Ever since discovering that the person he was talking to was “praise”, Xie Yao would subconsciously interpret Jiang Song’s words over and over again, afraid that this guy might have some identity that he didn’t know about. If that were to happen again, he wouldn’t be able to handle it.

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Xie Yao glanced at the chat box, staring at Jiang Song’s last sentence with a complicated expression.

It was already shocking enough to find out that Jiang Song was “praise”, and from the way he was talking, could it be that Cat’s Claw also had some close relationship with him?

This question only appeared in Xie Yao’s mind for a second, and he quickly turned it from a question mark into a period.

With “praise” as his identity in front, even if Jiang Song were to say that he was the big boss behind Cat’s Claw now, Xie Yao might not find it strange.

Jiang Song asked very seriously, repeatedly asking several times, and it didn’t seem like a joke, but rather like he really wanted to recruit him into Cat’s Claw.

In fact, Xie Yao didn’t have much sense of belonging to SharkTV.

Outsiders didn’t know, but he was in it and could see everything clearly.

There were too many insiders at SharkTV, and the high-level executives were arbitrary and decisive. Once a decision was made, small streamers like him had no choice but to obey, just like with the previous Five Rows.

Xie Yao had refused the follow-up arrangements for the Five Rows at the time, which had already given the high-level executives in charge of him a bad impression, and had also offended the backer of a certain insider.

A few days ago, Xiao Fang had approached Xie Yao to talk about his expiring contract, which in their view, was to offer him a B-level contract.

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Although it looked much better than his previous C-level contract, in reality, with Xie Yao’s almost three million followers now, this B-level contract was something he should rightfully have gotten.

However, from the high-level decision that Xiao Fang relayed that day, it was clear that they thought even a B-level contract was giving him too much credit.

Xie Yao had never wanted to show his face at first. If it weren’t for the fact that this competition could earn him the prize money for an A-level contract, he wouldn’t have exposed himself in front of the camera so early.

He had originally had some expectations for the competition, but now it was obvious that he couldn’t go down that road anymore.

Approaching the crucial point of promotion, the high-level executives of SharkTV actually wanted to tie him down with a B-level contract, cutting off his path to an A-level contract if he succeeded.

It was hard to believe that there was no shady business going on, SharkTV’s behavior was just too ugly.

Thinking of all this, Xie Yao’s face didn’t look good.

He had been silent for a little too long, and Jiang Song on the other side obviously wouldn’t give up without an answer, and asked again.

Jiang Song: have you been moved?

He stayed silent for a little too long. It was clear that Jiang Song wouldn’t give up easily without an answer. So he asked again.

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Jiang Song: How about it? Are you interested?

Jiang Song: I’m not joking. Shark TV isn’t right for you. If you want to come to Cat’s Claw, I can send you the contract tomorrow.

Jiang Song wasn’t exaggerating when he said this. He had already prepared a contract for Xie Yao when he first had the idea to poach him. It had just been sitting in his drawer, waiting for the right time to approach Xie Yao.

Xie Yao came back to himself and saw the message from Jiang Song, and his heart skipped a beat.

Gad: Thanks, Brother Jiang. But I need to think about it some more.

Xie Yao had thought it over and, based on the current situation, he knew that staying at Shark TV would only hold him back. Although Cat’s Claw was a new platform, anyone with a brain knew its potential was huge, especially with Jiang Song pushing him to go.

He wanted to go, just not right now.

His contract with Shark TV wouldn’t expire for another two months. By then, the World Championship would be over, and the Anchor Competition would have long since ended.

Xie Yao wasn’t being arrogant, he just knew he was good enough to be in the top three of the competition. He wanted to jump ship with his ranking, which would give him enough publicity and attention.

After all, there were so many anchors at Cat’s Claw that he was just another nobody. He needed to have enough talent and skill to not waste Jiang Song’s efforts on him.

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Xie Yao had a lot to consider, but he didn’t say anything. After all, it was a long story to tell. He just told Jiang Song that he needed to think about it some more.

But for Jiang Song, it was a done deal. He was in a good mood: “Then it’s settled. I’ll send you the contract tomorrow.”

Xie Yao: ?!

Gad: No, my contract with Shark TV isn’t over yet. Even if you send it to me, I can’t sign it right now.

Jiang Song: I’ll send it to you, and you can sign it whenever you’re ready.

Jiang Song’s tone was not to be disputed.

Xie Yao’s expression was complex.

Helpless, he said, “Then, thank you, Brother Jiang”

Jiang Song’s lips curled up on the other end of the screen.


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And then, in the blink of an eye, September had arrived.

The King of Glory live competition went very smoothly, and Xie Yao almost encountered no obstacles on his way to the finals, where he even managed to maintain second place at the beginning of the final week.

During this time, his number of fans skyrocketed to a staggering 3.6 million.

Apart from Xie Yao’s exceptional skills, his good looks also played a significant role in his success. Hardly anyone could say anything bad about his face.

The last gamer who looked this handsome while playing was praise, who was popular among the audience as well.

In addition, Xie Yao owes his success to praise, who was not only his acquaintance but also a close friend. Praise would stream for a whole week and hang out in Xie Yao’s live broadcast room every day, acting as his commentator and helping to direct traffic towards Xie Yao’s channel.

While Xie Yao’s fans were happy about his success, they also felt a sense of crisis, especially the Jiang Yao CP fans.

After all, since Xie Yao joined the competition, Jiang Boss seemed to have disappeared, and he had not appeared for a long time.

Xie Yao’s popularity continued to soar during the competition, and he encountered some unfriendly competitors. Some haters made snarky comments and tried to undermine his reputation, but praise shut them down.

Despite their gratitude, the Jiang Yao CP fans could not help but feel jealous of the “friendship” between Xie Yao and praise, which seemed to them like they were celebrating New Year’s Day every day.

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