The barrage has been flooded with exclamation marks. Jiang Song didn’t turn on the blocking feature, so all you could see on the little anchor’s face in the live broadcast were the drifting exclamation marks, and you couldn’t even see the person clearly.

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He clicked his tongue and opened the live stream settings on his computer, setting the blocking level to 9, and then the frenzy of the barrage stopped.

After the shock, the fans started to praise them with rainbow farts.

: What’s going on? My blood suddenly boiled. I can take on five opponents at once!

: Jiang boss and Ah Zai’s cooperation is amazing. It’s just awesome.

: Oh my god, it’s so amazing. I’m going to burst into flames!

: I declare them the strongest combination in history!

: Jiang Yao is the best!! (hoarse voice!!!)

: This kind of tacit understanding, I wouldn’t believe it if you said you guys didn’t have something special.

In the game, getting a pentakill not only excited the fans, but also his teammates.

After wiping out the enemy team, they also took down the Storm Dragon King, but it felt like it didn’t matter much now because the enemy was already all wiped out.

The jungler: 666!!!

Ling Feng: Impressive, YaoYao bro. You got a pentakill, hahaha.

The most excited was Ma Chao.

Ma Chao: Is this the national server’s Gong Sun Li? So amazing, big bro, you’ll definitely explode in popularity if you start a livestream!!

Ma Chao: Oh my god, it’s so amazing, I don’t even know how to praise you!

Ma Chao: Can I add you as a friend? I’ll give you all sorts of rainbow farts!

This guy still believed that Xie Yao was the national server’s Gong Sun Li, and Xie Yao almost laughed out loud.

They quickly pushed the minion waves to the high ground, destroyed the crystal, and Xie Yao pressed the voice chat button.

“Brothers, let’s go for it!”

The next moment, the crystal exploded and they won the game.


: Damn it, he tricked us again!

: Damn it, he tricked us again!

: Damn it, he tricked us again!

On the MVP screen, the little rabbit girl is wearing a pretty short skirt, holding an umbrella, and has a pair of rabbit ears on her head, making her look extremely cute.

After exiting the results page, Xie Yao praises Jiang Song, “Brother Jiang, you’re such a pro support player, finally, I get to meet someone else’s support.”

Jiang Song raises his eyebrows nonchalantly, “Now, I’m your support player.”

This sentence directly causes Xie Yao and the barrage to explode together.

: I declare that you two are getting married on the spot!

: This can’t end without a wedding.

: Jiang boss is really good, he must have read a lot of fanfics in private, right?

: I brought the Civil Affairs Bureau here, I’ll pay nine yuan, all you have to do is take a photo.

: Mom is very pleased, mom agrees to this marriage!

Xie Yao pursed his lips, and his ears and face began to blush little by little. He instinctively wanted to pull down his cap, but he missed and failed to do so.

Looking up, he saw the tiger and wolf words in the barrage, including the term “fan fiction”, which reminded Xie Yao of the incident where he accidentally sent it to Jiang Song before. So he lowered his head even more.

Seeing Xie Yao’s embarrassment, Jiang Song secretly laughed and then spoke to ease the situation.

“I’m starting another game.”

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After speaking, he immediately started matching.

Ling Feng took the opportunity to try to start a conversation, “I didn’t expect Boss and Yao Yao to have such a good relationship haha, it’s different from other streamer’s bosses.”

But no one paid attention to him.

Playing games can cure all awkwardness. After entering the game, Xie Yao’s embarrassment disappeared, and he started killing everyone easily, whether it was on any lane, and even taking the mid lane with ease.

Their combination with Jiang Song was a straight-up “royal flush”, rampaging through the Canyon and killing without blinking an eye.

Without saying a word, at the appointed time, Xie Yao greeted his audience and ended the broadcast, canceling the usual post-game chat segment.

After the broadcast ended, Xie Yao suddenly realized his heart was racing and his face was hot. He even drank two glasses of water, but it didn’t cool him down.

After washing up, Xie Yao hurriedly said goodnight to Jiang Song and even before waiting for a response, he collapsed on the bed with a Pikachu plushie that his fans had given him, covering his face and falling asleep immediately.

Over the next two days, Xie Yao continued to play with Jiang Song and Ling Feng in a three-player team, but Ling Feng’s presence became increasingly irrelevant. Not only could he not join in their conversations, but even in the game, they stuck together, leaving Ling Feng as just an extra player.

Xie Yao had not intended to treat Ling Feng this way until the second day of their gaming session when Jiang Song privately told him that Ling Feng had been privately messaging him on the SharkTV backstage platform, trying to get close to him and openly showing his intention to sabotage Xie Yao’s position in the team. That’s when Xie Yao became fed up with Ling Feng.

It’s important to know that Xie Yao and Zhou Tian have known each other for many years, and their relationship is more like “father and son,” often referring to each other in those terms.

They are similar in some ways, but also different.

Xie Yao scrolled up through their chat history.

An hour ago, he sent a video clip edited by a fan of their “CP” (couple pairing) to Jiang Song.

Below that, he commented that the fan’s editing skills were questionable because what they saw was completely different from what he, as the main character, saw.

Jiang Song agreed and laughed, saying that the content was indeed ridiculous, and the fan even photoshopped their marriage certificate.

Now he felt comfortable sending these kinds of things to Jiang Song because a few days ago, Jiang Song had sent him a bunch of fanfictions about him and “Praise,” their team’s support player.

Xie Yao didn’t know that Jiang Song had paid someone to write those stories, and he was pleasantly surprised for a long time.

After that, sending these kinds of things to each other became more and more natural, and their conversations began to expand into other topics.

“Warm water boiling a frog”, that’s exactly what’s happening to Xie Yao, he’s the frog being boiled, but he hasn’t realized it yet.

At this moment, a flash of insight suddenly came to him, he felt that something was wrong, but his thoughts were immediately interrupted by a message from Jiang Song.

As soon as the WeChat notification sounded, a message from Jiang Song popped up in the chat box.

It was a picture, and Xie Yao clicked on it to see that it contained his phone number and address, with his name listed as “Yao Yao.”

Jiang Song had asked for his phone number and address a few days ago, but not his name. When Xie Yao asked why, Jiang Song had said that he would tell Xie Yao his name when he was ready.

Xie Yao’s curiosity was immediately piqued, so he asked him.

Gad: Brother Jiang, what did you send me?

The “typing” icon appeared for a moment, and then Jiang Song replied instantly.

Jiang Song: A trophy.

The two words “trophy” immediately reminded Xie Yao of the trophy that Praise had won in his first world championship, which Jiang Song had mentioned several times before. He was stunned for a moment.

Gad: Is it really Praise’s trophy?

Jiang Song: Yes, I sent it to you.

Xie Yao’s heart raced, but he felt guilty and uneasy.

Gad: I really don’t need it. This thing is too valuable!

Jiang Song wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“I’ve had this trophy with me for many years, and to be honest, it doesn’t mean much to me anymore. You like it, so I’m giving it to you. That’s the most meaningful thing I can think of for it.”

Although the words sounded strange, after Jiang Song persuaded him a couple more times, Xie Yao, who was already on the verge of exploding, shamefully wavered.

Gad: Then you can send it to me for safekeeping, and I’ll take care of it for you. When you change your mind, I’ll return it to you.

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Knowing that the little streamer was thin-skinned, Jiang Song didn’t push it and agreed to his words.

Xie Yao then told Jiang Song that he would be playing a five-man team game tonight.

Jiang Song replied, “You told me this morning. It’s alright, I’ll just watch your livestream. I have work to do tonight anyway.”

In fact, Jiang Song had compressed all of his work during the day and finished it in a rush, even though he knew he couldn’t play games in the evening. However, he still wanted to watch the livestream without any distractions.

Xie Yao suggested, “If you find it too noisy, just turn it off. There will be many people using the microphone during the game, and it might affect your work if it gets too loud.”

Jiang Song agreed, but he didn’t actually do it.

The five-man team consisted of two cute cat-themed streamers named “Zhu Lang” and “Yue Miao”, as well as Xie Yao, “Yu Jian”, “Ling Feng”. Yue Miao was the only female member of the team.

Zhu Lang was skilled at playing jungle, Yue Miao was good at playing marksman, Yu Jian excelled at playing support, while Ling Feng and Xie Yao were mid-laners.

Although they were all on the same team, there was still a sense of competition between them, especially as they were all preparing for the upcoming tournament. Of course, the one who had the most MVPs and attracted the most attention would be the winner.

If Ling Feng had behaved himself and not offended Xie Yao a few days ago, Xie Yao would probably still be willing to give up mid lane when he livestreamed. But now? Dream on!

It was time, Xie Yao started his livestream on time. He greeted the audience briefly as he logged into the game, and he poured cold water on fans who wanted to see him and Jiang Boss have some alone time in the chat.

: Forget about duo queue, we’re doing five-man tonight.

: Jiang Boss won’t be there for five-man either, forget about it.

: You’re a streamer, and I’m a streamer too? Whose stream do we listen to?

: Hey babe, you’re so cool, I love it.

: No more candy between Jiang Boss and Yao Yao tonight, my mood is -999!

: Alright, watch your words. There are too many streamers tonight, we’re bound to lose some messages.

: Your streamer only has a few fans, help me accumulate some good karma.

Xie Yao jokingly reminded the chat not to complain too much. As soon as he went live, he received an invitation from a friend on his list, and as soon as he joined the voice chat, it was already bustling with activity.

“Hey, Princess Yao Yao is here, let’s get started!”

On the first floor is the female streamer Yue Miao. When everyone was present, she proposed to start the game, and Xie Yao and others agreed. Yue Miao clicked on the matchmaking button. Xie Yao explained to the barrage, “I’m excluded from this 5-player team. They all use alternate accounts, and their ranks are generally in the King II or III tier.”

“Why didn’t I use an alternate account? Because other’s alternate accounts are King-ranked but with lower stars, while my alternate account is Platinum.”

“Give your favorite streamer some face.”

Everyone in the voice chat was talking in their respective channels. Yue Miao heard Xie Yao’s words and immediately laughed out loud.

“Hey, you’re really funny. Do your fans usually roast you?”

“They can’t win against me,” Xie Yao said lazily.

“Hahaha, you’re so funny,” Yue Miao laughed again.

“Okay, okay, let’s start the game. What are you all playing?” A voice interrupted Xie Yao and Yue Miao’s conversation.

Xie Yao saw that it was Zhu Lang from Meng Mao TV.

Everyone else had already reported which lanes they usually play in. When it was Xie Yao’s turn, he simply said, “I only play mages, and I’m not good at other lanes.”

As soon as he spoke, he blocked Ling Feng’s path directly, and in the end Ling Feng said, “I can do it.”

Zhu Lang immediately agreed, “Then let’s go with that tonight.”

In just a few short seconds, without even finishing banning heroes, Xie Yao had already figured out the personalities of these several anchors.

Zhu Lang was competitive, Yue Miao was lively, and Ling Feng was experienced.

Xie Yao had no particular obsession with being dominant, so he just followed Zhu Lang’s lead.

What he said was one thing, but whether Xie Yao listened or not was another matter.

In addition, it seemed that Zhu Lang was a bit interested in Yue Miao, with four out of ten of his comments throughout the queue process involving her. When it came time to queue, he often threw out topics for her.

But Yue Miao clearly wasn’t very interested in him and just kept laughing and playing along.

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Xie Yao didn’t feel like talking to them, so he temporarily muted himself and chatted with his fans. He was on the fifth floor and hadn’t looked much at the screen after banning heroes.

It wasn’t until Jiang Song reminded him in the barrage to check the opponent’s lineup that Xie Yao looked up and immediately frowned.

At this point, the opposite team had already chosen three heroes: Ignis, Jhin, and Lian Po. On their side, they had Valhein, Lee Sin, and Minotaur.

Xie Yao turned on his microphone and asked, “Why didn’t we ban Da Qiao?”

Zhu Lang immediately responded, “Encounter said he wanted to play Da Qiao, so we didn’t ban her.”

Xie Yao looked at Minotaur and asked, “Then why didn’t we pick him?”

Feeling questioned, Zhu Lang was a little unhappy and said, “I asked him to switch to a hard support.”

Fans in Xie Yao’s live broadcast room heard the context and explained it to him.

: The female anchor said Encounter plays Da Qiao very well and that Da Qiao’s new skin is beautiful. Zhu Lang spoke up and asked Encounter to switch heroes.

: I think Zhu Lang is just jealous and has a narrow mindset.

Xie Yao took a deep breath, somewhat puzzled, “Haven’t you guys watched KPL before?”

“So what if we have?”

“Lu Ban, Zhuge Liang, and Liang Po are the strongest lineup of this season along with Gong Sun Li and Da Qiao. SUS used this lineup to crush their opponents, and in ranked games, Da Qiao is a must-pick hero, not to be banned.

Zhu Lang sneered, “Even if we give them Da Qiao and Gong Sunli, they may not be able to perform well in our five-man team. I don’t know what you are shouting about.”

In the end, Xie Yao chose Diao Chan and felt very troubled. The five-man team’s failure rate was already high, and the opponents they matched with must also be a five-man team. They could create new accounts, so why couldn’t their opponents?

Moreover, Jiang Song reminded him, there must be something they needed to pay attention to.

Jiang Song knew the situation well. The opponents they ran into were none other than SUS and their group who were playing for entertainment on new accounts. However, they didn’t strictly adhere to their team positions this game. The jungler played ADC, the support played jungle, the top laner played support, and only the mid-laner remained as an assassin.

However, they still could not underestimate them.

Champion teams are at a level that even casual players cannot reach.

After entering the game, Niu Mo helped Xie Yao to steal the enemy’s jungle monsters at level 1. The opponent Ignis was left alone without any assistance.

Igni’s early game clear speed was at a disadvantage, and Xie Yao had not yet felt any pressure for the time being

On the other side, Zhu Lang was obviously still bothered by Xie Yao’s words before the game and kept chattering. He even taunted the opponent’s Zhuge Liang.

The support player from team SUS smiled. He is skilled in support and mage positions and has some experience in other roles, but he is not top-notch. His Jungler is roughly at the level of a live streamer, but he rarely plays Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang was clearing the jungle in the red zone and ran towards the mid lane after reaching level 4. He instinctively placed a ward, took a step forward, and immediately retreated when he saw a Niu Mo jump out of the grass in the mid lane. Luckily, his skills were off cooldown.

Zhuge Liang didn’t want to start a fight and turned around to leave.

Zhu Lang was almost driven crazy in the brush.

“Why was your ability on cooldown? And that Zhuge Liang ran away!”

Yu Jian shook his head, “This Zhuge Liang is quite something, he seems to have strong awareness.”

The champion team is at a level that even casual players cannot reach even in entertainment games.

After entering the game, Niu Mo helped Xie Yao grab the line at level one, while the enemy Zhuge Liang was alone with no support.

Huo Wu’s early game wave-clearing speed was inferior, and Xie Yao hadn’t felt the pressure for the time being.

At this time, a kill message came from the mid lane.

“First blood!”

Diao Chan solo killed Huo Wu, and Yue Miao immediately laughed, “Awesome.”

Xie Yao raised his eyebrows, “But Huo Wu was stuck and didn’t move.”

Otherwise, it would have been Xie Yao who almost died. He glanced at his own health, and Diao Chan’s health bar above had only a small half left.

Zhu Lang stopped talking in the voice chat.

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In a little while, Xie Yao saw him send a message to the entire team.

Li Bai: “Why is the enemy Zhuge Liang so cowardly? Can’t he fight?”

Yue Miao frowned, “What are you doing?”

Zhu Lang snorted, “I just can’t stand cowards. Don’t worry, this Zhuge Liang is very bad, he doesn’t dare to fight me.”

On the other side, in SUS base, the SUS team playing Five Rush immediately exploded.

“Damn it, we messed up and let them off the hook. We were just being nice, but this guy still wants revenge?”

Xiao Xiao stared at the screen in disbelief.

“A hundred, I know that mage. He’s a Shark TV anchor!”

“You guys wait for me, I’m going to check it out.”

He entered the grass and teleported back to the city, switching to the app to enter Xie Yao’s live broadcast. When he came back, he clicked his tongue a few times, “Wow, these anchors are playing Five Rush too. When I entered, that Li Bai was still cursing Xiao Xiao as bad in the voice chat.”

Xiao Xiao immediately became angry and threw his phone into the hands of the person next to him, snatching it back and forth before giving it back to everyone. “Neng won’t let that anchor get away with it!”

“I’ll support, don’t bother with the minions, just beat that Li Bai to death!”

“SUS official team, this Li Bai is lucky to die.”

Smile is the youngest member in the team, and everyone has always taken care of him for fun. If he doesn’t want to eat the minions, then he won’t. Letting off steam is the most important thing.

Xie Yao met with Huo Wu, who had played with him intensely before, but suddenly retreated and joined the other players on the opposite side. They were like wild horses, pressing Li Bai repeatedly on the ground.

This continued for three times, until Xie Yao and his team pushed the minions to the high ground. Li Bai had cursed and used all sorts of dirty words before dying six times, and then the other team finally stopped.

Everyone was speechless.

What was most surprising was that even when the opposing team’s economy was low by five thousand, they could still counter-attack Xie Yao’s team.

Soon, it was Xie Yao’s team that was pushed to the high ground.

Xie Yao’s forehead remained furrowed from beginning to end.

In this game, he had a score of 4-2 and unexpectedly became the MVP, indicating how strong the opposing team was.

It wasn’t until this moment that Xie Yao confirmed his suspicion and let out a sigh of relief, “We met a professional player.”

Other people: ???

The other lanes collapsed too quickly, and Xie Yao in the middle lane couldn’t hold on. In the end, he was left alone to fight five opponents. When he almost managed to eliminate two of them, the opposing Lu Ban used his ultimate move, and Xie Yao was controlled, falling from the sky and dying directly.

Xie Yao: F***.

The game ended, and in the next few games, Xie Yao never turned on his microphone again. He simply locked in a mage character and carried his team in the middle lane until the end of the live broadcast. He won the MVP award the most times.

Xie Yao immediately ended his livestream and opened WeChat. He sent a message to Jiang Song, “I don’t want to play with anyone in a five-player match for the rest of my life.”

Jiang Song replied in seconds, “Are you feeling bad?”

Xie Yao: “It would be strange if I felt good. I encounter idiots every day.”

Jiang Song laughed, “Check out your husband’s Weibo.”

Xie Yao took two seconds to react, then realized that his husband was referring to Praise.

He immediately blushed and explained that he was only joking. Then, he clicked on Praise’s Weibo page.

The page showed that the latest update was posted two minutes ago.

The update was a video of a game of King of Glory. The caption was “This is the result of bullying kids.”

Xie Yao was stunned. He clicked on the video and saw that Praise was using Diao Chan to mercilessly kill Lian Po with the name of Yi Bai. He did this repeatedly.

Thump, thump…

It was the sound of a heartbeat.


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