A pinnacle tournament gathered five players from the Chinese server, including Praise, who even has the Blood Rain and Butcher skin. This immediately caused a surge in the live streaming traffic of several SharkTV King of Glory anchors!

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Xie Yao already knew from the barrage which anchors were involved in the collision. Besides Praise, Xie Yao also knew someone he was familiar with, Meet.

In this match, Xie Yao happened to be matched against the opponent with the ID “Xiaohe”, who mainly played mage heroes in the side lanes.

: I would like to call this match a battle of the gods.

: Yao Yao should win, after all, he has Praise on his team. If he loses, then…

: Not necessarily. The play styles of ordinary players, anchors, and professional players are different. Although the opponent only has two players from the Chinese server, the other three seem to be anchors. This means they are better than the other two players on Yao Yao’s team, and there is still a chance to win.

: Besides, Praise is too strong, but one person can’t carry the whole team. Nowadays, those who can keep up with Praise’s gameplay are probably already in the e-sports circle.

There were various opinions in the barrage, but after Xie Yao found out who was on both sides, he directly closed the barrage.

In order to ensure fairness, it was forbidden to screen peek between the players involved in this collision. Closing the barrage can also prevent fans from double-crossing and reporting the situation to their favorite streamer.

This is also an unwritten rule.

This game is related to the final attribution of the position of the first server in China. Similarly, because the live competition is approaching, almost all the streamers present have signed up for the competition, which is a great opportunity to increase their popularity.

Although Xie Yao couldn’t see the barrage, he was certain that both sides would take the game seriously and try to win the MVP.

Xie Yao didn’t really care if he won or not, but Praise must win.

Those who follow esports know that Praise chose to retire at the peak of his career, with glory and honor on his shoulders. Even though he did not continue to participate in esports after retirement, he is still a god in the hearts of esports fans.

Gods cannot descend from their altars, so Praise must win the MVP, and no one else can take it.

But this game will be difficult.

No one on the other side is a fool, and Praise is the most difficult opponent for Xie Yao’s team. All firepower will be concentrated on him.

Xie Yao couldn’t help but clench his phone tightly.

“I’ll play jungle this game,” Jiang Song suddenly spoke up on the mic.

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His voice was very distinctive, like a cello suddenly crashing into your ear on a spring day, and each word seemed to be pulling on the strings with a bow.

The trembling strings were like the slight palpitations that came from Xie Yao’s heart.

Xie Yao’s ears always turned red easily, and as soon as Jiang Song spoke, his earlobes uncontrollably turned bright red.

Recognizing who had spoken, Xie Yao nodded in agreement. “Master, just take the jungle role.”

The two non-professional players on their side were purely spectators, and they also turned off their microphones when they saw what was happening. Fortunately, the preferred lanes of the group did not conflict, so everything was good.

Xie Yao’s palms were sweaty. He put his phone on the table and wiped his hands with a tissue. When he returned to the game, he saw that the opponents had banned two jungle heroes: Jing and Lan, both of which were heroes that Praise had used to dominate the game in his retirement match.

The opponents were indeed targeting Praise.

Although Xie Yao knew that this was all basic strategy, and that he would have done the same thing if he were on the opposing team, he still frowned.

“They banned both jungle roles,” he said through the microphone.

Originally, Xie Yao wanted to call Praise by his name, but he felt that it was impolite to do so directly. Calling him “Brother Jiang” sounded strange, and other forms of address were even more inappropriate. He skipped over addressing him altogether.

Jiang Song smiled. Although the small streamer didn’t specifically mention who he was talking to, Jiang Song knew that he was being cared for.

Jiang Song replied nonchalantly, “Let it be. I’m invincible.”

Xie Yao felt relieved.

But Praise’s fans were left confused, with question marks all over their heads. Their perplexed expressions were almost penetrating the screen and aimed straight at Jiang Song’s face.

: Has it started raining red in the sky? You actually laughed again!!

: I can’t take it anymore. Am I in big trouble? I actually saw Hades laugh twice in a short period of time!

: Are you laughing at that broadcaster? What kind of trickery do you guys have???

: You’re gay, aren’t you? This confirms it!!

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Jiang Song couldn’t see the barrage of comments because he had turned off the barrage switch as soon as he entered the game.

The opposing team banned all three jungle positions, but with Praise’s words from earlier as a foundation, Xie Yao wasn’t worried this time. He was in the fourth pick position and had to wait until most of the heroes were selected before his turn came. Then it was Jiang Song’s turn, who immediately locked in Luna.

Luna is also a strong jungle hero with a relatively complete system. Her skills require strong operation and high proficiency, and the coherence of each skill is also important, especially her ultimate. Luna’s ultimate can shuttle back and forth between marked targets and cause explosive damage.

Luna’s skill marker is a small crescent moon, and her ultimate is called “Infinite Moonlit Connection”. As long as the player’s operation keeps up, they can definitely rack up kills.

Praise rarely uses Luna in professional matches, and the opponent’s ban does not usually target her. Xie Yao also didn’t expect to use this hero.

Luna is a typical assassin and has the same weakness as other assassins: vulnerability to crowd control.

Unfortunately, the opponent’s mid-laner, Xiao Qiao, support Zhang Liang, and marksman Hou Yi, all have crowd control skills, but fortunately only Zhang Liang has absolute control.

When it was Xie Yao’s turn to choose a hero, he hesitated a bit. He was considering whether to pick a mage that could better protect himself, given the opponent’s many control skills, but he also wanted to keep Praise’s MVP status.

Jiang Song could guess what Xie Yao was thinking and said directly, “Just pick whatever you want. I’ll carry you this game.”

Xie Yao paused for a moment, his ears turning slightly red. He bit his lip and finally chose Shangguan Wan Er, an assassin mage.

Shangguan Wan Er is a mage assassin who can use her first and second skills to create a trajectory and stack up to five successive movements with her ultimate, jumping high into the air to deal damage and maintain invincibility, allowing her to make long-range kills.

Each of Shangguan Wan Er’s movements can cause damage to enemy heroes along her path. If she can execute all five movements on an enemy hero, she can instantly kill them even without using her ultimate attack in mid-air.

The two camps are Shangguan Wan’er, Luna, Guiguzi, Marco Polo, and Tachibana Ukyo, who will fight against Xiao Qiao, Yao, Zhang Liang, Hou Yi, and Kai.

The game countdown ended, and the loading screen appeared with the hero posters of both sides arranged in two rows.

Xie Yao took a moment to touch his ear.

I don’t know if it’s his illusion or not, but the tone and voice of what Praise just said is very similar to what he said to Jiang ge earlier.

“Help me check the blue.”

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After entering the game, Jiang Song signaled to the blue area, and Xie Yao immediately came back to his senses, assisting Guiguzi to help the mage grab the line, and then help to check the blue in the jungle.

However, the opposite side obviously did not have the courage to invade Praise’s jungle, and Luna smoothly reached level 4.

If Xiao Qiao on the opposite side does not have any accidents, it should be Xiao He. Both side’s supports are helping the mage grab the line, but they obviously encountered someone who is more skilled.

Guiguzi directly used his second skill to drag the troops to the same position, and Xie Yao directly collected the troops, taking the lead to reach level 4.

At this time, Xiao Qiao was just within Xie Yao’s attack range. Although he couldn’t be killed, Xie Yao dodged Xiao Qiao’s fan with his footwork, directly stacked his first and second skills to complete the first damage, and then followed up with his ultimate, crushing Xiao Qiao after three displacement moves and forcing him to flash.

Xie Yao’s displacement still had two moves left, and the skill did not break because of this. At this time, because of his targeting of Xiao Qiao just now, Shangguan Wan’er was very close to the opposite defense tower.

Suddenly, the enemy jungler came out of the grass.

“Watch my sword!”

Yao used his sword to move towards Shangguan Wan’er’s face, but Xie Yao was well prepared.

After four or five moves, he directly avoided the follow-up attacks, and then used his ultimate to easily return to his own defense tower with invincibility.

The opposite jungler did not get the kill, and obviously was not willing to leave. He lingered in the middle of the road, waiting for an opportunity to kill Shangguan Wan’er who had no skills left.

“If you don’t want to leave, then don’t.”

Jiang Song laughed, and then his first skill suddenly opened up a mark, using the troops to stack it. His second skill caught Yao off guard, and then his ultimate kept shuttling.

In almost an instant, Yao’s health bar was only one-third left. At this time, after Yao’s counterattack failed, he wanted to use his skill to leave, but was suddenly controlled by Guiguzi who appeared from the side!

“First blood!”

Luna kills Yao!

“Amazing!” Yao’s eyes brightened, but he felt a little embarrassed after he spoke.

“You’re not bad yourself,” Jiang Song laughed.

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Yao’s eyes brightened again.

After helping his teammate leave, Yao cleared two waves of minions in the mid lane. During the process, he was targeted by the enemy’s mid lane support and jungle, but he managed to dodge all of their attacks, not even needing to use his flash.

It wasn’t until this moment that Yao suddenly realized that he had made a wrong assumption at the beginning.

“They banned heroes just to limit Praise’s performance, but the real target in this game… is me.”

They wanted to play to their strengths and avoid their weaknesses by allowing Praise to develop, but they also wanted to open up the other two lanes, with Yao being the first target.

If the mage couldn’t develop properly, the other two laners wouldn’t pose a big threat. Even if the jungler did develop well, they couldn’t take on all five opponents.

Yao and Jiang Song both understood the opponent’s strategy.

It was a good plan.

Yao: But you’re the jungler.

Jiang Song: But you’re the mid laner.

They both blurted out at the same time, then froze for half a second.

Yao almost instantly turned red, while Jiang Song laughed again on the microphone.

Jiang Song: “Thanks for the compliment.”

“…No need.”

It was a good plan, but obviously, it could only work against ordinary streamers. Yao and Praise could never fall into the category of “ordinary.”

If they played along with the opponent’s plan, they would surely lose.

If they couldn’t catch Yao in the early game and allowed Jiang Song to develop, attacking from both sides, then if Yao and his team still lost this game, it would be because the opponent was cheating.


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