list when entering the live stream room was impossible to ignore, and the barrage was clamoring that the boss had finally arrived. Xie Yao instinctively held the cat and looked at the screen with his eyes half-closed, looking more like a proud little black cat.

Xie Yao and Xiao P played around for a while, causing his messy bangs to stick up and reveal a red mole on his forehead. Suddenly, Jiang Song was reminded of when they first met seven years ago. It was in the middle of the night, and the child was drinking milk by the refrigerator when he turned and made eye contact with Jiang Song, who had gotten up to use the bathroom.

The child was not as tall as Jiang Song’s shoulder, and he could only see the red mole on his forehead when he looked up.

“I am the young man here, and you are the moonlight in the sky.”

Jiang Song’s fingers couldn’t help but curl up slightly, his Adam’s apple rolling as his gaze wandered back and forth between Xie Yao’s red mole and his eyes.

“Why are you dressed like that?” he asked when he opened his mouth. The words he typed in the chat were completely casual.

Xie Yao saw it and suddenly felt very embarrassed. He quickly put Xiao P down and took off the cat ear headband from his head, placing it on a fan’s head.

“I’m doing an unboxing stream today, and they made me dress like this. I couldn’t refuse.”

Now that he has turned on his camera and revealed his face, being exposed like this in front of his boss is like a public execution, extremely embarrassing and shameful, it’s like a social anxiety person’s hell.

Xie Yao’s face becomes increasingly stiff, with the barrage of comments flooding in, while the boss has been silent for a long time.

He has no expression on his face, his fists are clenched!

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Just as Xie Yao is about to explode and is about to have another showdown with his fans, Jiang Song, who has been absent for several minutes, speaks up.

“It looks pretty good.”

With just three short words, Xie Yao is stunned, and his face turns red.

: Fuck, did my baby eat spicy food??

: Is he acting flirtatiously? Why is his face so red?

: Upstairs got it wrong! He has a fever!!!

: Are you guys stupid? It’s obviously blushing! Fans of the Jiang-Song CP are almost fainting with joy!”

: kswlkswl! Quick, get me a respirator!

In the end, the one who saved Xie Yao was the now well-behaved Xiao P.

The tiny four-legged beast had somehow made its way to the computer and its furry cat face filled the camera view. Then Xiao P grabbed the camera and the whole picture shook. Xie Yao reached out and caught it just in time, facing Xiao P’s unhappy meows of complaint. He forcefully changed the subject.

“Just now we received a lot of gifts from fans for Xiao P, including some clothes. Now that he’s not asleep, let’s try them on him.”

As he spoke, he took out a pet skirt and put it on Xiao P.

Xiao P had a fiery personality and a quick temper, but it suddenly quieted down when Xie Yao started fussing with it, obediently lifting its paws and looking very docile.

“Have you eaten dinner?” Jiang Song asked as a matter of course.

Xie Yao obediently replied, “Not yet.”

“At this hour and you haven’t eaten yet?” Jiang Song immediately took out his phone and said, “I’ll order takeout now.”

“Don’t eat too spicy or greasy at night,” Jiang Song advised.

“Okay, then I’ll just order some porridge,” Xie Yao said.

“Will that be enough? Will you wake up hungry in the middle of the night?” Jiang Song asked.

“No, even if I do, I have instant noodles at home,” Xie Yao replied.

“But you should also eat less instant noodles,” Jiang Song reminded.

“Okay,” Xie Yao agreed.

Silent onlookers of fans:

: I shouldn’t be in the car, I should be under the car.

: When did they become so gay and affectionate towards each other?

: Hahaha, the celebration of CP fans!

: I can’t handle it, they’re too sweet, wah wah wah!

: I didn’t ship this CP before, but they’re just too sweet, wah wah wah!

: I thought the boss was a cold type, turns out he’s a doting type.

: I thought the baby was a wolf type, turns out he’s a cat type.


At this moment, a very abrupt question mark appears among the barrage of CP fans.

After returning to the hotel, Manager Chen received a notification that Xie Yao had started his live broadcast. He clicked into the broadcast with a heavy heart and was confused by the unique style of the barrage.

He wanted to ask what was going on, but no one paid attention to him. The difficult gaming live stream he had imagined had inexplicably turned into a cute pet live stream.

Manager Chen couldn’t help but doubt himself: did he accidentally enter the wrong live stream?

He exited and re-entered the live stream, but the style was still the same. After watching for a while, he finally figured out what was going on. However, the overly gay style of the barrage angered his conservative father.

In a fit of rage, Manager Chen didn’t express his dissatisfaction in the barrage, but instead, with a heavy heart, opened the private message from user 4958021.

“Hello, do you know that kidnapping minors is illegal?”

Received a private message from Jiang Song “?”

He didn’t know who this idiot was and couldn’t be bothered to reply, so he just blocked and reported the account.

Jiang Song had spent a lot of money on Shark TV, so the report message from the high-level VIP was immediately accepted by customer service, and the account was promptly banned.

When he tried to send another message, he found out that he had been blocked and banned, and Manager Chen exclaimed, “Damn it!”

He quickly switched to another account registered with his other phone number, then lurked in the live broadcast room and captured the key information —

That perverted man was the number one in Stinky Boy’s live room!

Manager Chen immediately looked at the tipping list and sneered.

What kind of kid was he, daring to imitate online dating for just 150,000 yuan?

Afraid that his own Stinky Boy had succumbed to the perverted man’s lewdness due to financial difficulties, Manager Chen quickly recharged and then tipped 200,000 yuan!

Since he was refused when he offered to lend the kid money, he might as well do it this way.

While chatting with the boss and waiting for their takeout, Xie Yao turned his head and saw gift effects scrolling one after another on the bullet screen.

Xie Yao was confused.

: He’s done it again, he’s encountered a local tyrant?

In the blink of an eye, the user called “Online Love Pinching Horse.” had already donated two hundred thousand yuan, and Xie Yao gradually came out of his daze, then was shocked.

He belatedly expressed his gratitude, “Thank you, Online Love Pinching Horse. boss, for the donation… um, are you over eighteen?”

Furious Manager Chen retorted, “Are you over eighteen? You learn from others about online relationships and waste your days away!”

Online Love Pinching Horse replied, “It’s just 150,000 yuan, I’ll give you 200,000 yuan, hurry up and turn off the camera!”

Online Love Pinching Horse continued, “You’re playing a game and still have the camera on, how unprofessional!”

Manager Chen was extremely angry because he didn’t know that the perverted man liked pretty young boys. Xie Yao was stunned and didn’t know what to do.

Then, the next moment, user 4958021 donated another hundred thousand yuan, surpassing Online Love Pinching Horse and returning to the top of the rankings.

Jiang Song asked, “Who are you?”

Author’s note:

“I am the youth of this place, and you are the bright moonlight in the sky, from a poem by Pu Zi Cun, please do not copy without permission.”

Manager Chen: “I wish I could kill you, you perverted man!”


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